From ACM Careers
Canonical's Open Documentation Academy aims to help newcomers participate in the open source community, offering mentorship and…
BNN| February 28, 2024
A team at the Chinese technology firm Baidu has presented a proposed neural network trained to analyze resumes to determine the best job candidates for openings...Tech Xplore From ACM TechNews | October 15, 2018
Dozens of employers looking to hire the next generation of tech employees descended on the University of California, Berkeley in September to meet students at an...Reuters From ACM Careers | October 15, 2018
Longer minimum passwords are the most effective way to prevent password reuse and reduce potential exposure in a third-party data breach.
Indiana niversity From ACM Careers | October 15, 2018
Urmila Mahadev spent eight years in graduate school solving one of the most basic questions in quantum computation: How do you know whether a quantum computer has...Quanta Magazine From ACM Careers | October 15, 2018
Mozilla has announced the Responsible Computer Science Challenge to teach computer science undergraduates about ethics.
Fox News From ACM Careers | October 12, 2018
What are the best two legs for running an obstacle course? One leg that crawls at the knee joint, and one massive leg dragged behind for stability like a kangaroo's...New Scientist From ACM News | October 12, 2018
Huawei Technologies Co. has overtaken Apple Inc. in smartphones. Now it wants to take on some of America's largest technology companies in semiconductors.
Bloomberg From ACM Careers | October 12, 2018
As workforce forecasts emphasize the importance of developing computer science skills early, researchers are working to create best practices for equitable curricula...EdTech From ACM Careers | October 12, 2018
The fictional news stories pop up on Facebook faster than Paterno Esmaquel II and his co-workers can stamp them out.
The New York Times From ACM Careers | October 12, 2018
The city of Pittsburgh, the one-time steel capital that's long been a symbol of Rust-Belt decline, is emerging as a vibrant hub for artificial intelligence, robotics...Reuters From ACM Careers | October 12, 2018
Nearly a third of U.S. workers do not believe employees at their company are fairly compensated regardless of their age, race, or gender, according to Beqom's 2018...Beqom From ACM Careers | October 12, 2018
Candidates with science backgrounds from across the political spectrum are bidding for seats in Congress.
Popular Science From ACM Careers | October 11, 2018
When John Campanella's friend wanted his beloved Ferrari painted, he knew exactly who to call.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory/NASA From ACM News | October 11, 2018
A team of Berkeley Lab and ORNL computational scientists and Nvidia engineers has demonstrated an exascale-class deep learning application that has broken the exaop...Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory From ACM Careers | October 10, 2018
Researchers at the University of Washington have developed 3-D printed assistive technology that can track and store their use—without using batteries or electronics...niversity of Washington From ACM Careers | October 10, 2018
A year ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping stood before the 19th Communist Party Congress and laid out his ambitious plan for China to become a world leader by 2025...NPR From ACM Careers | October 9, 2018
Students at UPES in New Delhi have developed a sleep detector device that issues an alarm to alert inattentive drivers.
India Today From ACM Careers | October 9, 2018