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Six Keys to Sports Analytics
From ACM Careers

Six Keys to Sports Analytics

The ninth annual MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference (SSAC) was the biggest meeting yet of sports-data experts: More than 3,100 people attended the event last...

Arcade-Style 'snake Invasion' Brings Campus Tradition Online
From ACM Careers

Arcade-Style 'snake Invasion' Brings Campus Tradition Online

"St. Pat's Snake Invasion," an arcade-style video game connected with a 107-year-old campus tradition, is now accessible from the Missouri S&T website.

Pentagon Shops in Silicon Valley For Game Changers
From ACM Careers

Pentagon Shops in Silicon Valley For Game Changers

A small group of high-ranking Pentagon officials made a quiet visit to Silicon Valley in December to solicit national security ideas from start-up firms with little...

Software Links School Technology and Strategies to Student Achievement
From ACM Careers

Software Links School Technology and Strategies to Student Achievement

BrightBytes has developed data-analytics software for schools that links the implementation of classroom technologies, and other strategies, to student achievement...

How Madden Ratings Are Made
From ACM Careers

How Madden Ratings Are Made

Hunched over a keyboard, surrounded by computer monitors, Donny Moore, 37, controls the fate of the National Football League.

Sony Opens Global Math Challenge to ­.s. Students
From ACM Careers

Sony Opens Global Math Challenge to ­.s. Students

Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc.'s Global Math Challenge will be available to students in the United States for the first time. The challenge will be held...

Why Digital Natives Prefer Reading in Print. Yes, You Read That Right.
From ACM Opinion

Why Digital Natives Prefer Reading in Print. Yes, You Read That Right.

Frank Schembari loves books—printed books.

A Pebble in Apple's Shoe
From ACM Careers

A Pebble in Apple's Shoe

I made it a point to visit Eric Migicovsky on September 10, 2014. It was the day after the lavish event announcing the Apple Watch, the long-anticipated wrist computer...

School Computer Coding Bill Passes First Vote in ­tah Senate
From ACM TechNews

School Computer Coding Bill Passes First Vote in ­tah Senate

The Utah Senate gave preliminary approval to a bill that would create a computer science initiative requiring a range of computer science instructional resources...

Magic Leap
From ACM News

Magic Leap

Logically, I know there isn’t a hulking four-armed, twisty-horned blue monster clomping in circles in front of me, but it sure as hell looks like it.

Can an Led-Filled 'robot Garden' Make Coding More Accessible?
From ACM Careers

Can an Led-Filled 'robot Garden' Make Coding More Accessible?

An MIT team has created a "robot garden" with dozens of fast-changing LED lights and more than 100 crawling, swimming, and blooming origami robots to teach basic...

Hoping Google's Lab Is a Rainmaker
From ACM Careers

Hoping Google's Lab Is a Rainmaker

Google's research arm, Google X, is called the company's Moonshot Factory. One reason the company picked the word "Moonshot" was to remind people to tackle big...

Digital Badges Could Motivate Students, Research Shows
From ACM Careers

Digital Badges Could Motivate Students, Research Shows

The blend of digital technology and traditional merit badges would provide an opportunity to both motivate and measure learning, according to new research by...

The Coming Boom In Brain Medicines
From ACM News

The Coming Boom In Brain Medicines

Tony Coles could have had any job he wanted in the drug industry.

How to Interest Girls in Computer Science? Shift the Stereotypes
From ACM Careers

How to Interest Girls in Computer Science? Shift the Stereotypes

A new study identifies a main culprit for the underrepresentation of women in undergraduate computer science and engineering programs: inaccurate stereotypes depicting...

How to Choose the Form of an Infographic: It's All About Context
From ACM Opinion

How to Choose the Form of an Infographic: It's All About Context

As a graphics designer, I have a love/hate relationship with circles.

Better How-to Videos
From ACM Careers

Better How-to Videos

Educational researchers have developed a system that crowdsources the annotation of instructional videos to increase their value. 

Career Award Winner Tackles Structured Indoor Modeling
From ACM Careers

Career Award Winner Tackles Structured Indoor Modeling

Yasutaka Furukawa thinks there's a better way to find your way around a large building than with a printed, one-dimensional map. And he's getting a chance to make...

Washington Lawmakers Want Computer Science to Count as Foreign Language
From ACM Careers

Washington Lawmakers Want Computer Science to Count as Foreign Language

Two Washington state legislators have recently introduced a bill that would allow computer science class (e.g., programming) to effectively count as a foreign language...

An Incubator For Innovation
From ACM Careers

An Incubator For Innovation

To halt climate change, the world desperately needs advances in clean energy.
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