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This Incredible Oculus Sim Lets Soccer Players Relive Games
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This Incredible Oculus Sim Lets Soccer Players Relive Games

For many athletes, watching game film is a necessary chore.

Siri's Inventors Are Building a Radical New AI That Does Anything You Ask
From ACM News

Siri's Inventors Are Building a Radical New AI That Does Anything You Ask

When Apple announced the iPhone 4S on October 4, 2011, the headlines were not about its speedy A5 chip or improved camera.

Meet the Puzzle Mastermind Who Designs Def Con's Hackable Badges
From ACM Careers

Meet the Puzzle Mastermind Who Designs Def Con's Hackable Badges

Def Con is one of the world's biggest hacker conventions, an annual gathering of security experts, cryptographers and at least a few people who could surreptitiously...

Finally, a Way to Teach Coding to the Touchscreen Generation
From ACM News

Finally, a Way to Teach Coding to the Touchscreen Generation

First came Generation X. Then the Millennials. And if you have kids under 10, you already know what they're going to be called: the Touchscreen Generation.

Tech Giants Begin Recruiting For the Next Big Platform Wars
From ACM Careers

Tech Giants Begin Recruiting For the Next Big Platform Wars

The Internet of Things is still young, but it's real.

The Moral Hazards and Legal Conundrums of Our Robot-Filled Future
From ACM Opinion

The Moral Hazards and Legal Conundrums of Our Robot-Filled Future

The robots are coming, and they're getting smarter.

Tiny Startup Completely Reinvents How We ­se Touchscreens
From ACM Careers

Tiny Startup Completely Reinvents How We ­se Touchscreens

If you want a reminder of how far technology has come in the last decade, check out the YouTube clip of Steve Jobs unveiling the first iPhone to a room full of...

Why Coders Are Going Nuts Over Apple's New Programming Language
From ACM Careers

Why Coders Are Going Nuts Over Apple's New Programming Language

When Apple unveiled a new programming language at its World Wide Developers Conference on Monday, the place went "nuts," erupting with raucous cheers and applause...

Why You Should Embrace Surveillance, Not Fight It
From ACM Opinion

Why You Should Embrace Surveillance, Not Fight It

I once worked with Steven Spielberg on the development of Minority Report, derived from the short story by Philip K. Dick featuring a future society that uses surveillance...

Futurist Says We'll ­se Lasers to Beam Our Minds Into Space Someday Soon
From ACM Opinion

Futurist Says We'll ­se Lasers to Beam Our Minds Into Space Someday Soon

The idea of erasing and implanting memories is a common feature of science fiction films such as Total Recall and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Netflix Is Building an Artificial Brain ­sing Amazon's Cloud
From ACM News

Netflix Is Building an Artificial Brain ­sing Amazon's Cloud

Nothing beats a movie recommendation from a friend who knows your tastes.

A Holodeck Videogame Designed to Train Soldiers
From ACM Careers

A Holodeck Videogame Designed to Train Soldiers

If the Army is going to keep up with military readiness pressures while also seeing a reduction in troop size and stagnant budgets, then it’s going to need more...

Why We Can't Let American Tech Take Over the World
From ACM Opinion

Why We Can't Let American Tech Take Over the World

Whenever an app, a website, or a physical product like a gaming console is exported, it ships with a side of cultural influence.

Doom's Creator Looks Back on 20 Years of Demonic Mayhem
From ACM Opinion

Doom's Creator Looks Back on 20 Years of Demonic Mayhem

At the stroke of midnight on December 10, 1993, an executive at id Software uploaded a file to an FTP site on the University of Washington's network.

The American Who Designed the Playstation 4 and Remade Sony
From ACM Careers

The American Who Designed the Playstation 4 and Remade Sony

Shuhei Yoshida still remembers the call that convinced him Sony needed to change.

Google in Jeopardy: What If IBM's Watson Dethroned the King of Search?
From ACM Opinion

Google in Jeopardy: What If IBM's Watson Dethroned the King of Search?

Remember Watson, IBM's Jeopardy! champion?

The Science Behind the Netflix Algorithms That Decide What You'll Watch Next
From ACM News

The Science Behind the Netflix Algorithms That Decide What You'll Watch Next

If you liked 1960s Star Trek, the first non-Trek title that Netflix is likely to suggest to you is the original Mission: Impossible series (the one with the cool...

Something Old, Something New
From ACM Careers

Something Old, Something New

Andrew McLaughlin is, like, California-enthusiastic. Like, we're-totally-going-to-do-this-guys enthusiastic.

The Company Website Is Making a Comeback
From ACM Careers

The Company Website Is Making a Comeback

For years now, companies have been vying for attention on social streams controlled by the likes of Facebook and Twitter.

How Two Sound Geeks Created Facebook's Friendly 'ping' Tone
From ACM Careers

How Two Sound Geeks Created Facebook's Friendly 'ping' Tone

About two weeks ago, a question popped up on Quora asking: "How much research has gone into developing the Facebook 'ping' sound?"
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