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Communications of the ACM



Interactive Table for Environment Center
From The Eponymous Pickle

Interactive Table for Environment Center

John Curran, long-time correspondent, has sent along pictures of some excellent work that his company MCosm did at the Dupont Environmental Education Center, which...

Need a Roomate for a Conference?
From Computational Complexity

Need a Roomate for a Conference?

(Guest Post by Dave Doty pointing to a blog by ***SORELLE*** which points to a roomate finding service for conferences.)   Sorelle has announced a new roommate...

ISMAR09: Workshop on Handheld Augmented Reality Games
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

ISMAR09: Workshop on Handheld Augmented Reality Games

This was a great workshop given by Blair MacIntyre from Georgia Tech on mobile augmented reality games. I got a lot out of it, from being reminded of some solid...

More of Web Searchable
From The Eponymous Pickle

More of Web Searchable

In an ongoing progression, more of the web has become searchable. Google has announced that Twitter updates will soon be added to search results. How will theya...

Congress Declares Computer Science Week!
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Congress Declares Computer Science Week!

Computer science education reform is going to come in fits and starts working on issues from the top down (national media, federal policy, etc.) and the bottomComputer...

James Bamford on the NSA
From Schneier on Security

James Bamford on the NSA

James Bamford -- author of The Shadow Factory: The NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America writes about the NSA's new data center in Utah as he reviews another...

Ontologies Explained
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ontologies Explained

Ontology is one of those words that you do not hear in common parlance. As a result it often gets a blank stare if you dare to use it in management meetings. Ihas...

Open Access is the Short-Sighted Fight
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Open Access is the Short-Sighted Fight

My colleague Stevan Harnad thinks it is silly to boycott for-profit journals. My ex-colleague Stephen Downes admits to being a boycotter, but he claims not to be...

links for 2009-10-22
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-10-22

Groklaw - Reasons I Believe the Community Should Support the Oracle-Sun Deal Another unexpected position that is wellworth reading and which I'm...

The mad dash toward touch technology
From Putting People First

The mad dash toward touch technology

True innovators need to know as much about when, why, and how not to use trendy technology as when to use it, says Microsoft Research principal scientist Bill Buxton...

Human behavior: the key to future tech developments
From Putting People First

Human behavior: the key to future tech developments

As trained observers of how people in a society live, ethnographers can help companies figure out what people need and then work with designers to meet those needs...

On security, programming, privacy, and
From Putting People First

On security, programming, privacy, and

Three articles in the latest issue of Communications of the ACM are quite relevant for the readers of this blog: Usable security: how to get it Why does your computer...

A Week For Computer Science Education
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

A Week For Computer Science Education

Computer science education reform is going to come in fits and starts working on issues from the top down (national media, federal policy, etc.) and the bottom...

Wowd: Peer to Peer Popularity search
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wowd: Peer to Peer Popularity search

In the spirit of Web Squared, Wowd is a search engine that seeks to get 'fresh real-time results'. See also their blog. Heard it described at the Web 2.0 Summit...

Web 2.0 Summit
From The Eponymous Pickle

Web 2.0 Summit

The Web TV Summit is underway and its live video stream can be accessed here. Interesting speakers on the topic, including Berners-Lee. I believe it will be archived...

GPS Shoes
From The Eponymous Pickle

GPS Shoes

I remember the idea being pushed back in 2007. A set of GPS enabled shoes.

Innovation in Consumer Goods
From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation in Consumer Goods

Good short piece in ConsumerGoods:Clorox, GSK and More Share Innovation TacticsIn the current economic climate, innovation is power. Top consumer goods executives...

ISMAR09: Experiential Learning 2 of 3 - Current Applications 2
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

ISMAR09: Experiential Learning 2 of 3 - Current Applications 2

This is the second of three posts on the experiential learning workshop held Monday at ISMAR09. The first post introduced the topic and summarized the first three...

ISMAR09: Experiential Learning 3 of 3 - Group Discussion
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

ISMAR09: Experiential Learning 3 of 3 - Group Discussion

This is the last of three posts on the ISMAR09 experiential learning workshop. Post one and post two covered the morning presentations on current applications,...

Ballmer Blames the Failure of Windows Vista on Security
From Schneier on Security

Ballmer Blames the Failure of Windows Vista on Security

According to the Telegraph: Mr Ballmer said: "We got some uneven reception when [Vista] first launched in large part because we made some design decisions to improve...
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