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Communications of the ACM



Simulated Annealing for JPEG Quantization
From My Biased Coin

Simulated Annealing for JPEG Quantization

I have a new paper on the arxiv (web page describing results, and full version** available) with two Harvard undergrads, Max Hopkins and Sebastian Wagner-Carrena...

Grace Hopper College
From My Biased Coin

Grace Hopper College

I hadn't seen the news about Yale renaming Calhoun College to Hopper College;  it just popped into one of my newslines here in the New York times.  I guess I hadn't...

Best Post I've Read on the Google Memo
From My Biased Coin

Best Post I've Read on the Google Memo

After the shout-out to Meena, she suggested I might have more to say on the issue of the Google memo.  I (like I imagine so many others) have been following the...

Shout-out to Meena Boppana
From My Biased Coin

Shout-out to Meena Boppana

For some reason (Google*), I found myself thinking of former Harvard student Meena Boppana this week, and thought I'd link to some things, focusing on things she...

Current Harvard Oddness
From My Biased Coin

Current Harvard Oddness

It's summer.  And I'm now on sabbatical.  So perhaps I shouldn't care about strange Harvard politics goings-on, but I can't help it. Here's the tl;dr version, which...

Mitzenmacher and Upfal, 2nd Edition
From My Biased Coin

Mitzenmacher and Upfal, 2nd Edition

The word is that the 2nd edition of our book is now (finally) available/in stock at Amazon.  You can tell it's the 2nd edition, because the "Alice cover" is now...

In Praise of Spaghetti Code
From Blog@Ubiquity

In Praise of Spaghetti Code

Spaghetti code is not getting any respect. Software experts denigrate it; coding classes avoid it like the plague; and when students go out into the world, they...

STOC General Comment Page
From My Biased Coin

STOC General Comment Page

The 2017 STOC is over, and I thought it went very well.  The new format ran with what seemed to me to be minimal to non-existent glitches, and overall it sounded...

Is Computing in Reverse the Next Big Thing?
From Blog@Ubiquity

Is Computing in Reverse the Next Big Thing?

Some computer scientists and physicists are looking beyond the limits of current computing to “reversible computing.” The post Is Computing in Reverse the NextBLOG...

Last Week For STOC Sign-Ups
From My Biased Coin

Last Week For STOC Sign-Ups

A reminder that this year's STOC is supersized, with (completely in the STOC package) multiple workshops, tutorials, and special speakers.   But for those of you...

How to Deal with Post-truthism
From Blog@Ubiquity

How to Deal with Post-truthism

The very definition of post-truth implies rejecting fact-based logic. Too few possess the skill of distinguishing between self-serving claims, and reliable, well...

Super-Important Things to Do Right Now for STOC 2017
From My Biased Coin

Super-Important Things to Do Right Now for STOC 2017

STOC 2017 is just around the corner, which means that several deadlines are just around the corner.The student travel support request deadline is this Thursday,...

Insider Attacks Are A Bigger and Harder Threat?
From Blog@Ubiquity

Insider Attacks Are A Bigger and Harder Threat?

There is a new trend apparently emerging to defend against data loss and data damage as a result of external hacking. Some organizations have been removing their...

STOC Theory Fest Announcements
From My Biased Coin

STOC Theory Fest Announcements

There's a lot of new information up at the STOC web page about the amazing theory fest June 19-23 in Montreal.  In particular, most...

The end of ICE is near – or not?
From Blog@Ubiquity

The end of ICE is near – or not?

The internal combustion engine (ICE) has reigned supreme for over 100 years, but prognosticators are predicting its demise over the next few decades – or NOT, depending...

SIGACT Distinguished Service Prize Call, 2017
From My Biased Coin

SIGACT Distinguished Service Prize Call, 2017

Call for Nominations2017 SIGACT Distinguished Service Prize The Theory community benefits in many ways from the dedicated service, above and beyond the call of...

Data Analytics for Public Services: Beyond the Hype
From Blog@Ubiquity

Data Analytics for Public Services: Beyond the Hype

Data analytics is the new buzz phrase these days. Public service agencies all over the world are looking at data in order to optimize service delivery, as wellelectricity...

Dealing with Infrastructure Disruption: IoT Security
From Blog@Ubiquity

Dealing with Infrastructure Disruption: IoT Security

Congress should incentivize universities and industry to partner to build security into Internet of Things (IoT) devices by design. The post Dealing with Infrastructure...

Godel Prize 2017 Call
From My Biased Coin

Godel Prize 2017 Call

The call for nomination for the 2017 Godel Prize is up.  The call is available at and will be up on the...

Knuth Prize 2017 Call
From My Biased Coin

Knuth Prize 2017 Call

The call is going out for the 2017 Knuth Prize.  The call will be up on the SIGACT Web page shortly, but until it shows up there here's a pdf.   Key date:  deadline...
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