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Communications of the ACM



From Computational Complexity

President Regan (not Reagan)

Whose name (in firstname lastname form) appeared most often in the pages of Newsweek in the 1970's? Is it---? Richard Nixon Gerald Ford Jimmy Carter Ken Regan...

Snap! by Lectora
From The Eponymous Pickle

Snap! by Lectora

Announced today, a $99 package Snap! by Lectora, a rapid development elearning environment that is an add-in to Powerpoint.    I was particularly impressed by the...

Elliott Masie Speaks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Elliott Masie Speaks

At the Trivantis Lectora 2011 Users conference today learning expert and futurist Elliott Masie spoke about the rapidly changing world of learning. First time I...

Ads Moving to Online Video
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ads Moving to Online Video

In Clickz: Consumer package goods dollars are continuing to move to online video from TV.  " ... Brand advertisers are continuing to divert ad spend away from broadcast...

Visa Digital Wallet
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visa Digital Wallet

Visa Advances a one click digital wallet.

Taking small steps toward personalized search
From Geeking with Greg

Taking small steps toward personalized search

Some very useful lessons in this work in a recent WSDM 2011 conference, "Personalizing Web Search using Long Term Browsing History" (PDF).First, they focused on...

Has the Cybersecurity Logjam Broke?
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Has the Cybersecurity Logjam Broke?

Congress has been making noise about passing comprehensive cybersecurity legislation for most of the last two years, prompted in part by the Obama Administration's...

Teaching How to Think Computationally
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Teaching How to Think Computationally

One of my three main objectives for this year's "Introduction to Computers for Arts and Social Sciences" course is to teach the class how to think computationally...

Blogger Hiccups
From The Eponymous Pickle

Blogger Hiccups

Blogger has been down for over 24 hours.  Google is working on it and I can post again, but it seems posts from yesterday have still not been restored.  Please...

ARF Releases Neuromarketing Review
From The Eponymous Pickle

ARF Releases Neuromarketing Review

Have been looking forward to this: ARF Reveals Results from Neuromarketing ReviewUS

Interview with Me About the Sony Hack
From Schneier on Security

Interview with Me About the Sony Hack

These are what I get for giving interviews when I'm in a bad mood. For the record, I think Sony did a terrible job with its customers' security. I also think...

University Computer Science Faculty Blogs
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

University Computer Science Faculty Blogs

I read a lot of blogs. Perhaps too many. But there are a few blogs I could not do without. I thought I might do a series of recommendations on different types of...

Needing to Be Vigilant About Gender Issues
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Needing to Be Vigilant About Gender Issues

Having women in the department is just step one. But then there is the issue of how teaching assignments are distributed. There I was, idly looking over my department's...

? Wormtongue
From Wild WebMink

? Wormtongue

As Glyn Moody discussed yesterday, the Business Software Alliance (BSA) annual report on “piracy” is out. I hate that usage – the word “piracy” refers to about...

? A Chain Of Cause And Effect
From Wild WebMink

? A Chain Of Cause And Effect

Overinstaller Awareness Day Excellent and insightful comments from SSRC on the BSA’s as-poor-as-you’d-expect 2010 report. I just hope that there are legislators...

Air Force Seeking
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Air Force Seeking

The Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) has announced a new funding opportunity in “transformational computing for aerospace science and engineering”...

Drugging People and Then Robbing Them
From Schneier on Security

Drugging People and Then Robbing Them

This is a pretty scary criminal tactic from Turkey. Burglars dress up as doctors, and ring doorbells handing out pills under some pretense or another. They're...

CS PostDoc Numbers Surge Again, Recent Data Show
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CS PostDoc Numbers Surge Again, Recent Data Show

The Computing Research Association recently published the results of its annual Taulbee Survey, and the numbers of PostDocs rose to record levels, continuing a...

From Computational Complexity

President Regan (not Reagan)

Whose name (in firstname lastname form) appeared most often in the pages of Newsweek in the 1970's? Is it---? Richard Nixon Gerald Ford Jimmy Carter Ken Regan...

What Can You Do With What You Know?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

What Can You Do With What You Know?

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