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Newsletters for Computer Science Teachers
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Newsletters for Computer Science Teachers

Maybe you are the sort who likes their news to come on paper. Or perhaps you just like your news in regularly scheduled chunks. Perhaps you like someone to do gathering...

Debunking the Idea of Digital Natives
From Putting People First

Debunking the Idea of Digital Natives

The Economist questions whether it is really helpful to talk about a new generation of “digital natives” who have grown up with the internet. “Writing in the British...

Cowed Through DNS
From CERIAS Blog

Cowed Through DNS

May 2010 will mark the 4th aniversary of our collective cowing by spammers, malware authors and botnet operators. In 2006, spammers squashed Blue Frog. They made...

From Putting People First


Over the last five years experience design consultancy Experientia has grown from new beginnings to a vibrant company with a large portfolio. To showcase our latest...

Lessons on Active Learning
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Lessons on Active Learning

On 2/18/2010 I went to a talk on getting students involved in classes even if there are 200 of them in the class. It was about active learning, and not surprisingly...

Congratulations to David Johnson, Knuth Prize Winner
From My Biased Coin

Congratulations to David Johnson, Knuth Prize Winner

I'm pleased to hear that David Johnson has won the Knuth Prize for "his contributions to theoretical and experimental analysis of algorithms."  David has done a...

From Computational Complexity

Can The Hill Cipher ever be used?

Alice and Bob want to sent a message so that even if Eve intercepts it, she cannot tell what it is. We will allow Alice and Bob a short private meeting to exchange...

Implications of Mobile in Retail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Implications of Mobile in Retail

Have been members of the non-profit GS1 for many years, download their new excellent 34-page paper on Mobile retail. Also had a conversation with Joe Horwood today...

An Update on Google Knol
From The Eponymous Pickle

An Update on Google Knol

Around now since 2007, Google's Knol was described as a Wikipedia killer, but has seen little commentary for some time. I was surprised to see this article which...

Tom Engelhardt on Fear on Terrorism
From Schneier on Security

Tom Engelhardt on Fear on Terrorism

Nice essay. Similar sentiment from Newsweek.

Changing environmental behaviour
From Putting People First

Changing environmental behaviour

Brook Lyndhurst, an independent research and strategy consultancy, based in London, UK, works on projects that are concerned with understanding, promoting and delivering...

What does it mean to be a computer geek?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

What does it mean to be a computer geek?

Well Barbie has a new career as a computer engineer. She looks pretty cool in her Binary patterned blouse, Bluetooth headset, net book and PDA. Well there is that...

Who the heck got Universities into the email business?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Who the heck got Universities into the email business?

My current employer, UQAM, refuses to allow email forwarding. Students would rather forward their emails to their existing GMail accounts, for example. And the...

From Computational Complexity

Knuth Prize for 2009: David Johnson

Dave Johnson Won the KNUTH PRIZE for 2009: click here I can't add much to the article linked to except to say that it is well deserved. The Wikipedia entry...

Mobile Apps Changing Retail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mobile Apps Changing Retail

A good set of examples in Adage of smartphone Apps that could change retail. Nice breadth of examples, all worth a look, though I would add others. There is still...

UK innovation policy should refocus on customers
From Putting People First

UK innovation policy should refocus on customers

UK Government innovation policy should be refocused to reflect the crucial role played by customers in stimulating and funding the development of new hi-tech companies...

Teaching Bloom Filters
From My Biased Coin

Teaching Bloom Filters

As I finished my lecture today for my undergraduate algorithms and data structures course, after spending about half an hour explaining Bloom filters and what they...

What Facebook will Reveal about You
From The Eponymous Pickle

What Facebook will Reveal about You

I used to advise people in the early days of the Web about the dangers of revealing too much online. Things have gone far beyond those early days, but it is always...

Digital Coupon Use Beats Newspapers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Coupon Use Beats Newspapers

In Mediapost an intriguing post that further confirms the advance of the digital coupon. ' ... says the report, redemption values on its digital offering outstripped...

Apps for the Army Challenge
From The Eponymous Pickle

Apps for the Army Challenge

I worked for the DOD at the Pentagon years ago, they were a very innovative group, its good to see this kind of collaborative work going on. On Apps for the Army...
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