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Communications of the ACM



An Ad-Supported Model With Teeth?
From The Noisy Channel

An Ad-Supported Model With Teeth?

Apple recently filed for technology to deliver a rather compelling ad-supported business model. Or perhaps the better word is compulsory. You can read an analysis...

Call for Speakers: Enterprise Search Summit 2010
From The Noisy Channel

Call for Speakers: Enterprise Search Summit 2010

From My Biased Coin


This post is about surveys. It's motivated by one of my tasks last night, as I has to spend some time going over the final proofs for the survey Hash-Based Techniques...

Week 1 at Google: Information Overload!
From The Noisy Channel

Week 1 at Google: Information Overload!

As you might imagine, it’s quite a switch to go from criticizing Google from the outside to being on the inside. Jeff Jarvis, who was gracious enough not to make...

Graduate School?  How to Decide...
From My Biased Coin

Graduate School? How to Decide...

What do people think about students going to work for a year or two and then applying to graduate school? Or applying but then deferring to work for a year or...

The Noisy Noogler: A Quick FAQ
From The Noisy Channel

The Noisy Noogler: A Quick FAQ

I’m barely 24 hours into my new life as a Googler, and I’ve already gotten lots of questions!

From My Biased Coin


An anonymous commenter asked an insightful question, worthy of a real answer: "Hi Prof, Why are you so obsessed with ranking things?"*Honestly, I don't think I...

Apologies for Slow Response Times
From The Noisy Channel

Apologies for Slow Response Times

Going (to) Google
From The Noisy Channel

Going (to) Google

FOCS/STOC and Asymmetry
From My Biased Coin

FOCS/STOC and Asymmetry

I had a funny conversation with Madhu Sudan yesterday, with him relaying an idea he said he heard from Umesh Vazirani (and perhaps the trail goes on further from...

Harvard Financial Aid
From My Biased Coin

Harvard Financial Aid

This post will talk about Harvard's financial aid program, and why it's a perfectly good thing to give money to Harvard, despite what you might read in the New.I...

Conference Reviews
From My Biased Coin

Conference Reviews

I promised at some point to get back to discussing the reviewing process for two conferences I am currently on the PC for, NSDI and LATIN. Since I happily just...

ICS Papers Announced
From My Biased Coin

ICS Papers Announced

As pointed out many places, the paper for the (strangely named) new theory conference Innovations in Computer Science are out, with the list here and list withsurvey...

Twitter Lists as an Influence Measure?
From The Noisy Channel

Twitter Lists as an Influence Measure?

Tuning in to Google Music Search
From The Noisy Channel

Tuning in to Google Music Search

With all of the activity around e-books last week, you might think that the online world wasn’t paying attention to the media category most transformed by the Internet...

Ranking Networking Conferences
From My Biased Coin

Ranking Networking Conferences

I'm curious if various readers out there would be willing to offer their ranking of networking conferences. The issue has come up in some conversations recently...

Ben Shneiderman
From The Noisy Channel

Ben Shneiderman

HCIR 2009: Human-Human Interaction
From The Noisy Channel

HCIR 2009: Human-Human Interaction

On Friday, I had the privilege of seeing just how much the annual Workshop on Human-Computer Information Retrieval has grown up since I conceived it in the summer...

Google Experimenting With Social Search
From The Noisy Channel

Google Experimenting With Social Search

Google may be an also-ran in the social networking market with its Brazil-centric Orkut service, but that hasn’t stopped the search giant from adding social features...

Major (and Minor) Happenings : Gu-Yeon Wei
From My Biased Coin

Major (and Minor) Happenings : Gu-Yeon Wei

I'm thrilled to announce that my colleague Gu-Yeon Wei, in EE here at Harvard, received tenure. I feel this is worth a mention because:1) Strangely, people sometimes...
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