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Losing the Key
From ACM Careers

Losing the Key

In this age of rapid transformation, the house key has been surprisingly resistant to change.

Software That Sees Employees, Not Outsiders, As the Real Threat
From ACM Careers

Software That Sees Employees, Not Outsiders, As the Real Threat

A growing number of companies are under pressure to protect sensitive data—and not just from hackers lurking outside the digital walls.

Titan Flybys Test the Talents of Nasa's Cassini Team
From ACM News

Titan Flybys Test the Talents of Nasa's Cassini Team

As NASA's Cassini spacecraft zooms toward Saturn's smoggy moon Titan for a targeted flyby on June 18, mission scientists are excitedly hoping to repeat a scientific...

Forget Touchscreens, 3D Holographic Displays Are Coming
From ACM News

Forget Touchscreens, 3D Holographic Displays Are Coming

As it stands, the touchscreen experience is confined to a flat, two-dimensional world.

Mastercard Expects Big Growth from 'big Data' Insights
From ACM Careers

Mastercard Expects Big Growth from 'big Data' Insights

MasterCard Inc, the world's second-largest debit and credit card company, sees business booming from selling data to retailers, banks, and governments on spending...

Squiggly Lines Secure Smartphones
From ACM News

Squiggly Lines Secure Smartphones

To protect your financial and personal data, most mobiles come with PIN-based security, biometrics or number grids that require you to retrace a particular pattern...

Jonathan Ive on Apple's Design Process and Product Philosophy
From ACM Opinion

Jonathan Ive on Apple's Design Process and Product Philosophy

When Steven P. Jobs led Apple, he created a core principle for the company's designers and engineers: stay fully focused on making great products.

Turn Detroit Into Drone Valley
From ACM Opinion

Turn Detroit Into Drone Valley

The popular recipe for creating the "next" Silicon Valley goes something like this:

The Turing Test Is Not What You Think It Is
From ACM Opinion

The Turing Test Is Not What You Think It Is

Whether or not you caught wind of the excited announcement that "Eugene Goostman," a computer program ("chatbot") devised by Vladimir Veselov, Eugene Demchenko,...

Is Tony Fadell the Next Steve Jobs or ... the Next Larry Page?
From ACM Careers

Is Tony Fadell the Next Steve Jobs or ... the Next Larry Page?

In the late 1990s a young entrepreneur named Tony Fadell tried to persuade Stewart Alsop, a journalist who had recently become a venture capitalist, to invest in...

With 'the Machine,' Hp May Have Invented a New Kind of Computer
From ACM News

With 'the Machine,' Hp May Have Invented a New Kind of Computer

If Hewlett-Packard founders Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard are spinning in their graves, they may be due for a break.

Tiny Startup Completely Reinvents How We ­se Touchscreens
From ACM Careers

Tiny Startup Completely Reinvents How We ­se Touchscreens

If you want a reminder of how far technology has come in the last decade, check out the YouTube clip of Steve Jobs unveiling the first iPhone to a room full of...

New Technology Aims to Rid World Cup of 'ghost Goals'
From ACM News

New Technology Aims to Rid World Cup of 'ghost Goals'

In 1966, British soccer legend Geoff Hurst booted a right-foot shot against Germany in the World Cup championship game.

Vermeer's Paintings Might Be 350-Year-Old Color Photographs
From ACM Opinion

Vermeer's Paintings Might Be 350-Year-Old Color Photographs

I was sitting in the bathtub in 2008 when I thought of a simple way Johannes Vermeer (Girl with a Pearl Earring) might have painted his photorealistic pictures...

Ambitious Plans For Brain Project Unveiled
From ACM News

Ambitious Plans For Brain Project Unveiled

A working group of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) presented a ten-year plan for the agency's portion of a major neuroscience initiative announced last...

How to ­se Tech Like a Teenager
From ACM Opinion

How to ­se Tech Like a Teenager

Enough with complaining that young people these days are addicted to their phones. The question you should be asking is: What do they know that you don't?

Nasa Advanced Technology Phase I Concepts Selected
From ACM Careers

Nasa Advanced Technology Phase I Concepts Selected

NASA has selected 12 proposals, including three from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, for study under Phase I of the NASA Innovative Advanced...

World Cup 2014 to Be Most Hi-Tech Football Event Ever
From ACM News

World Cup 2014 to Be Most Hi-Tech Football Event Ever

Football is full of "what ifs".

11 Amazing Images from High-Powered Microscopes
From ACM News

11 Amazing Images from High-Powered Microscopes

Thanks to high-powered microscopes we’re able to see life in incredible detail.

So Far, Big Data Is Small Potatoes
From ACM Opinion

So Far, Big Data Is Small Potatoes

Is Big Data going to revolutionize science and help us make a better world? Not based on what it's done so far.
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