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Stanford Students Show Phone Record Surveillance Can Yield Vast Amounts of Information
From ACM News

Stanford Students Show Phone Record Surveillance Can Yield Vast Amounts of Information

The National Security Agency's mass surveillance of telephone metadata could yield detailed information about the private lives of individuals far beyond what the...

Soft Robotic Fish Moves Like the Real Thing
From ACM News

Soft Robotic Fish Moves Like the Real Thing

Soft robots—which don’t just have soft exteriors but are also powered by fluid flowing through flexible channels—have become a sufficiently popular research topic...

5 Things That Will Remake Big Data in the Next 5 Years
From ACM Opinion

5 Things That Will Remake Big Data in the Next 5 Years

Big data has evolved a lot of the past few years; from a happy buzzword to a hated buzzword, and from a focus on volume to a focus on variety and velocity.

Why You Should Embrace Surveillance, Not Fight It
From ACM Opinion

Why You Should Embrace Surveillance, Not Fight It

I once worked with Steven Spielberg on the development of Minority Report, derived from the short story by Philip K. Dick featuring a future society that uses surveillance...

Oscar-Winning Visual Effects Mastermind Behind Gravity, Talks Physics Lessons, Nasa Imagery, and Defining the Art of Cg 'weightlessness' in Space
From ACM Opinion

Oscar-Winning Visual Effects Mastermind Behind Gravity, Talks Physics Lessons, Nasa Imagery, and Defining the Art of Cg 'weightlessness' in Space

Tim Webber is a visual effects supervisor who has worked on an array of critically acclaimed blockbusters.

Space Diaries Reveal 6 Things on an Astronaut's Mind
From ACM News

Space Diaries Reveal 6 Things on an Astronaut's Mind

While you are in space, could you keep a diary?

Computer Science: The Learning Machines
From ACM News

Computer Science: The Learning Machines

Three years ago, researchers at the secretive Google X lab in Mountain View, California, extracted some 10 million still images from YouTube videos and fed them...

From ACM Opinion

Why Robots Will Not Be Smarter Than Humans By 2029

In the last few days we've seen a spate of headlines like 2029: the year when robots will have the power to outsmart their makers, all occasioned by an Observer...

Federal Agencies Embrace New Technology and Strategies to Find the Enemy Within
From ACM News

Federal Agencies Embrace New Technology and Strategies to Find the Enemy Within

After years of focusing on outside threats, the federal government and its contractors are turning inward, aiming a range of new technologies and counterintelligence...

The Infinite Lives of BitTorrent
From ACM Careers

The Infinite Lives of BitTorrent

Bram Cohen sits at a round desk, surrounded by a pod of open cubicles.

One-Hit Wonders
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One-Hit Wonders

For more than a year now, tens of millions of Americans have found time each day to devote themselves to an essential task: swiping at their phones and tablets...

Virtual Reality Startups Look Back to the Future
From ACM Careers

Virtual Reality Startups Look Back to the Future

It's been almost 30 years since the computer scientist Jaron Lanier formed VPL Research, the first company to sell the high-tech goggles and gloves that once defined...

Stanford Engineers Create a Software Tool to Reduce the Cost of Cloud Computing
From ACM News

Stanford Engineers Create a Software Tool to Reduce the Cost of Cloud Computing

We hear a lot about the future of computing in the cloud, but not much about the efficiency of the data centers that make the cloud possible.

Language Barriers
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Language Barriers

The British scientist and polymath Stephen Wolfram has always had big ambitions.

Computer Science Students Help Singers Learn Their Vowels
From ACM Careers

Computer Science Students Help Singers Learn Their Vowels

Voice students who want to perfect how they sing their vowels can get help from a new free application called Vowel Shapes developed by a group of University of...

Inside the New Arms Race to Control Bandwidth on the Battlefield
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Inside the New Arms Race to Control Bandwidth on the Battlefield

An electromagnetic mystery in northern Iraq changed the course of Jesse Potter's life.

Interviewing the Algorithm
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Interviewing the Algorithm

Often, when there's talk about algorithms and journalism, the focus is on how to use algorithms to help publishers share content better and make more money.

Social Physics
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Social Physics

Since 2001, the Human Dynamics Laboratory at the MIT Media Lab has used digital technologies—from home-brewed portable sensors to cellphone call records—to try...

Europa Mission Gets Boost from President's New Nasa Budget
From ACM News

Europa Mission Gets Boost from President's New Nasa Budget

A dedicated mission to Jupiter's icy moon Europa, one of the best bets for life beyond Earth in our solar system, has inched a little closer to reality today.

Remembering Mit, When There Were Just 50 Women in a Class of 1,000
From ACM Opinion

Remembering Mit, When There Were Just 50 Women in a Class of 1,000

When Radia Perlman attended MIT in the late '60s and '70s, she was one of just a few dozen women (about 50) out of a class of 1,000.
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