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Communications of the ACM



Robot Comedy for Data?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robot Comedy for Data?

Ultimately we will have to be able do a better job of getting data based on reactions to proposals.  Is standup comedy using robots a model of how to get this kind...

A Look at Aibo Robot Dog Programming
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Look at Aibo Robot Dog Programming

Have mentioned this a number of times, we saw it demonstrated in Japan when it first came out, now more, specifically about how it can be programmed.    Note again...

Ground Penetrating Radar for Driving?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ground Penetrating Radar for Driving?

This is unexpected.   But it has been known that weather is a problem with classic methods, now will ground penetrating radar solve this problem?MIT’s Ground-Penetrating...

AMD EPYC Cloud Adoption Grows with Google Cloud
From insideHPC

AMD EPYC Cloud Adoption Grows with Google Cloud

Today Google Cloud announced the beta availability of N2D VMs on Google Compute Engine powered by 2nd Gen AMD EPYC processors. The N2D family of VMs is a greatAMD...

New Servers from Dell Technologies analyze data wherever it resides
From insideHPC

New Servers from Dell Technologies analyze data wherever it resides

Today Dell Technologies announced new solutions to help customers analyze data at the edge, outside of a traditional data center. With a host of new offerings—including...

UK to establish Northern Intensive Computing Environment (NICE)
From insideHPC

UK to establish Northern Intensive Computing Environment (NICE)

The N8 Centre of Excellence in Computationally Intensive Research, N8 CIR, has been awarded £3.1m from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Resources Council to...

Working Through the Stages of Debugging
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Working Through the Stages of Debugging

I found this Tweet by Katerina Borodina @ctrlshifti that claimed that the 5 stages of grief apply perfectly to debugging code Denial "The compiler is wrong"  Anger...

Hacking McDonald's for Free Food
From Schneier on Security

Hacking McDonald's for Free Food

This hack was possible because the McDonald's app didn't authenticate the server, and just did whatever the server told it to do: McDonald's receipts in Germany...

#Internet4All around the Globe in 2019: A Recap of UA Ambassador Work
From Universal Acceptance Steering Group

#Internet4All around the Globe in 2019: A Recap of UA Ambassador Work

By Dušan Stojičević, Vice Chair of the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) 2019 was a busy and productive year for the UASG as we worked to spread awareness...

E-Mail Productivity
From The Eponymous Pickle

E-Mail Productivity

Nicely done short look at how to be more productive with too much e-mail.  Tips, tricks and more ... brief too.   In the enterprise, my most read posts were about...

AMD Powers CARA Supercomputer from NEC in Dresden
From insideHPC

AMD Powers CARA Supercomputer from NEC in Dresden

The DLR German Aerospace Center dedicated its new CARA supercomputer in Dresden on February 5, 2020. With 1.746 Petaflops of performance on the Linpack benchmark...

Google Announces Experimental Means to Detect Altered Images
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Announces Experimental Means to Detect Altered Images

A useful kind of AI, checking out the details.  Still experimental.  How often we be sure of the results?  Looks for specific means of alteration, So will haveHow...

More Smart Speaker Share to China in 201
From The Eponymous Pickle

More Smart Speaker Share to China in 201

While smart speakers are not  'AI assistants' in any  complete sense, they open the way to  such deices in the home and at work.    So stats like this should be...

Military Long Distant Face Recognition
From The Eponymous Pickle

Military Long Distant Face Recognition

I would imagine will be more precise and at longer distances yet,   I have some very impressive sat images, and precise coordinates could simply be shared.   All...

Creating Energy from the Air
From The Eponymous Pickle

Creating Energy from the Air

Quite a revalelation,  use for LED's, IOT applications?  Electric bacteria create currents out of thin—and thick—airBy Elizabeth Pennisi, in Science Mag Generating...

Supercomputing Asia 2020 Conference Cancelled due to COVID-19 Virus
From insideHPC

Supercomputing Asia 2020 Conference Cancelled due to COVID-19 Virus

The Supercomputing Asia 2020 conference has been cancelled in light of COVID-19 developments. "We regret to inform you that we will be cancelling the coming SupercomputingAsia...

UK to invest £1.2 billion for Supercomputing Weather and Climate Science
From insideHPC

UK to invest £1.2 billion for Supercomputing Weather and Climate Science

Today the UK announced plans to invest £1.2 billion for the world’s most powerful weather and climate supercomputer. The government investment will replace MetUK...

Isambard 2 at UK Met Office to be largest Arm supercomputer in Europe
From insideHPC

Isambard 2 at UK Met Office to be largest Arm supercomputer in Europe

The  UK Met Office  been awarded £4.1m by EPSRC to create Isambard 2, the largest Arm-based supercomputer in Europe. The powerful new £6.5m facility, to be hosted...

Predictions for HPC in 2020
From insideHPC

Predictions for HPC in 2020

In this special guest feature from Scientific Computing World, Laurence Horrocks-Barlow from OCF predicts that containerization, cloud, and GPU-based workloadsPredictions...

The GigaIO FabreX Network – New Frontiers in Networking For Big Data
From insideHPC

The GigaIO FabreX Network – New Frontiers in Networking For Big Data

GigaIO has developed a new whitepaper to describe GigaIO FabreX, a fundamentally new network architecture that integrates computing, storage, and other communication...
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