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Tony Fadell, Ceo of Nest, on Making Home Devices Cool
From ACM Opinion

Tony Fadell, Ceo of Nest, on Making Home Devices Cool

Nest Labs' first product has made it the darling of both the clean tech industry and design crowd.

An Army of Robot Baristas Could Mean the End of Starbucks As We Know It
From ACM Careers

An Army of Robot Baristas Could Mean the End of Starbucks As We Know It

Starbucks' 95,000 baristas have a competitor.

You'll Never Believe Where Tech's Highest-Paid Engineers Work
From ACM Careers

You'll Never Believe Where Tech's Highest-Paid Engineers Work

The guys at Glassdoor have compiled a list of the 25 tech companies with the best salaries for software engineers.

Huawei Executive Talks About Cyber Security
From ACM Opinion

Huawei Executive Talks About Cyber Security

As the world's second-largest supplier of telecommunications network equipment, Huawei plays a part in the technology industry's efforts to ensure network security...

Building the Robots of Mars—and Running Them from Manhattan
From ACM Careers

Building the Robots of Mars—and Running Them from Manhattan

After getting off the subway at 34th Street, I headed west past Macy's and continued walking as the storefronts gradually gave way to office towers.

Apple, Google, Facebook Don't Pay the Highest Engineer Salary
From ACM Careers

Apple, Google, Facebook Don't Pay the Highest Engineer Salary

Big-name companies like Google, Apple, and Facebook aren't necessarily paying their engineers the most (although they're up there), according to a new Glassdoor...

This Algorithm Can Predict Your Success At ­niversity
From ACM News

This Algorithm Can Predict Your Success At ­niversity

In a large university full of lecture classes, it can be hard to pinpoint the students who are falling through the cracks.

10 Questions For Ibm's Katharine Frase
From ACM Opinion

10 Questions For Ibm's Katharine Frase

Dr. Katharine Frase was appointed chief technology officer of IBM in March 2013. She sets IBM's technical strategy and defines areas of growth in addition to cultivating...

N.s.a. Director Gives Firm and Broad Defense of Surveillance Efforts
From ACM Opinion

N.s.a. Director Gives Firm and Broad Defense of Surveillance Efforts

The director of the National Security Agency, Gen. Keith B. Alexander, said in an interview that to prevent terrorist attacks he saw no effective alternative to...

Nobel Prize Sparks 'Brain Drain' Debate in Israel
From ACM Careers

Nobel Prize Sparks 'Brain Drain' Debate in Israel

The Nobel Prize in chemistry has stirred up national pride in Israel but also concern on Thursday over a brain drain of some of its best and brightest to universities...

The Future Fabric of Data Analysis
From ACM News

The Future Fabric of Data Analysis

When subatomic particles smash together at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, they create showers of new particles whose signatures are recorded by four...

Three Questions For Microsoft's New Head of Research, Peter Lee
From ACM Opinion

Three Questions For Microsoft's New Head of Research, Peter Lee

Microsoft's new head of research, Peter Lee, is tasked with helping the company invent the future.

Cyber Warrior Shortage Hits Anti-Hacker Fightback
From ACM Careers

Cyber Warrior Shortage Hits Anti-Hacker Fightback

For the governments and corporations facing increasing computer attacks, the biggest challenge is finding the right cyber warriors to fight back.

Can Silicon Valley Boot Camps Get You a $120K Job?
From ACM Careers

Can Silicon Valley Boot Camps Get You a $120K Job?

Hiring a good software engineer in Silicon Valley these days can seem almost as daunting as creating the next big thing. Just ask the companies.

15 Companies that Led and Still Lead Tech Innovation
From ACM Careers

15 Companies that Led and Still Lead Tech Innovation

The history of the tech industry is littered with the dead—companies that rode a wave of innovation and wiped out hard.

Here's Why Cops Should Be Required to Wear a Lapel Camera While on Duty
From ACM Opinion

Here's Why Cops Should Be Required to Wear a Lapel Camera While on Duty

Police officers in Rialto, Calif., carry cameras to record their every action while on duty.

All Is Fair in Love and Twitter
From ACM Careers

All Is Fair in Love and Twitter

Right in the center of South Park, a large, grassy oval near San Francisco's financial district, there is a rinky-dink playground with slides, ladders, and firefighter...

It Recruiters Mine Social Media For Hidden Tech Talent
From ACM CareerNews

It Recruiters Mine Social Media For Hidden Tech Talent

IT professionals increasingly leave bits and pieces of their personal information and professional history scattered across many different social media sites, making...

Nasa Missions Struggle to Cope with Shutdown
From ACM News

Nasa Missions Struggle to Cope with Shutdown

All it took was four minutes.

Amd—yes, Amd—paves Way to Computer Server of the Future
From ACM Careers

Amd—yes, Amd—paves Way to Computer Server of the Future

Inside Mozilla’s new data center in Santa Clara, California—about an hour south of San Francisco—the machine was sitting against the wall, all by itself.
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