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The Man Who Drew Up Sony's Next Game Plan
From ACM Opinion

The Man Who Drew Up Sony's Next Game Plan

Mark Cerny's soft voice and youthful looks belie the position of power he holds in the video-game industry.

How Big Data Could Help Identify the Next Felon—or Blame the Wrong Guy
From ACM Careers

How Big Data Could Help Identify the Next Felon—or Blame the Wrong Guy

Think of it as big data meets "Minority Report."

How Footprint Recognition Software May Help Zoology
From ACM Careers

How Footprint Recognition Software May Help Zoology

Studying animal behavior in the wild usually starts with figuring out just where the wild animals are hiding.

­.s. Brain Project Puts Focus on Ethics
From ACM Careers

­.s. Brain Project Puts Focus on Ethics

The false mouse memories made the ethicists uneasy. By stimulating certain neurons in the hippocampus, Susumu Tonegawa and his colleagues caused mice to recall...

Meet the Hackers Who Want to Jailbreak the Internet
From ACM Careers

Meet the Hackers Who Want to Jailbreak the Internet

One guy is wearing his Google Glass. Another showed up in an HTML5 t-shirt. And then there's the dude who looks like the Mad Hatter, decked out in a top hat with...

How to Think About Drones
From ACM Opinion

How to Think About Drones

Consider David. The shepherd lad steps up to face in single combat the Philistine giant Goliath.

Weather Channel Now Also Forecasts What You'll Buy
From ACM Careers

Weather Channel Now Also Forecasts What You'll Buy

The Weather Channel knows the chance for rain in St. Louis on Friday, what the heat index could reach in Santa Fe on Saturday, and how humid Baltimore may get on...

Google Glasses Head to Ballpark With Oakland A's Pitchers
From ACM Careers

Google Glasses Head to Ballpark With Oakland A's Pitchers

There are a lot of places where Google Glasses are prohibited, but the Oakland A's bullpen is not one of them. A's pitchers Ryan Cook and Sean Doolittle are the...

As New Targets For Hackers, Your Car and Your House
From ACM News

As New Targets For Hackers, Your Car and Your House

Imagine driving on the freeway at 60 miles per hour and your car suddenly screeches to a halt, causing a pileup that injures dozens of people.

Hackers Called Into Civic Duty
From ACM Careers

Hackers Called Into Civic Duty

Cash-strapped cities are turning to an unusual source to improve their online services on the cheap: helpful hackers, who use city data to create tools tracking...

Linkedin Connects Big Data, Human Resources
From ACM Careers

Linkedin Connects Big Data, Human Resources

Every second, more than two more people join LinkedIn's network of 238 million members.

Pgp Inventor and Silent Circle Co-Founder Phil Zimmermann on the Surveillance Society
From ACM Opinion

Pgp Inventor and Silent Circle Co-Founder Phil Zimmermann on the Surveillance Society

Phil Zimmermann might be a technologist, but he tends to get philosophical when it comes to the issues of privacy and security and how they intersect with our society...

Device Captures Signatures and Fingerprints with Tiny Piezo-Phototronic Leds
From ACM Careers

Device Captures Signatures and Fingerprints with Tiny Piezo-Phototronic Leds

Researchers at Georgia Tech have developed a sensor device that converts mechanical pressure — from a signature or a fingerprint — directly into light signals that...

The Science Behind the Netflix Algorithms That Decide What You'll Watch Next
From ACM News

The Science Behind the Netflix Algorithms That Decide What You'll Watch Next

If you liked 1960s Star Trek, the first non-Trek title that Netflix is likely to suggest to you is the original Mission: Impossible series (the one with the cool...

Professor Emeritus Rodney Brooks Refines the Sequel to Irobot
From ACM Opinion

Professor Emeritus Rodney Brooks Refines the Sequel to Irobot

Professor emeritus Rodney Brooks gained fame in the 1990s for co-founding iRobot, an MIT spinoff that brought the world the Roomba and other innovative, helpful...

Nsa to Cut System Administrators By 90 Percent to Limit Data Access
From ACM News

Nsa to Cut System Administrators By 90 Percent to Limit Data Access

The U.S. National Security Agency, hit by disclosures of classified data by former contractor Edward Snowden, said Thursday it intends to eliminate about 90 percent...

Silent Circle Follows Lavabit in Shuttering Encrypted Email
From ACM News

Silent Circle Follows Lavabit in Shuttering Encrypted Email

Silent Circle shuttered its encrypted email service on Thursday, the second such closure in just a few hours in an apparent attempt to avoid government scrutiny...

Rodney Brooks Refines the Sequel to Irobot
From ACM Careers

Rodney Brooks Refines the Sequel to Irobot

Rodney Brooks' startup, Rethink Robotics, is producing robots that can adapt to manufacturing tasks and the factory environment.

Integrating Left Brain and Right, on a Computer
From ACM News

Integrating Left Brain and Right, on a Computer

As computers have matured over time, the human brain has no way of keeping up with silicon's rapid-fire calculating abilities.

Bigshot Diy Camera Aims to Teach Kids Tech Basics
From ACM News

Bigshot Diy Camera Aims to Teach Kids Tech Basics

Owners of Bigshot's device need to assemble its parts in a specific sequence to make it work. An online guide explains the science behind them.
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