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Teaching Time Conflicts
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Teaching Time Conflicts

As the semester ominously approaches, we've noticed that we're facing a number of class time-slot collisions in computer science.This is unsurprising.  Until recently...

"I Understood Your Talk"
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"I Understood Your Talk"

Often, after I give a talk, the feedback I hear back is "I understood your whole talk," or something near that.  I take it as a compliment (although I don't think...

New Paper:  Popularity is Everything
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New Paper: Popularity is Everything

Another new paper announcement:  Popularity is Everything: A New Approach to Protecting Passwords from Statistical-Guessing Attacks, which will appear next month...

Facebook Movie Preview
From My Biased Coin

Facebook Movie Preview

It's nice to see Harvard finally getting some recognition in the mainstream media, with the upcoming Facebook/Zuckerburg movie the Social Network (based on BenThe...

Arxiv Paper:  Heapable Sequences and Subsequences
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Arxiv Paper: Heapable Sequences and Subsequences

I haven't been blogging much;  consider me on extended vacation.  It's helping me prepare for giving up the blog soonish. But I thought I'd mention our newly posted...

(n)On Vacation
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(n)On Vacation

Despite appearance, the blog hasn't yet disappeared.  I was on family vacation somewhere tropical.  Even though I was on vacation, it didn't always feel like vacation...

Colocating Conferences -- What Will It Take?
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Colocating Conferences -- What Will It Take?

In the ongoing future of STOC debate, one possibility that seems to have significant support is that we should do more colocation of conferences.  (See Suresh's...

ISIT Day 2 (2010)
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ISIT Day 2 (2010)

First, finishing up day 1, the banquet was, as expected, a fairly nondescript affair involving chicken of some sort, which I happily got to spend with a group of...

Fly-By Conferences (ISIT edition)
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Fly-By Conferences (ISIT edition)

I'm writing this from ISIT (Int'l Symposium on Inf. Theory) in Austin.  In fact, I'm sitting in on the session on for "Coding for Memories", a topic I did someweb...

"Area Dean" : What's That Mean
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"Area Dean" : What's That Mean

In a few weeks, I "officially" take on my new job as "Area Dean" (read, "Chair") of CS.  What will in entail?Formally, there appear to be a number of responsibilities...

Cherry Murray appointed to oil spill panel
From My Biased Coin

Cherry Murray appointed to oil spill panel

Dean of Harvard's SEAS, Cherry Murray, is to be appointed to President Obama's oil spill panel.

Crimson Article on SEAS
From My Biased Coin

Crimson Article on SEAS

This article from the Crimson on the state of Harvard's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences from a couple of weeks ago serves as a good primer for me on...

Hectic Week, Finally Over!
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Hectic Week, Finally Over!

Co-located conferences make for a hectic week!  Again, my thanks to the Microsoft local arrangement team (especially Paul Oka) for setting up STOC, which I thought...

STOC/FOCS Opinion : Guest Post by Boaz Barak
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STOC/FOCS Opinion : Guest Post by Boaz Barak

Boaz Barak asked to give a guest post on the recent STOC/FOCS issue and the question of accepting more papers. So I hand the floor over to Boaz:Do we really need...

Branding Your Research (and Yourself)
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Branding Your Research (and Yourself)

In honor of being at EC, a post on branding. In theory, your research will be judged and appreciated based on its intrinsic quality, and your scientific reputation...

EC Day 1
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EC Day 1

EC is an interesting mix of theory/AI/economics and many other things as well (data mining, social computing, user interfaces....)  Definitely a bit of a hodgepodge...

STOC 2010, and Some Business Meeting Notes
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STOC 2010, and Some Business Meeting Notes

STOC 2010 appears to be running quite smoothly.  I've been popping in and out -- the problem with being a local is that I actually have to go home at reasonable...

Conference Attendance :  How to Keep it Strong?
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Conference Attendance : How to Keep it Strong?

In honor of the STOC business meeting coming up shortly: STOC, CCC, and EC are all apparently poised to have very strong attendance this year -- from what I understand...

Announcement:  Matt Welsh Tenured
From My Biased Coin

Announcement: Matt Welsh Tenured

I'm very, very pleased to announce that Matt Welsh's Harvard tenure case has been successful.   There's a number of wonderful things I could say about Matt andthe...

SIGCOMM Travel Grants
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SIGCOMM Travel Grants

I was asked by the SIGCOMM program chairs to remind everyone that there are travel grants available, especially for students, postdocs, and junior faculty.  Since...
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