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Hundreds of Russia's Top Software Developers May Have Left the Country
From ACM Careers

Hundreds of Russia's Top Software Developers May Have Left the Country

Hundreds of top software developers appear to have exited Russia during its invasion of Ukraine, an exodus that could seriously undermine Russia's economy or workforce...

The Rise of Computer-Generated, Artificially Intelligent Influencers
From ACM Careers

The Rise of Computer-Generated, Artificially Intelligent Influencers

Serah Reikka, a semi-autonomous artificial intelligence, has more than 79,000 Instagram followers. She is part of a growing community of social media personalities...

Most People Would Rather Lose Their Job to a Robot Than Another Human
From ACM TechNews

Most People Would Rather Lose Their Job to a Robot Than Another Human

Most people would prefer to lose their job to a robot than to another person, but at the same time would rather see a co-worker replaced by a human than a robot...

Meet the Winners of the Biggest Ever Face-Recognition Challenge
From ACM Careers

Meet the Winners of the Biggest Ever Face-Recognition Challenge

The results are in from the biggest computer face-recognition contest to date.

Online Game Will Spot If You Have Hidden Cybersecurity Talents
From ACM Careers

Online Game Will Spot If You Have Hidden Cybersecurity Talents

Studying music? Good news, you may have the skills to work in cybersecurity. An online training platform launching next week in the UK—with the backing of Robert...

Robot Physical Therapist Helps People Walk Again After a Stroke
From ACM Careers

Robot Physical Therapist Helps People Walk Again After a Stroke

A robotic harness controlled by a neural network is helping people regain their mobility after certain neurological injuries.

Automation Will Have a Bigger Impact on Jobs in Smaller Cities
From ACM Careers

Automation Will Have a Bigger Impact on Jobs in Smaller Cities

The robot takeover will start in the smaller cities.

Super-Fast Parkinson's App Will Track Symptoms More Closely
From ACM Careers

Super-Fast Parkinson's App Will Track Symptoms More Closely

A smartphone app that uses deep learning lets people with Parkinson's disease test their symptoms at home in just 4 minutes.

The Wikipedia Bots that Are Engaged in Spats that Never End
From ACM Careers

The Wikipedia Bots that Are Engaged in Spats that Never End

Is. Isn't. Is. Isn’t. Is. Isn't.

Marconi Forged Today's Interconnected World of Communication
From ACM Opinion

Marconi Forged Today's Interconnected World of Communication

At Guglielmo Marconi's grand state funeral in Rome in 1937—orchestrated with military-style pomp by the black-shirted Benito Mussolini—the largest wreath on the...

Our Top 5 Wacky Nasa Missions that Might Just Happen
From ACM Careers

Our Top 5 Wacky Nasa Missions that Might Just Happen

Meet the space technologies of tomorrow—or maybe a decade after that.

The Hot New Job in Silicon Valley Is Being a Robot's Assistant
From ACM Opinion

The Hot New Job in Silicon Valley Is Being a Robot's Assistant

"I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords." So goes the joke every time artificial intelligence threatens to supersede humans in another job.

Inside China's Plan to Give Every Citizen a Character Score
From ACM News

Inside China's Plan to Give Every Citizen a Character Score

Where you go, what you buy, who you know, how many points are on your driving licence, how your pupils rate you.

Dna-Cutting Enzymes Could Slice Through Gene Editing Patent Spat
From ACM Careers

Dna-Cutting Enzymes Could Slice Through Gene Editing Patent Spat

Who owns the biggest biotech advance of the century?

The Cyber-Mechanics Who Protect Your Car from Hackers
From ACM Careers

The Cyber-Mechanics Who Protect Your Car from Hackers

A couple of weeks ago, a small team of security researchers gathered near a car parked outside one of their company’s buildings.

How to Spot Home-Grown Isis Recruits Online Before They Leave
From ACM Careers

How to Spot Home-Grown Isis Recruits Online Before They Leave

Britain's youngest suicide bomber. That is how the name Talha Asmal was introduced to the public last week.

Cyber Citizen Tool Shows Which Countries' Laws Cover Our Surfing
From ACM News

Cyber Citizen Tool Shows Which Countries' Laws Cover Our Surfing

"Where am I?" In the real world, it's an easy question to answer. Online, things can get more complicated.

AI Interns: Software Already Taking Jobs from Humans
From ACM Careers

AI Interns: Software Already Taking Jobs from Humans

Forget Skynet. Hypothetical world-ending artificial intelligence makes headlines, but the hype ignores what's happening right under our noses.

Virtual Zombie Apocalypse Can Prepare ­S For Disaster
From ACM Opinion

Virtual Zombie Apocalypse Can Prepare ­S For Disaster

Why use online games to study our responses to catastrophic events?

Get Your Head Around the 13 Boldest Ideas in Science
From ACM Opinion

Get Your Head Around the 13 Boldest Ideas in Science

Science is full of mind-blowing and counterintuitive concepts.
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