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Spike those “Luddite” Awards: Not all innovation is good
From Blog@Ubiquity

Spike those “Luddite” Awards: Not all innovation is good

Luddites attacking powered looms, 1812 (Source: Wikimedia Commons) The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) published its annual “Luddite Awards...

Your Smartphone Can Kill You
From Blog@Ubiquity

Your Smartphone Can Kill You

Niall McCarthy of uses data from Priceonomics to define a new category of accidental death by smart phone—the “selfie-fatality.” Forty-nine peopleRead...

Tim Cook at the Pearly Gates
From Blog@Ubiquity

Tim Cook at the Pearly Gates

By now almost everything that can be said about the Apple-FBI riff has been said. The FBI wants to open the San Bernardino terrorist’s iPhone and Apple’s CEO Tim...

Is the End Near for the Apple iPhone?
From Blog@Ubiquity

Is the End Near for the Apple iPhone?

Alphabet recently became the largest company based on its market capitalization, squeezing out Apple for the number one spot of all-time successful companies. Perhaps...

The Backdoor is a Victory for Terrorists
From Blog@Ubiquity

The Backdoor is a Victory for Terrorists

When authorities realized the Paris terrorists used strong encryption to send messages to one another they went off the encryption deep end. Now, many nations are...

How Much Higher Can ICT Rise? On the Final Limits of ICT
From Blog@Ubiquity

How Much Higher Can ICT Rise? On the Final Limits of ICT

Information and communication technology (ICT) is the most distinctive cultural accomplishment of the last half century. It is unprecedented in sophistication and...

Language Lessons from a Steam-powered Light Bulb
From Blog@Ubiquity

Language Lessons from a Steam-powered Light Bulb

People who make a career in science, computers or otherwise, generally do so because they are naturally drawn to it. They find science fascinating and entertaining...

My GPS Car Is Smarter Than Your Honor Student
From Blog@Ubiquity

My GPS Car Is Smarter Than Your Honor Student

Driverless cars may know how to negotiate intersections and park themselves better than humans, but so far I haven’t read about a smart car that can get me through...

Sirens’ Song of the IoT
From Blog@Ubiquity

Sirens’ Song of the IoT

These days we are witnessing a gold rush to the shining, promising new trillions of dollars market consisting of 30-50 billion devices interconnecting anything....

Who Shaped Modern Computing — Part 2?
From Blog@Ubiquity

Who Shaped Modern Computing — Part 2?

Legends like John McCarthy, Edsger Dijkstra and John Backus made significant impacts in the field and shaped modern computing as we know it today. By developing...

Who is Big in Computing – Part 1?
From Blog@Ubiquity

Who is Big in Computing – Part 1?

We should never forget the roots of our profession, and humble programmers should remember who made modern computing. The post Who is Big in Computing – Part 1?...

Imitators and Innovators Adopt RISC
From Blog@Ubiquity

Imitators and Innovators Adopt RISC

While it may come as a surprise, today RISC architecture computer systems dominate the mobile computing landscape. It has been 40 years in the making. The post ...

What Can Paragons of Literature Teach Us about Writing Better Computer Programs?
From Blog@Ubiquity

What Can Paragons of Literature Teach Us about Writing Better Computer Programs?

While grappling with mechanics of writing, we all too often lose sight of another important insight into effective communication. The post What Can Paragons ofBLOG...

Are Google and Apple About to Pivot?
From Blog@Ubiquity

Are Google and Apple About to Pivot?

The ability to pivot is a sign of agility. As technology continue to rapidly advance, how close are Google and Apple to pivoting? The post Are Google and AppleBLOG...

Will the Flying Car Make a Comeback?
From Blog@Ubiquity

Will the Flying Car Make a Comeback?

We're still waiting for flying cars to materialize as a mass-market product. Why? The answer lies in computer technology—or the lack thereof. The post Will theBLOG...

Can Robots Be Trusted?
From Blog@Ubiquity

Can Robots Be Trusted?

Can robots be trusted to make better decisions than humans? Sometimes automation can be a matter or life or death. The post Can Robots Be Trusted? appeared first...

Why Physical Cyber Security is Broken
From Blog@Ubiquity

Why Physical Cyber Security is Broken

The physical Internet is evolving away from resiliency toward fragility and vulnerability. A broken Internet means flawed cybersecurity. The post Why Physical Cyber...

The Future of Tech is Regulation
From Blog@Ubiquity

The Future of Tech is Regulation

The future of technology is government regulation—NOT unbridled technology. The post The Future of Tech is Regulation appeared first on BLOG@UBIQUITY.

Why Can’t Programmers Be More Like Ants? Or a Lesson in Stigmergy
From Blog@Ubiquity

Why Can’t Programmers Be More Like Ants? Or a Lesson in Stigmergy

If we want to advance the art and science of software development, we should direct our attention to the insect world of stigmergy. The post Why Can’t Programmers...

Why We Don’t Know Know-How
From Blog@Ubiquity

Why We Don’t Know Know-How

In pursuit of scientific understanding, too often we forget our level of know-how is far more important than our know-what. The post Why We Don’t Know Know-HowBLOG...
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