From ACM Careers
Canonical's Open Documentation Academy aims to help newcomers participate in the open source community, offering mentorship and…
BNN| February 28, 2024
Which is more intrusive: security screening and metal detectors every few blocks, or a drone flying high above it taking video of every little thing you do?Scientific American From ACM Opinion | April 18, 2013
Early attempts at driverless cars have had little difficulty gathering the loads of data required to operate autonomously.Scientific American From ACM News | April 11, 2013
Some people try to make the most of their spare time by exercising, volunteering, or simply recharging their batteries. Others like to use that time to build robots...Scientific American From ACM News | May 31, 2012
During 2011's deadly onslaught of earthquakes, floods and tornadoes, countless buildings had to be evacuated while workers checked to make sure they were stable...Scientific American From ACM News | October 17, 2011