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The One Good Thing About Cyberattacks
From ACM Careers

The One Good Thing About Cyberattacks

The normally humdrum world of IT security is heating up, and not just because of comedian Stephen Colbert's controversial closing keynote at last week's RSA Conference...

What Does Your Top Tech Talent Really Want?
From ACM Careers

What Does Your Top Tech Talent Really Want?

For any company hoping to hang on to its stars these days, the odds are daunting.

A Peek at Google's M&a Ambitions
From ACM Opinion

A Peek at Google's M&a Ambitions

Don Harrison became Google's head of mergers and acquisitions about a year ago.

5 Tips For Aspiring Silicon Valley Engineers
From ACM Careers

5 Tips For Aspiring Silicon Valley Engineers

Great software engineers are hard to find, let alone hire and keep.

Why I Am ­napologetic About Paywalls or Promotion
From ACM Opinion

Why I Am ­napologetic About Paywalls or Promotion

Late last week I posted a short essay on LinkedIn, where I am an Influencer, called "The best case study you'll ever read."

10 Questions For Ibm's Katharine Frase
From ACM Opinion

10 Questions For Ibm's Katharine Frase

Dr. Katharine Frase was appointed chief technology officer of IBM in March 2013. She sets IBM's technical strategy and defines areas of growth in addition to cultivating...

Can Silicon Valley Boot Camps Get You a $120K Job?
From ACM Careers

Can Silicon Valley Boot Camps Get You a $120K Job?

Hiring a good software engineer in Silicon Valley these days can seem almost as daunting as creating the next big thing. Just ask the companies.

Top 5 Jobs in Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

Top 5 Jobs in Silicon Valley

If there's anything observers can say with certainty, it's that Silicon Valley remains an anomalous industry.

The Big Data Employment Boom
From ACM Careers

The Big Data Employment Boom

Big data has been favorably cast as "the new oil" and held up as the economic counterweight to America's sinking manufacturing sector.

Big Data Could Generate Millions of New Jobs
From ACM Careers

Big Data Could Generate Millions of New Jobs

With data analytics now one of the fastest growing fields in IT, it stands to reason that data scientists are in demand. That's great for people with the requisite...

Big Tech Is Struggling With Old Age
From ACM Careers

Big Tech Is Struggling With Old Age

At its heart, the tech industry is about the new.

Amid the Patent Wars, a Powerful Pact of Non-Aggression
From ACM Careers

Amid the Patent Wars, a Powerful Pact of Non-Aggression

The Open Invention Network, a community set up by an IBM-led consortium in 2005 to foster a safe patent environment for developers and users of the free, open-source...

Samsung Plans to Conquer Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

Samsung Plans to Conquer Silicon Valley

Last December, a piece in the MIT Technology Review revealed that Young Sohn, Samsung Electronics' new Silicon Valley-based chief strategy officer, uses Apple products...

From ACM Careers

The Tech Job Market Keeps Heating ­p, But Not for Everybody

At first glance, you might think that anyone with up-to-date IT skills and a few years of work experience has it made in the shade.

Can Apple Win Over China?
From ACM Careers

Can Apple Win Over China?

Tim Cook, Apple's reserved and soft-spoken CEO, has a tendency to wax euphoric about the China market and his company's place in it.

Marissa Mayer: Ready to Rumble at Yahoo
From ACM Careers

Marissa Mayer: Ready to Rumble at Yahoo

On a Friday morning in late August, six weeks into her new job as CEO of Yahoo, Marissa Mayer was brainstorming about how to make the company innovative again.

Ibm's Ginni Rometty Looks Ahead
From ACM Opinion

Ibm's Ginni Rometty Looks Ahead

Ginni Rometty's first customer conference as CEO of IBM was an unusual affair, especially by Big Blue's buttoned-up standards.

Apple Granted 'the Mother of All Smartphone Software Patents'
From ACM News

Apple Granted 'the Mother of All Smartphone Software Patents'

Both sides of the smartphone wars agree that the 25 patents granted Apple on Tuesday contain some powerful legal weapons.

From ACM CareerNews

How to Get What You Want at Work

The best way to get what you want at work in terms of a new position or job responsibility is a tactic known as incremental negotiating, whereby you signal your...

Where the Tech Jobs Are
From ACM CareerNews

Where the Tech Jobs Are

While layoffs have been occurring within the tech sector, companies continue to hire recent college graduates and experienced IT workers with the right technology...
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