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Intel's Pc Chief Sees Big Changes Coming in 2015
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Intel's Pc Chief Sees Big Changes Coming in 2015

Intel failed to match its normal cadence of delivering new microprocessors this year.

10 Innovations For the Bank of the Future
From ACM Careers

10 Innovations For the Bank of the Future

Around 100 of the U.K.s finest minds in the financial technology sector gathered Tuesday for the Financial News and WSJD inaugural Fintech Conference in London.

Accessibility Claims Expected Over Websites
From ACM Careers

Accessibility Claims Expected Over Websites

Businesses should brace for a new crop of so-called "accessibility" lawsuits alleging that their commercial websites fail to comply with federal disabled-access...

Google Backs Second Quantum Computing Effort
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Google Backs Second Quantum Computing Effort

Scientists can't seem to agree on what a quantum computer is. But the uncertainty hasn't deterred Google from backing a second major effort in the field.

Google's New Moonshot Project: The Human Body
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Google's New Moonshot Project: The Human Body

Google Inc. has embarked on what may be its most ambitious and difficult science project ever: a quest inside the human body.

Here's What the Leaders of Tech Told Graduates in 2014
From ACM Careers

Here's What the Leaders of Tech Told Graduates in 2014

Graduates around the world gather at the end of spring for one final lesson: the commencement speech.

Paper Planes Transform Into Tiny Drones
From ACM News

Paper Planes Transform Into Tiny Drones

It took Chuck Pell less than a minute to build his drone.

New Chip to Bring Holograms to Smartphones
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New Chip to Bring Holograms to Smartphones

In the future, virtual reality won't require strapping a bulky contraption to your head.

Ray Kurzweil
From ACM Opinion

Ray Kurzweil

Ray Kurzweil is teaching computers how to read better—one more step in the march of technological progress.

It's Judgment Day For Killer Robots at the ­nited Nations
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It's Judgment Day For Killer Robots at the ­nited Nations

Has the age of the Robocop and Terminator arrived?

Can 'robotic' Pills Replace Injections?
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Can 'robotic' Pills Replace Injections?

The adage "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning" is destined for a futuristic makeover.

Stop Pouting About Tech's Next Big Thing, It's Here
From ACM Opinion

Stop Pouting About Tech's Next Big Thing, It's Here

It's easy to get jaded when you cover the technology industry.

A Peek ­nder the Hood at the Brains of Self-Driving Cars
From ACM Opinion

A Peek ­nder the Hood at the Brains of Self-Driving Cars

What car maker today doesn't seem to have an autonomous car bumbling around its test lot?

A Genetic Code For Genius?
From ACM News

A Genetic Code For Genius?

At a former paper-printing factory in Hong Kong, a 20-year-old wunderkind named Zhao Bowen has embarked on a challenging and potentially controversial quest: uncovering...

The Trouble With Tinkering Time
From ACM Careers

The Trouble With Tinkering Time

It's the latest R&D trend: penciling in tinkering time on the company clock.

From ACM Careers

Video: Touring the Futuristic R&d Lab Behind Apple's Siri

SRI in Menlo Park, California, has spawned everything from the computer mouse to ultrasound technology to the Siri "personal assistant" platform in the new iPhones...
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