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Silicon Valley Worker Shortage Creates ­pside-Down Labor Market
From ACM Careers

Silicon Valley Worker Shortage Creates ­pside-Down Labor Market

Workers with a high school diploma have lower unemployment rates than those with bachelor's degrees or higher in some Bay Area counties.

Don't Fear the Robot Overlords; Embrace Them as Coworkers
From ACM Opinion

Don't Fear the Robot Overlords; Embrace Them as Coworkers

In a chilly warehouse just outside of Boston, the brute toils away. It's 600 pounds of orange and black metal and whirring motors, a massive robotic arm that picks...

Potential Benefits of Next-Generation Wargames
From ACM Careers

Potential Benefits of Next-Generation Wargames

Technological advances for game engines and cloud architectures are fueling the development of next-generation wargames that can increase insights for policymakers...

Julia Language Co-Creators Win Prize for Numerical Software
From ACM Careers

Julia Language Co-Creators Win Prize for Numerical Software

Three co-creators of the MIT-incubated Julia programming language are the recipients of the 2019 James H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Analysis and Scientific...

One Giant Step for a Chess-Playing Machine
From ACM News

One Giant Step for a Chess-Playing Machine

In early December, researchers at DeepMind, the artificial-intelligence company owned by Google's parent corporation, Alphabet Inc., filed a dispatch from the frontiers...

The Top Free Online ­niversity Courses of 2018
From ACM Careers

The Top Free Online ­niversity Courses of 2018

Computer science courses are well represented on the list of the most popular free online university courses of 2018.

British-Iranian Computer Science Professor Returns Home After Detention
From ACM Careers

British-Iranian Computer Science Professor Returns Home After Detention

Abbas Edalat, a professor of computer science and mathematics at Imperial College London who was detained in Iran in April, has returned to Britain, according to...

The Man Turning China Into a Quantum Superpower
From ACM Opinion

The Man Turning China Into a Quantum Superpower

On September 29, 2017, a Chinese satellite known as Micius made possible an unhackable videoconference between Vienna and Beijing, two cities half a world apart...

Two Princeton ­niversity Computer Science Professors To Lead Google AI Lab
From ACM Careers

Two Princeton ­niversity Computer Science Professors To Lead Google AI Lab

Princeton University computer science professors Elad Hazan and Yoram Singer will lead a Google artificial intelligence lab that is scheduled to open in January...

Initiative Will Educate High School Teachers in Computer Science
From ACM Careers

Initiative Will Educate High School Teachers in Computer Science

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has launched a five-year initiative that will educate and certify high school teachers to teach computer science....

China's Tech Giants Want to Go Global. Just One Thing Might Stand in Their Way.
From ACM News

China's Tech Giants Want to Go Global. Just One Thing Might Stand in Their Way.

In the early 1980s, a cluster of fledging computer companies opened up shop in a chaotic corner of northwest Beijing, near the campuses of Peking and Tsinghua Universities...

Nonprof-IT Student Teams Provide Tech Support to Community Groups
From ACM Careers

Nonprof-IT Student Teams Provide Tech Support to Community Groups

Students at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee offer free IT services through the Nonprof-IT program.

Josh Tenenbaum Named Innovator of the Year by R&D Magazine
From ACM Careers

Josh Tenenbaum Named Innovator of the Year by R&D Magazine

Josh Tenenbaum, a professor of computational cognitive science at MIT, was named 2018 Innovator of the Year by R&D Magazine.

The ­S Needs to Engage China on Tech, Or Risk Isolating Itself
From ACM Opinion

The ­S Needs to Engage China on Tech, Or Risk Isolating Itself

The contrast could hardly be more striking. In October, Vice President Mike Pence delivered a blistering speech accusing China of stealing prized US technology...

­.S. Army Research Lab Reveals Top 10 Coolest Advances from 2018
From ACM Careers

­.S. Army Research Lab Reveals Top 10 Coolest Advances from 2018

U.S. Army scientists and engineers have been busy in 2018 discovering, innovating, and transitioning science and technology solutions to modernize the armed forces...

Science vs. the State: A Family Saga at the Caltech of China
From ACM Careers

Science vs. the State: A Family Saga at the Caltech of China

Three generations of personal and political history show the tensions between the Communist Party's need for knowledge and its need for ideological control.

Half of Academic Scientists Quit After Just Five Years–Here's Why
From ACM TechNews

Half of Academic Scientists Quit After Just Five Years–Here's Why

Indiana University researchers estimated that half of all people pursuing STEM careers at higher-education institutions leave the field after only five years. ...

Researchers Develop Method to Hide Info and Images in Plain Sight
From ACM Careers

Researchers Develop Method to Hide Info and Images in Plain Sight

University of Central Florida researchers have found a way to hide information on materials and only make it visible to a person using the right tech.

How a Personality Trait Puts You at Risk for Cybercrime
From ACM Careers

How a Personality Trait Puts You at Risk for Cybercrime

Impulse online shopping, downloading music, and compulsive email use are all signs of low self control that make a person a target for malware attacks.

What Are Silicon Valley's Highest-Paying Tech Jobs?
From ACM Careers

What Are Silicon Valley's Highest-Paying Tech Jobs?

Product management, reliability, and security jobs pay the most in Silicon Valley, says job search firm Indeed.
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