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More Sensing
From The Eponymous Pickle

More Sensing

Introduction of attachable NFC/RFID reader for the IPhone. Yet another smart phone sensing example. And speculation that next generation IPhones will include NFC...

Verizon Hub
From The Eponymous Pickle

Verizon Hub

A wireless VOIP Hub phone.Have now seen a number of ads for the Verizon Hub phone. It has now been around for a while. A phone that provides central family functionality...

Social Media Impact
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Media Impact

Good piece on SNCR research on social media and decision making. The Post emphasises the professional use and collaboration using social media. Some useful statistics...

An AI Takeover
From The Eponymous Pickle

An AI Takeover

In Foresight: A view of the different levels of intelligence that would be required to take over from the intelligence of humans. Our own exploration of AI was...

How Smart are Islamic Terrorists?
From Schneier on Security

How Smart are Islamic Terrorists?

Organizational Learning and Islamic Militancy (May 2009) was written by Michael Kenney for the U.S. Department of Justice. It's long: 146 pages. From the executive...

CS Unplugged: Image Representation and Searching Algorithms
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

CS Unplugged: Image Representation and Searching Algorithms

When I did some computer science outreach in the summer for the Girls @ Virtual Ventures camp, I promised them that if they came back for the weekend clubs in the...

Coke Global Social Media Push
From The Eponymous Pickle

Coke Global Social Media Push

In AdAge: Behind Coca-Cola's Biggest Social-Media Push YetHow Expedition 206's Global Search for Happiness Came Together ... Coca-Cola is gearing up for its largest...

From Computational Complexity

FOCS Videos

As I tweeted yesterday, the videos of talks from the 2009 FOCS conference are now online. Thanks to FOCS PC chair Daniel Spielman and Georgia Tech's ARC Centercollected...

Job Advice?
From My Biased Coin

Job Advice?

Not for me, thank goodness. A very talented graduating senior (who may or may not be Harvard...) has obtained a number of job offers, and asked me if I had any...

Report on Service Design Network conference 2009
From Putting People First

Report on Service Design Network conference 2009

Lucy Kimbell, who is a Clark Fellow in Design Leadership at Sa

Book: Prototyping, a practitioner
From Putting People First

Book: Prototyping, a practitioner

Prototyping A Practitioner’s Guide to Prototyping By Todd Zaki Warfel Rosenfeld Media, November 2009 Available in paperback and digital package (1-933820-21-7),...

Quantum Ghost Imaging
From Schneier on Security

Quantum Ghost Imaging

This is cool: Ghost imaging is a technique that allows a high-resolution camera to produce an image of an object that the camera itself cannot see. It uses two...

links for 2009-11-18
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-11-18

Inventing a Better Patent System While these proposed reforms of the US system are to be welcomed, they fail to address - or even acknowledge -...

Exploring Explortatory Search
From The Noisy Channel

Exploring Explortatory Search

Google’s recently released Image Swirl is slick. But I’ve been struggling to figure out whether it’s useful or simply a showcase for cool technology.

Call for Descriptions: Online Safety Programs
From Apophenia

Call for Descriptions: Online Safety Programs

The Risky Behaviors and Online Safety track of the Youth and Media Policy Working Group Initiative at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University...

IPhone as Sensing Platform
From The Eponymous Pickle

IPhone as Sensing Platform

The IPhone positioned as a version of the Tricorder, a universal information gathering device that can connect the right data to the right analytical methods that...

Bing Takes Some Searchers from Yahoo
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bing Takes Some Searchers from Yahoo

Not unexpected. Like I have said I have found Bing to be a usefully different search method. No doubt that Google has huge inertia, but Bing has shown some useful...

SAS Visual Data Discovery
From The Eponymous Pickle

SAS Visual Data Discovery

We did some very early work for executive suite discovery applications using SAS graph. More about what SAS has today in data discovery. Now this application reminded...

Linkedin Connects with Twitter
From The Eponymous Pickle

Linkedin Connects with Twitter

Linkedin has now connected with Twitter, apparently to pick up to some of that high volume of Twitter traffic. By giving Linkedin your Twitter ID you can have your...

Secret Knock Lock
From Schneier on Security

Secret Knock Lock

Door lock that opens if you tap a particular rhythm.  
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