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Google, Mighty Now, but Not Forever
From ACM Opinion

Google, Mighty Now, but Not Forever

Technology giants often meet their end not with a bang but a whimper, a slow, imperceptible descent into irrelevancy that may not immediately be reflected in the...

Robots Can Build Cars; Now They Learn Not to Crush You
From ACM News

Robots Can Build Cars; Now They Learn Not to Crush You

Robots long ago earned a place in factories, where their pneumatic pumps and steel welding arms help manufacture everything from cars to planes.

Watching the Universe in Real Time
From ACM Careers

Watching the Universe in Real Time

Even though the sky looks about the same every night to those of us here on Earth, cataclysmic things happen in outer space constantly.

The Invisible Network That Keeps the World Running
From ACM News

The Invisible Network That Keeps the World Running

It’s been just over 45 years since the Apollo Moon landings, and some would have it that we are failing to build big anymore; that we've since become too fascinated...

DARPA Is Developing a Search Engine For the Dark Web
From ACM News

DARPA Is Developing a Search Engine For the Dark Web

A new search engine being developed by Darpa aims to shine a light on the dark web and uncover patterns and relationships in online data to help law enforcement...

Washington Lawmakers Want Computer Science to Count as Foreign Language
From ACM Careers

Washington Lawmakers Want Computer Science to Count as Foreign Language

Two Washington state legislators have recently introduced a bill that would allow computer science class (e.g., programming) to effectively count as a foreign language...

U.s. to Establish New Cybersecurity Agency
From ACM Careers

U.s. to Establish New Cybersecurity Agency

The U.S. government is creating a new agency to monitor cybersecurity threats, pooling and analyzing information on a spectrum of risks, a senior Obama administration...

Nanotech Pioneer Langer Wins Award By Thinking Small
From ACM Opinion

Nanotech Pioneer Langer Wins Award By Thinking Small

Bioengineer Robert Langer has spent his career looking for the next not-so-big thing.

Autonomous Vehicles: No Drivers Required
From ACM News

Autonomous Vehicles: No Drivers Required

This summer, people will cruise through the streets of Greenwich, U.K., in electric shuttles with no one's hands on the steering wheel—or any steering wheel at...

Networks Reveal the Connections of Disease
From ACM News

Networks Reveal the Connections of Disease

Stefan Thurner is a physicist, not a biologist. But not long ago, the Austrian national health insurance clearinghouse asked Thurner and his colleagues at the Medical...

Could a Robot Have Written This Story? The Rise of the Robo-Journalist
From ACM News

Could a Robot Have Written This Story? The Rise of the Robo-Journalist

At large news agencies where speed is crucial, template-style stories have long been used for company results, allowing journalists to simply key in the relevant...

The Biggest Hole in the Fcc's New Internet Rules
From ACM Opinion

The Biggest Hole in the Fcc's New Internet Rules

The people clamoring for tough, new regulations for Internet service—everyone from net neutrality activists and a few blue-chip companies to President Obama and ...

British Army Creates Team of Facebook Warriors
From ACM News

British Army Creates Team of Facebook Warriors

The British army is creating a special force of Facebook warriors, skilled in psychological operations and use of social media to engage in unconventional warfare...

Andreessen Horowitz Taps Into Thriving World of Programmers
From ACM Careers

Andreessen Horowitz Taps Into Thriving World of Programmers

With its recent investment in Stack Exchange, venture firm Andreessen Horowitz now counts three significant companies in its portfolio that serve the broad and...

Programming: Pick ­p Python
From ACM Careers

Programming: Pick ­p Python

Last month, Adina Howe took up a post at Iowa State University in Ames. Officially, she is an assistant professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering.

I'll Be Back: The Return of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Careers

I'll Be Back: The Return of Artificial Intelligence

The artificial-intelligence industry, a field that conjures up images of humanoid robots and self-aware computer systems, is making a comeback at Silicon Valley...

China's Internet Population Hits 649 Million, 86 Percent on Phones
From ACM News

China's Internet Population Hits 649 Million, 86 Percent on Phones

China had 649 million Internet users by the end of 2014, with 557 million of those using handsets to go online, said a government report on Tuesday, as the world's...

Associated Press Looks to Expand Its Automated Stories Program Following Successful Launch
From ACM News

Associated Press Looks to Expand Its Automated Stories Program Following Successful Launch

In the last three months of 2014, the Associated Press published 3,000 articles on the earning reports of U.S. companies. Previously it could publish only 300.

Google Sweetens the Bug Bounty
From ACM Careers

Google Sweetens the Bug Bounty

Google's security team has a problem.

Qubits With Staying Power
From ACM Careers

Qubits With Staying Power

Researchers have unveiled a new design that in experiments extended the superposition time of a promising type of qubit a hundredfold, which could lead toward practical...
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