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authorThe Washington Post
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5.1 Million Americans Have Security Clearances
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5.1 Million Americans Have Security Clearances

Critics of the country's national security apparatus say Washington is addicted to secrecy.

Federal Agencies Embrace New Technology and Strategies to Find the Enemy Within
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Federal Agencies Embrace New Technology and Strategies to Find the Enemy Within

After years of focusing on outside threats, the federal government and its contractors are turning inward, aiming a range of new technologies and counterintelligence...

Comcast's Deal with Netflix Makes Network Neutrality Obsolete
From ACM Opinion

Comcast's Deal with Netflix Makes Network Neutrality Obsolete

For the past two decades, the Internet has operated as an unregulated, competitive free market.

The Political Science of Cybersecurity III—How International Relations Theory Shapes U.S. Cybersecurity Doctrine
From ACM Opinion

The Political Science of Cybersecurity III—How International Relations Theory Shapes U.S. Cybersecurity Doctrine

U.S. cybersecurity officials have been much more skeptical about international cooperation than their Cold War counterparts were.

Obama's Big Plan to Protect Businesses from Cyberattack
From ACM News

Obama's Big Plan to Protect Businesses from Cyberattack

It's been a long time coming, and some experts say it isn't enough.

New Surveillance Technology Can Track Everyone in an Area for Several Hours at a Time
From ACM News

New Surveillance Technology Can Track Everyone in an Area for Several Hours at a Time

Shooter and victim were just a pair of pixels, dark specks on a gray streetscape. 

One Day an Elevator Might Ask—are You Getting On?
From ACM News

One Day an Elevator Might Ask—are You Getting On?

Microsoft researchers have enabled elevators in a company building to detect the likelihood that a person walking by will want to board it.

10 Bold Predictions For 2014
From ACM Opinion

10 Bold Predictions For 2014

At the beginning of each year, it's possible to make predictions about the future of the tech sector simply by extrapolating from data in the latest Mary Meeker...

How One Publisher Is Stopping Academics from Sharing Their Research
From ACM News

How One Publisher Is Stopping Academics from Sharing Their Research

One of the world's largest academic publishers has launched a wide-ranging takedown spree, demanding that several different universities take down their own scholars'...

The Head of Google X Thinks We're All Too Risk-Averse
From ACM Opinion

The Head of Google X Thinks We're All Too Risk-Averse

Google X is responsible for some of Google's most literally fantastic projects: Google Glass, self-driving cars, gigantic inflatable balloons that beam Internet...

Former Nsa Chief: Nsa and ­.s. Cyber Command Are Now 'indistinguishable'
From ACM Opinion

Former Nsa Chief: Nsa and ­.s. Cyber Command Are Now 'indistinguishable'

The public's trust in government has been battered by repeated abuses of power, but it's not the NSA's fault.

Here's Why the Feds Didn't Have More Skilled Programmers For
From ACM Opinion

Here's Why the Feds Didn't Have More Skilled Programmers For, the Web site at the center of President Obama's federal health insurance exchange, has been plagued with problems since it opened for business Oct...

Here's Why Cops Should Be Required to Wear a Lapel Camera While on Duty
From ACM Opinion

Here's Why Cops Should Be Required to Wear a Lapel Camera While on Duty

Police officers in Rialto, Calif., carry cameras to record their every action while on duty.

As Demand For Big Data Analysts Grows, Schools Rush to Graduate Students with Necessary Skills
From ACM Careers

As Demand For Big Data Analysts Grows, Schools Rush to Graduate Students with Necessary Skills

Two or three of the students recently completed undergraduate degrees in finance or economics. Others hail from backgrounds in information technology or marketing...

The Nsa Sponsors 'cyber Operations' Training at ­niversities. Here's What Students Learn.
From ACM News

The Nsa Sponsors 'cyber Operations' Training at ­niversities. Here's What Students Learn.

Last week, Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh became one of the latest—and most prestigious—schools to partner with the National Security Agency on a program...

Linkedin Connects Big Data, Human Resources
From ACM Careers

Linkedin Connects Big Data, Human Resources

Every second, more than two more people join LinkedIn's network of 238 million members.

Nsa Growth Fueled By Need to Target Terrorists
From ACM News

Nsa Growth Fueled By Need to Target Terrorists

Twelve years later, the cranes and earthmovers around the National Security Agency are still at work, tearing up pavement and uprooting trees to make room for a...

Astronomer Uses Kepler Telescope's Data in Hunt For Spacecraft from Other Worlds
From ACM Careers

Astronomer Uses Kepler Telescope's Data in Hunt For Spacecraft from Other Worlds

In the field of planet hunting, Geoff Marcy is a star. After all, the astronomer at the University of California at Berkeley found nearly three-quarters of the...

Obama, the 'big Data' President
From ACM TechNews

Obama, the 'big Data' President

The Obama administration, which strongly believes in the power of data to drive government decision-making, has initiated several big data projects.

Linguists Identify 15,000-Year-Old 'ultraconserved Words'
From ACM News

Linguists Identify 15,000-Year-Old 'ultraconserved Words'

You, hear me! Give this fire to that old man. Pull the black worm off the bark and give it to the mother. And no spitting in the ashes!
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