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Interview with a Nigerian Internet Scammer
From Schneier on Security

Interview with a Nigerian Internet Scammer

Really interesting reading. Scam-Detective: How did you find victims for your scams? John: First you need to understand how the gangs work. At the bottom are...

Cell Phone Wallets
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cell Phone Wallets

In Forbes: Smart phones as payment systems. Considerable implications because smartphone acting as a wallet is also a communications device at the point of sale...

links for 2010-02-11
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-02-11

Copyrights and wrongs While Matthew's discussion is good (and the links are very useful), he misses the key point: that communities...

Programming Contests
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Programming Contests

In various contexts the subject of programming contests has come up in conversations I have been having with both teachers and friends in industry. There are, to...

FOSS Workshop Kicks Off: Day 1
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

FOSS Workshop Kicks Off: Day 1

Forty-five people met today in Newport Beach, CA for the first day of a three-day workshop supported by the CCC on Free/Open Source Software.

From Apophenia


Please ignore…

Google Buzz in Use
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Buzz in Use

I am now signed into Google Buzz and understand generally how it works. I have also attached this blog to Buzz to see how that works. It also integrates location...

Open Sourcing your software hurts your competitiveness as a researcher?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Open Sourcing your software hurts your competitiveness as a researcher?

Almost all software I write for my research is open sourced. Some fellow researcher argued today that I risk reducing the gap between and my pursuers. Similarly...

Overcome Media Fragmentation with Next-Generation Marketing Planning Tools
From The Eponymous Pickle

Overcome Media Fragmentation with Next-Generation Marketing Planning Tools

Upcoming webinar of interest, given on March 18, 2010, click through for more information, times and registration:Program: Consumer Goods Technology webCONNECTIONseries...

Terrorists Prohibited from Using iTunes
From Schneier on Security

Terrorists Prohibited from Using iTunes

The iTunes Store Terms and Conditions prohibits it: Notice, as I read this clause not only are terrorists -- or at least those on terrorist watch lists -- prohibited...

SNCR Research Briefing
From The Eponymous Pickle

SNCR Research Briefing

' ... Please join the Society for New Communications Research, Middleberg Communications and Marketwire for a complimentary research briefing on February 25thRegister...

On Poka-Yoke
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Poka-Yoke

We often spoke about Poka-Yoke in the enterprise. Also known as fail-safing. Designing the process so it is impossible or much harder to make big errors. Despite...

The future of reading
From Putting People First

The future of reading

Josh Quittner of Fortune Magazine reflects on how tables will change magazines, books and newspapers. “In fact, for the past year I’ve been pushing the theory that...

From Computational Complexity

STOC and More

The Snows of Maryland are keeping Bill away from this blog again. Here in Chicago we deal with snow (and even earthquakes) in stride--my kids still have yet toaccepted...

Dahlia Lithwick on Terrorism Derangement Syndrome
From Schneier on Security

Dahlia Lithwick on Terrorism Derangement Syndrome

In Slate.

? Testing Times
From Wild WebMink

? Testing Times

Freedom In the Cloud: Software Freedom, Privacy, and Security for Web 2.0 and Cloud Computing See/hear Eben Moglen's useful discussion...

Small Basic 0.8 Now with Silverlight
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Small Basic 0.8 Now with Silverlight

There is a new version of Small Basic out this week. More details about it on the Small Basic blog but briefly: This release features: Addition...

Dan Ariely: hidden forces that shape our decisions
From Putting People First

Dan Ariely: hidden forces that shape our decisions

In an interview on the website of Forbes India, the renowned behavioural economist Dan Ariely talks about some of the hidden forces that shape our decisions. “For...

Some ditch social networks to reclaim time, privacy
From Putting People First

Some ditch social networks to reclaim time, privacy

As the social networking train gathers momentum, some riders are getting off. USA Today reports. “Their reasons run the gamut from being besieged by online “friends”...

Reflecting on the Interaction10 conference
From Putting People First

Reflecting on the Interaction10 conference

Both Jon Kolko (frog design) and Rob Tannen (Bresslergroup) reflect on their experience at the Interaction10 conference that took place last weekend in Savannah...
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