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Towards a Quantum Workspace
From The Eponymous Pickle

Towards a Quantum Workspace

Hmmm, why a 'Quantum Age', is it not just a computing age using new tools?     But as a structure for training in a new space, OK. Building a Workforce for the ...

Fake Job Offers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Fake Job Offers

No longer in the market, but in between had received a number of 'too good to be true' offers to start employment.   Many via Linkedin.     Although they look targeted...

The human factor — why data is not enough to understand the world
From Putting People First

The human factor — why data is not enough to understand the world

In a world shaped by one AI, artificial intelligence, we need a second AI, too — anthropology intelligence, writes Gillian Tett in the Financial Times.

NVIDIA Predicting Earth Quake Intensity
From The Eponymous Pickle

NVIDIA Predicting Earth Quake Intensity

Predicting earthquake and their intensity was something we proposed some years ago, mentioned here.  glad to see the idea taken much further.    Looking at this...

CRA-Industry Committee Announces Virtual Roundtable Series
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CRA-Industry Committee Announces Virtual Roundtable Series

Created in the fall of 2020, the CRA-Industry standing committee will convene industry partners on computing research topics and connect them with CRA’s academic...

SDSC Names Interim Director
From insideHPC

SDSC Names Interim Director

San Diego — Frank Würthwein, the lead of Distributed High-Throughput Computing at the San Diego Supercomputing Center, has been named SDSC’s interim director effective...

6,000 GPUs: NERSC Says Perlmutter Delivers 4 Exaflops, Claims Top Spot in AI Supercomputing
From insideHPC

6,000 GPUs: NERSC Says Perlmutter Delivers 4 Exaflops, Claims Top Spot in AI Supercomputing

Claiming the no. 1 position in AI supercomputing, the U.S. National Energy research Scientific Computing Center today unveiled the Perlmutter HPC system, a beast...

Othello/Reversi for After the APCS Exam
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Othello/Reversi for After the APCS Exam

My good friend and former teaching partner, Tom Indelicato posted about his end of year project for his AP CS A student recently. With his permission I share it...

Programmable Matter for Product Design
From The Eponymous Pickle

Programmable Matter for Product Design

With a zap of light, system switches objects’ colors and patterns“Programmable matter” technique could enable product designers to churn out prototypes with ease...

Phasecraft Launches Push for Noise and Error Reduction in Quantum Devices
From insideHPC

Phasecraft Launches Push for Noise and Error Reduction in Quantum Devices

Bristol and London – 27 May 2021 – UK-based quantum software startup Phasecraft today begins a new project facilitated by Innovate UK to reduce noise and errors...

AI's competitive Advantage
From The Eponymous Pickle

AI's competitive Advantage

Interesting podcast, and ongoing pieces I am now connected to:Exponential View with Azeem Azhar / Season 5, Episode 32Subscribe:  Apple Podcasts  Google Podcasts...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

The Voting Paradox

Trust, but verify—Ronald Reagan are researchers in the area of voting security. Some have worked in this area for decades, others for years, and some are new to...

All Models are Wrong
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

All Models are Wrong

All models are wrong, but some are useful is a common saying in statistics. It does not merely apply to statistics, however. It is general observation. Box (1976)...

Amazon to Buy MGM
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon to Buy MGM

 As a long time follower of film and the studios ... this is a very big historical wow.  Its all about content.  True, prime does need a considerable boost.Amazon...

Getting to the Moon via the Cloud
From The Eponymous Pickle

Getting to the Moon via the Cloud

Very high performance supercomputing on the cloud is adding to the ability to research, design, simulate, test, manufacture, deliver.Going to the Moon via the Cloud...

Active Learning of Transferable Priors, Kernels and Latent Representations for Robotics
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Active Learning of Transferable Priors, Kernels and Latent Representations for Robotics

Rika Antonova began her CIFellowship in January 2021 after receiving her PhD from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm in December 2020. Antonova is at...

AI: A Taxonomy of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms
From The Eponymous Pickle

AI: A Taxonomy of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms

Once again an excellent post by Ajit Jaokar:   Thanks Ajit!Below is just the intro overview, the much longer post comes through when you click through to Linkedin...

The Misaligned Incentives for Cloud Security
From Schneier on Security

The Misaligned Incentives for Cloud Security

Russia’s Sunburst cyberespionage campaign, discovered late last year, impacted more than 100 large companies and US federal agencies, including the Treasury, Energy...

The Story of the 2011 RSA Hack
From Schneier on Security

The Story of the 2011 RSA Hack

Really good long article about the Chinese hacking of RSA, Inc. They were able to get copies of the seed values to the SecurID authentication token, a harbinger...

Friday Squid Blogging: Fossil of Squid Eating and Being Eaten
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Fossil of Squid Eating and Being Eaten

We now have a fossil of a squid eating a crustacean while it is being eaten by a shark. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories...
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