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German-Style Training For American Factory Workers
From ACM Careers

German-Style Training For American Factory Workers

German robotics company Festo AG wants to make American factory workers more tech-savvy.

Map of Body's Protein-Folding Machinery Wins a Major Medical Prize
From ACM News

Map of Body's Protein-Folding Machinery Wins a Major Medical Prize

It's speculation season once again for Nobel Prize watchers.

Google Is Target of European Backlash on ­.s. Tech Dominance
From ACM News

Google Is Target of European Backlash on ­.s. Tech Dominance

A top German official called for Google to be broken up.

Why I Just Asked My Students To Put Their Laptops Away
From ACM Opinion

Why I Just Asked My Students To Put Their Laptops Away

I teach theory and practice of social media at NYU, and am an advocate and activist for the free culture movement, so I’m a pretty unlikely candidate for internet...

Shenzhen Trip Report Visiting the World's Manufacturing Ecosystem
From ACM Careers

Shenzhen Trip Report Visiting the World's Manufacturing Ecosystem

Last year, a group of Media Lab students visited Shenzhen with, bunnie, an old friend and my hardware guru.

The Man Who Will Build Google's Elusive Quantum Computer
From ACM Opinion

The Man Who Will Build Google's Elusive Quantum Computer

John Martinis is one of the world's foremost experts on quantum computing, a growing field of science that aims to process information at super high speeds using...

Plate Tectonics Found on Europa
From ACM Careers

Plate Tectonics Found on Europa

If you have got an idea for how to study Europa, then NASA wants to hear from you.

Nato Agrees Cyber Attack Could Trigger Military Response
From ACM News

Nato Agrees Cyber Attack Could Trigger Military Response

NATO leaders agreed on Friday that a large-scale cyber attack on a member country could be considered an attack on the entire U.S.-led alliance, potentially triggering...

Apple's iPhone 6 First Responders
From ACM Careers

Apple's iPhone 6 First Responders

As Apple prepares to unveil the iPhone 6 on Sept. 9, engineers are toiling in secrecy to make sure everything works properly.

E-Sports Set Video Gamers Fighting For Real Money in Virtual Contests
From ACM News

E-Sports Set Video Gamers Fighting For Real Money in Virtual Contests

A bewitching creature—half woman, half deer—battles a shaman and a sentient tree.

The Coming Age of the Internet Naturalist
From ACM Careers

The Coming Age of the Internet Naturalist

Three years ago, Shaun Winterton was looking at photos of bugs on Flickr.

Gigabytes Don't Matter Anymore in the Online Storage War
From ACM Careers

Gigabytes Don't Matter Anymore in the Online Storage War

If you still think storing files online is all about who offers the most gigabytes for the lowest price, you weren't there when Jared Leto showed up at BoxWorks...

Getting a Clear Picture of a Computer Network's Security
From ACM Careers

Getting a Clear Picture of a Computer Network's Security

Security experts say the only hope of protecting corporate networks from hackers is something the industry calls "defense in depth."

Google Backs Second Quantum Computing Effort
From ACM News

Google Backs Second Quantum Computing Effort

Scientists can't seem to agree on what a quantum computer is. But the uncertainty hasn't deterred Google from backing a second major effort in the field.

Apple Explains Why Your Ios App Keeps Getting Rejected
From ACM Careers

Apple Explains Why Your Ios App Keeps Getting Rejected

If you've ever developed an app for the iPhone or iPad, you've had to deal with Apple's App Store Review Guidelines.

Finding the 'holy Grail' of Making Smarter Robots
From ACM News

Finding the 'holy Grail' of Making Smarter Robots

Robots that can learn how to do just about anything, including anticipating what their human owners are about to do, may be lurking around the corner if scientists...

Memory Reformat Planned For Opportunity Mars Rover
From ACM News

Memory Reformat Planned For Opportunity Mars Rover

An increasing frequency of computer resets on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has prompted the rover team to make plans to reformat the rover's flash...

Baby X, The Intelligent Toddler Simulation, Is Getting Smarter Every Day
From ACM News

Baby X, The Intelligent Toddler Simulation, Is Getting Smarter Every Day

Holding a children's picture book up to his computer screen, a researcher for the Auckland Bioengineering Institute Laboratory for Animate Technologies in New Zealand...

Why Big Data Has Some Big Problems When It Comes to Public Policy
From ACM Opinion

Why Big Data Has Some Big Problems When It Comes to Public Policy

For all the talk about using big data and data science to solve the world’s problems—and even all the talk about big data as one of the world’s problems—it seems...

Looking to the Future of Data Science
From ACM News

Looking to the Future of Data Science

The Association for Computing Machinery, a leading professional association in computer science, is holding its annual conference this week, focusing on what we’re...
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