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Finally, a Way to Teach Coding to the Touchscreen Generation
From ACM News

Finally, a Way to Teach Coding to the Touchscreen Generation

First came Generation X. Then the Millennials. And if you have kids under 10, you already know what they're going to be called: the Touchscreen Generation.

Why Many Programmers Don't Bother Joining the ACM
From ACM Opinion

Why Many Programmers Don't Bother Joining the ACM

Earlier this month Vint Cerf, co-creator of the TCP/IP protocol and current Google vice president, openly asked professional programmers for feedback regarding...

The Nsa's Cyber-King Goes Corporate
From ACM Opinion

The Nsa's Cyber-King Goes Corporate

Keith Alexander, the recently retired director of the National Security Agency, left many in Washington slack-jawed when it was reported that he might charge companies...

Gaia: 'go' For Science
From ACM News

Gaia: 'go' For Science

Following extensive in-orbit commissioning and several unexpected challenges, ESA's billion-star surveyor, Gaia, is now ready to begin its science mission.

Data Visualization Challenge Lets Students Portray Data in Innovative Ways
From ACM Careers

Data Visualization Challenge Lets Students Portray Data in Innovative Ways

Thirteen teams participated in the first University of Chicago Data Visualization Challenge, a competition to create insightful, novel, and well-designed visual...

Google Bets a Billion Dollars on Twitch
From ACM Opinion

Google Bets a Billion Dollars on Twitch

Video gaming differentiates itself from the older forms of escapism—literature, theatre, film, television—with interactivity.

Nasa Long-Lived Mars Opportunity Rover Sets Off-World Driving Record
From ACM News

Nasa Long-Lived Mars Opportunity Rover Sets Off-World Driving Record

NASA's Opportunity Mars rover, which landed on the Red Planet in 2004, now holds the off-Earth roving distance record after accruing 25 miles (40 kilometers) of...

Behind the Smoking Guns: Inside Nypd's 21st Century Arsenal
From ACM News

Behind the Smoking Guns: Inside Nypd's 21st Century Arsenal

In the early morning hours of last Sept. 25, a stocky young man bolted the Bora Bora Lounge in Highbridge, the Bronx, with a gun in his hand and squeezed off seven...

There's No Flying in Drone School
From ACM Careers

There's No Flying in Drone School

Welcome to drone school.

When Robots Come For Our Jobs, Will We Be Ready to Outsmart Them?
From ACM Opinion

When Robots Come For Our Jobs, Will We Be Ready to Outsmart Them?

Non-human employees are filling positions in all sorts of workplaces, and they are proving themselves to be fast, accurate, and reliable—more so than their human...

Collecting Just the Right Data
From ACM Careers

Collecting Just the Right Data

When data is either difficult to collect or too time-consuming to process, the new technique can identify the subset of items to target that will yield the most...

Google's New Moonshot Project: The Human Body
From ACM News

Google's New Moonshot Project: The Human Body

Google Inc. has embarked on what may be its most ambitious and difficult science project ever: a quest inside the human body.

Tech Giants Begin Recruiting For the Next Big Platform Wars
From ACM Careers

Tech Giants Begin Recruiting For the Next Big Platform Wars

The Internet of Things is still young, but it's real.

No Guts, All Glory at Robot Soccer World Cup
From ACM News

No Guts, All Glory at Robot Soccer World Cup

Spectacular falls, miraculous goals, and footwork that would put the Premier League to shame—RoboCup 2014 has seen it all.

Harold Edgerton: The Man Who Froze Time
From ACM News

Harold Edgerton: The Man Who Froze Time

Every time you use the flash on your smartphone or camera, you should give silent praise to Harold Eugene Edgerton.

Id Shows Off Double-Jumping, Skull-Crushing New Doom at Quakecon
From ACM Opinion

Id Shows Off Double-Jumping, Skull-Crushing New Doom at Quakecon

The bad news is that only people who were actually at Dallas' QuakeCon last night were able to see the world-premiere gameplay footage from the next Doom game,...

Cell Gives Multi-Bit 'spin' to Mram Storage
From ACM Careers

Cell Gives Multi-Bit 'spin' to Mram Storage

A France-U.S. research team working with MRAM technology has developed a multi-bit storage cell that may rival flash memory storage.

Bletchley Park's Rebirth and Why It Matters
From ACM Opinion

Bletchley Park's Rebirth and Why It Matters

Twenty five years ago, the historic World War II codebreaking center Bletchley Park faced demolition.

Talk on Cracking Internet Anonymity Service Tor Canceled
From ACM News

Talk on Cracking Internet Anonymity Service Tor Canceled

A highly anticipated talk on how to identify users of the Internet privacy service Tor was withdrawn from the upcoming Black Hat security conference, a spokeswoman...

New Dimension in Scoreboard Watching
From ACM News

New Dimension in Scoreboard Watching

The seemingly endless prairie that blankets this part of the United States would seem to be an unlikely place for one of the largest makers of sports video displays...
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