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Communications of the ACM



Advisors and Publications
From My Biased Coin

Advisors and Publications

There have been several interesting comments regarding the student/advisor relationship on my previous posts (here, here, and here) on co-authorship.  It's clearly...

Not All Women's Groups Are Harmful
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Not All Women's Groups Are Harmful

After reading Hilary Mason's Stop talking, start coding article, I was thinking about writing a reaction. It slipped my mind until Terri Oda wrote her piece Women...

links for 2010-04-20
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-04-20

Women to blame for earthquakes, says Iran cleric If you are in any doubt about the size of the cultural gulf that separates societies on this planet, read and weep...

From Computational Complexity

Life without Flying

A reminder that registration for all three Cambridge conferences are now live: STOC (early registration deadline April 30), Complexity (May 3) and Electronic...

The Effectiveness of Political Assassinations
From Schneier on Security

The Effectiveness of Political Assassinations

This is an excellent read: I wouldn't have believed you if you'd told me 20 years ago that America would someday be routinely firing missiles into countries it

Transition for display industry
From Putting People First

Transition for display industry

Interesting, this point of view from the Samsung Economic Research Institute: “As demand for CRT display devices winds down and the penetration rates of TVs and...

How do older people use e-mail?
From Putting People First

How do older people use e-mail?

Researchers at the Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Spain have studied how older people interact and use email in their daily life. The study, conducted by Sergio...

Emerging-market consumers are hard to reach
From Putting People First

Emerging-market consumers are hard to reach

The Economist explores the topic of consumer research in emerging markets: “Emerging markets are far more varied and volatile than mature ones. There is little...

Librarians in the Information Age
From The Eponymous Pickle

Librarians in the Information Age

A few days back I posted about the US Library of Congress saving all Tweets. I just came upon a book: This Book is Overdue ... by Marilyn Johnson. Which covers...

Lego and Adidas with  Augmented Reality Packaging
From The Eponymous Pickle

Lego and Adidas with Augmented Reality Packaging

An interesting example of Lego using extended packaging to excite potential buyers, partnering with Metaio, see also, related work with Adidas. 'LEGO Group Brings...

Should Harvard's Intro CS Class Do Away with Grades
From My Biased Coin

Should Harvard's Intro CS Class Do Away with Grades

There's been discussions of late on the possibility of offering our intro CS class in two flavors -- a "graded" and "SAT/UNSAT" version.  (Same class, just twoVolatile...

God as a Mathematician
From The Eponymous Pickle

God as a Mathematician

Herman Wouk on God as a mathematician. Is it, as Wouk suggests: The Language God Talks ... "? . More on writer Herman Wouk.-

Low Cost Winners
From The Eponymous Pickle

Low Cost Winners

In Harvard Business: The Secret Sauce of Low Cost Winners. " ... it is a culture that is "proud to be cheap" in good times and bad. Their people cut erasers...

Qui, Quae, Quora
From The Noisy Channel

Qui, Quae, Quora

A friend of mine at Quora invited me into their private beta a couple of weeks ago, and by now I suspect that many of you are using it–especially since I’ve somehow...

Lt. Gen. Alexander and the U.S. Cyber Command
From Schneier on Security

Lt. Gen. Alexander and the U.S. Cyber Command

Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, the current Director of NSA, has been nominated to head the US Cyber Command. Last week Alexander appeared before the Senate Armed Services...

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of April 19
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of April 19

April 21 Hearing: The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on cybercrime and identity theft. This was previously scheduled for April 8. 10 a.m., 226...

Tennessee Moving Forward on CSTA Chapter
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Tennessee Moving Forward on CSTA Chapter

Tennessee is talking! Well, at least in a very small corner of Tennessee, Chattanooga to be precise, the community of Computer Science Educators is beginning to...

Guest Post : Justin Thaler/New Paper
From My Biased Coin

Guest Post : Justin Thaler/New Paper

I'm happy to introduce Justin Thaler, a first-year graduate student at Harvard that I'm advising.  You can find out more about Justin at his home page.  Justin"Streaming...

Ubiquitous service design
From Putting People First

Ubiquitous service design

Peter Morville (pictured) and Jeffery Callender, who recently released the book

From Computational Complexity

Is Guessing a good idea?

The following is from an Ask Marilyn Column. I paraphrase this since its from memory. READER'S LETTER: I have heard of exams where you are penalized for guessing...
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