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Study: On Twitter, False News Travels Faster Than True Stories
From ACM Careers

Study: On Twitter, False News Travels Faster Than True Stories

A new study by three MIT scholars has found that false news spreads more rapidly on the social network Twitter than real news does—and by a substantial margin. ...

Senators Ask Vote Machine Vendors about Russian Access to Source Code
From ACM Careers

Senators Ask Vote Machine Vendors about Russian Access to Source Code

Two Democratic senators on Wednesday asked major vendors of U.S. voting equipment whether they have allowed Russian entities to scrutinize their software, saying...

Don't Blame China, Mr. President. Blame the Robots.
From ACM Opinion

Don't Blame China, Mr. President. Blame the Robots.

Mr. President, if you're looking for someone to demonize for killing blue-collar jobs in your favorite industries, don't blame China and "bad trade deals." Blame...

Most Americans See Artificial Intelligence as a Threat to Jobs (Just Not Theirs)
From ACM Careers

Most Americans See Artificial Intelligence as a Threat to Jobs (Just Not Theirs)

The vast majority of Americans expect artificial intelligence to lead to job losses in the coming decade, but few see it coming for their own position.

Software Aims to Reduce Food Waste by Helping Those in Need
From ACM Careers

Software Aims to Reduce Food Waste by Helping Those in Need

Sugam Sharma and his collaborators at Iowa State University have developed eFeed-Hungers, a software prototye that diverts excess food from restaurants, grocery...

Bioengineers Today Emphasize the Crucial Ingredient Dr. Frankenstein Forgot: Responsibility 
From ACM Opinion

Bioengineers Today Emphasize the Crucial Ingredient Dr. Frankenstein Forgot: Responsibility 

Mary Shelley was 20 when she published "Frankenstein" in 1818. Two hundred years on, the book remains thrilling, challenging and relevant—especially for scientists...

Student-Run Hackathons ­se ­ncommon Approaches to Educate and Inspire
From ACM Careers

Student-Run Hackathons ­se ­ncommon Approaches to Educate and Inspire

A hackathon organized by student groups at the University of Chicago helped introduce middle-school girls to app design and tech careers, and challenged more seasoned...

­T Computer Science Adding Ethics Courses to Curriculum
From ACM Careers

­T Computer Science Adding Ethics Courses to Curriculum

The University of Texas at Austin is offering a new computer science course this semester which introduces first-year students to ethical dilemmas and helps them...

Flippy, a Robotic Kitchen Assistant, Cooks Burgers in California
From ACM Careers

Flippy, a Robotic Kitchen Assistant, Cooks Burgers in California

Flippy, an autonomous robotic kitchen assistant, is working alongside kitchen staff flipping burgers at CaliBurger in Pasadena, Calif.

AI's Dirty Little Secret: It's Powered by People
From ACM News

AI's Dirty Little Secret: It's Powered by People

There's a dirty little secret about artificial intelligence: It's powered by hundreds of thousands of real people.

MIT Librarian: Tech Workplaces Plastered With Star Trek Posters, Geeky Stuff Are Non-Inclusive to Women
From ACM Careers

MIT Librarian: Tech Workplaces Plastered With Star Trek Posters, Geeky Stuff Are Non-Inclusive to Women

The top librarian at MIT recently argued that to make tech workplaces more inclusive and welcoming to women, ditch "Star Trek" posters and other geeky stuff cluttering...

AI Will Create New Jobs But Skills Must Shift, Say Tech Giants
From ACM Careers

AI Will Create New Jobs But Skills Must Shift, Say Tech Giants

AI will create more jobs than it destroys was the not-so-subtle rebuttal from tech giants to growing concern over the impact of automation technologies on employment...

The 5 Most Popular Programming Languages Among Female Developers
From ACM Careers

The 5 Most Popular Programming Languages Among Female Developers

Computer science is growing in popularity among young women, according to HackerRank's 2018 Women in Tech Report. Java, JavaScript, C, C++, and Python top the list...

Big Pharma, Big Data: Why Drugmakers Want Your Health Records
From ACM Careers

Big Pharma, Big Data: Why Drugmakers Want Your Health Records

Drugmakers are racing to scoop up patient health records and strike deals with technology companies as big data analytics start to unlock a trove of information...

Changing the World Through Data
From ACM Careers

Changing the World Through Data

All roads to comprehensive data and analysis regarding the vehicle technology market lead to Stacy Davis at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Feeding Frenzy for AI Engineers Gets More Intense
From ACM Careers

Feeding Frenzy for AI Engineers Gets More Intense

In December, Bloomberg reported that desperate demand for software engineers who know how to build artificial intelligence systems turned a previously low-key academic...

Forget Learning to Code, Bosses Value Collaboration and Communication
From ACM Careers

Forget Learning to Code, Bosses Value Collaboration and Communication

While automation is requiring workers to maintain technical fluency, the top priority for developing talent is to train for soft skills, according to LinkedIn's 2018...

Apple's China Lesson: Think Different, But Not Too Different
From ACM Opinion

Apple's China Lesson: Think Different, But Not Too Different

Apple Inc. Chief Executive Tim Cook will co-chair the Chinese government's showcase global business forum next month, underscoring his increasingly high profile...

How Social Networking Sites Can Crack Down on Cyberbullying
From ACM Careers

How Social Networking Sites Can Crack Down on Cyberbullying

A Cornell research team has discovered a way to encourage people to intervene in cases of cyberbullying on social networking sites.

Tech Companies Should Stop Pretending AI Won't Destroy Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Tech Companies Should Stop Pretending AI Won't Destroy Jobs

I took an Uber to an artificial-­intelligence conference at MIT one recent morning, and the driver asked me how long it would take for autonomous vehicles to take...
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