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Payday Timing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Payday Timing

Roger Dooley posts: Walmart CEO confirms Payday Timing Effect.  Was thought to be common knowledge, but had never seen a specific 'proof' of the effect.  Though...

EmPower Background
From The Eponymous Pickle

EmPower Background

Recently I had a meeting with EmPower, custom market and media intelligence services company.  Here is an overview of their background and services.

Kevin Emmons EKR Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kevin Emmons EKR Blog

Newly discovered blog by Kevin Emmons that covers, among other things, neuromarketing. Most recently: Android Phones Using Neuromarketing, where he talks about...

Where Do Female Computer Scientists Come From
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Where Do Female Computer Scientists Come From

As someone who is mildly addicted to statistics and who has a degree in Sociology (really) I found this article in Fast Company very interesting on several levels...

? Abuses
From Wild WebMink

? Abuses

Barnes & Noble Charges Microsoft with Misusing Patents to Further an Anticompetitive Scheme Against Android Barnes and Noble’s strongly-worded response to Microsoft’s...

The Cyberwar Arms Race
From Schneier on Security

The Cyberwar Arms Race

Good paper: "Loving the Cyber Bomb? The Dangers of Threat Inflation in Cybersecurity Policy," by Jerry Brito and Tate Watkins. Over the past two years there has...

The Case Against Double-blind Peer Review
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The Case Against Double-blind Peer Review

Many scientific journals use double-blind peer review. That is, the authors submit their work in a way that cannot be traced back to them. Meanwhile, the authors...

Open Access Book: Ubiquitous Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Access Book: Ubiquitous Computing

We already live in a world where there is ubiquitous computing. Yet there are many complex challenges to combine,  direct and have ubiquitous computing ideas link...

Problem Solving For All Times
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Problem Solving For All Times

I am not a carpenter. I know carpenters. One of my friends and co-workers is a well-trained restoration carpenter. The work he has done in his own house is to drool...

The Consumer Still Needs to be Touched
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Consumer Still Needs to be Touched

The sense of touch is nicely brought up in this interview with Estee Lauder.  While vision is by far the most important sense interacted with in the computer age...

Tumblr disappeared me
From Apophenia

Tumblr disappeared me

People wonder why I have control issues. I refuse to use third party email services because I’m terrified of being locked out of my account (as I was when Yahoo...

Social Solidarity as an Effect of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
From Schneier on Security

Social Solidarity as an Effect of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

It's standard sociological theory that a group experiences social solidarity in response to external conflict. This paper studies the phenomenon in the Unitednew...

The Retailer: Supply Chain's Last Mile: Workshop May 6
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Retailer: Supply Chain's Last Mile: Workshop May 6

Reminder: The event is free, but you MUST preregister to attend. Please RSVP to [email protected] to preregister.The Department of Operations & Business Analytics...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog


Are you working on a really exciting research project? Do you have a cool finding? Well, how about making a short video describing it — and getting paid in the...

From Computational Complexity

Don't Blame the Tech

Short Announcements: STOC Poster Submission Deadline is Monday. Jaime Morgenstern set up a google groups page for students to find roommates for STOC, FCRC andTechnology...

History of the Internet Talk
From The Eponymous Pickle

History of the Internet Talk

20th Annual E. Leonard Arnoff Memorial Lecture (Repost) on the Practice of Management Science

Making Work Visible
From The Eponymous Pickle

Making Work Visible

New book that looks to be of interest.  There seems to have been somewhat less interest in ethonographic research lately after a flurry of interest in the early...

Finding Experts
From The Eponymous Pickle

Finding Experts

In the ACM: It's Who You know    Search algorithm designers have in recent years worked out ways for computers to identify experts in any particular area of knowledge...

New MIT Media Lab Director Interview
From The Eponymous Pickle

New MIT Media Lab Director Interview

We were part of the media lab for a few years and I led a number of tours through the facility.   It was good to hear of the changes.  Anything that could bring...

Cell Tower in a Suitcase
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cell Tower in a Suitcase

AT&T has started to sell what is being called a 'cell tower in a suitcase'.  At a cost of between  $15-45K, plus monthly fees. We examined something similar for...
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