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Leslie Valiant Wins Turing Award
From My Biased Coin

Leslie Valiant Wins Turing Award

About time!

A Practical Rant about Software Patents
From The Noisy Channel

A Practical Rant about Software Patents

Given the controversial content of this post, I’d like to remind readers upfront that this post, like all of the contents of this blog, represents my personal opinions...

Life, the Universe, and SEO Revisited
From The Noisy Channel

Life, the Universe, and SEO Revisited

A couple of years ago, I wrote a post entitled “Life, the Universe, and SEO” in which I considered Google’s relationship with the search engine optimization (SEO)...

Spring Semester Update
From My Biased Coin

Spring Semester Update

I see it's been two months since my last post.  I must admit, there are times I miss blogging.  I've often felt I have something interesting to post about, butClaire...

From The Noisy Channel


Heading to Punta Cana for a week. Feel free to keep writing great comments — will catch up when I get back!

Google vs. Bing: A Tweetle Beetle Battle Muddle
From The Noisy Channel

Google vs. Bing: A Tweetle Beetle Battle Muddle

Unless you’ve been living in a cone of silence, you’ve probably heard about the epic war of words between Google and Bing. But just in case, here’s a quick summary...

Got Skills?
From The Noisy Channel

Got Skills?

Last October, a certain blogger said: LinkedIn needs to implement

Be Vewy Vewy Quiet
From The Noisy Channel

Be Vewy Vewy Quiet

While my blog has always been and will always be a personal one, I do operate under certain constraints as someone whose subject matter relates strongly to his...

Internship Opportunities at LinkedIn
From The Noisy Channel

Internship Opportunities at LinkedIn

Do you love big data? Do you enjoy applying your skills in data mining, machine learning, information retrieval and data visualization? Are you a hands-on implementer...

Dare To Dream
From The Noisy Channel

Dare To Dream

“If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.” Martin Luther King, Jr. said these words at a speech in Detroit on June 23, 1963...

Quo Vadis, Quora?
From The Noisy Channel

Quo Vadis, Quora?

I know, everyone is sick about hearing about Quora, the community question answering site that is the darling of the blogosphere, and perhaps you fled here from...

No More Quora Invites
From The Noisy Channel

No More Quora Invites

Over the past days, I have been inundated with requests for Quora invites. I realize that I brought this upon myself my making my blog the top hit on Google for...

Enabling Exploratory Search with Dhiti
From The Noisy Channel

Enabling Exploratory Search with Dhiti

Last August, I wrote “Exploring Nuggetize“, in which I described an interface that

Two Changes
From The Noisy Channel

Two Changes

I just wanted to let regular readers know that I’ve made two changes to this blog. The first is that I’ve eliminated the use of categories on posts. I found that...

So You Like Big Data
From The Noisy Channel

So You Like Big Data

The increasing volume of data that we generate as a species is a story so overplayed as to have become trite. Indeed, a vast amount of this data is in the public...

Reflecting on 2010: Searching for Answers
From The Noisy Channel

Reflecting on 2010: Searching for Answers

Yes, it’s that time of year when we take a moment to reflect on the past year’s accomplishments and muse about what the next year will bring. Other than milder...

The Secret May Be To Keep Fewer Secrets
From The Noisy Channel

The Secret May Be To Keep Fewer Secrets

In light of the recent WikiLeaks saga and the various leaks that have plagued my former employer, I was musing the other day about whether leaks are inevitable...

End of Year Update from the Trenches (Area Dean News)
From My Biased Coin

End of Year Update from the Trenches (Area Dean News)

I last posted on Lance's blog about two months ago, so it seems a good time for an update.My class is (hooray!) finished.  I've sent out grades to the students,...

CIKM 2011 Industry Event
From The Noisy Channel

CIKM 2011 Industry Event

CIKM 2011 is nearly a year away, but I wanted to give folks a heads up about the Industry Event there that I am organizing with Tony Russell-Rose. These events...

First Week
From The Noisy Channel

First Week

It’s hardly surprising, at least in retrospect, that location-based social networking company Foursquare was founded (twice!) in New York City. Where else (at least...
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