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Millennials Aren't Job-Hopping Any Faster Than Generation X Did
From ACM Careers

Millennials Aren't Job-Hopping Any Faster Than Generation X Did

Millennial workers, those ages 18 to 35, are just as likely to stick with their employers as their older counterparts in Generation X were when they were young...

Bill Gates Is Wrong: The Solution to AI Taking Jobs Is Training, Not Taxes
From ACM Opinion

Bill Gates Is Wrong: The Solution to AI Taking Jobs Is Training, Not Taxes

Let's take a breath: Robots and artificial intelligence systems are nowhere near displacing the human workforce.

The Great AI Recruitment War: Amazon Is on Top, And Apple Is Almost Nowhere to Be Seen
From ACM Careers

The Great AI Recruitment War: Amazon Is on Top, And Apple Is Almost Nowhere to Be Seen

When Matt Zeiler finished his PhD in machine learning from New York University in 2013, the tech giants came scrambling.

How Youtube's Shifting Algorithms Hurt Independent Media
From ACM Careers

How Youtube's Shifting Algorithms Hurt Independent Media

At the age of 21, David Pakman started a little Massachusetts community radio talk program.

Robert Taylor, Innovator Who Shaped Modern Computing, Dies at 85
From ACM Careers

Robert Taylor, Innovator Who Shaped Modern Computing, Dies at 85

Like many inventions, the internet was the work of countless hands. But perhaps no one deserves more credit for that world-changing technological leap than Robert...

Berkeley Lab Project Turns Waste Heat to Electricity
From ACM Careers

Berkeley Lab Project Turns Waste Heat to Electricity

A new project led by the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Lab seeks to efficiently capture waste heat and convert it to electricity, potentially...

Track How Technology Is Transforming Work
From ACM Opinion

Track How Technology Is Transforming Work

Advances in technology pose huge challenges for jobs. Productivity levels have never been higher in the United States, for example, but income for the bottom 50...

Analytics Reach the Rec League
From ACM Careers

Analytics Reach the Rec League

On a recent rainy night, about two dozen spectators gathered at an Equinox Sports Club on the Upper West Side to watch a basketball game: the X-Men vs. Almost Famous...

With Trump's Border Plans, Security and Surveillance Firms Eye Bigger Profits
From ACM Careers

With Trump's Border Plans, Security and Surveillance Firms Eye Bigger Profits

There's a lot of excitement at the Border Security Expo in San Antonio, where vendors schmooze with government buyers and peddle their wares.

Training For the Day a Tweet Dictates Where to Send Swat
From ACM Careers

Training For the Day a Tweet Dictates Where to Send Swat

Emergency responders in northern Texas watch as an imaginary crisis takes over their social media feeds.

Japan Automakers Look to Robots to Keep Elderly On the Move  
From ACM Careers

Japan Automakers Look to Robots to Keep Elderly On the Move  

Japanese automakers are looking beyond the industry trend to develop self-driving cars and turning their attention to robots to help keep the country's rapidly...

Big Pixel Initiative Invites Public to Help Map the World
From ACM Careers

Big Pixel Initiative Invites Public to Help Map the World

Researchers at the University of California San Diego are partnering with Columbia University and Arizona State University to create a continuous, global map of...

Report Tracks State Progress on Computer Science Ed Policies
From ACM Careers

Report Tracks State Progress on Computer Science Ed Policies

If understanding of computer science is essential to being an informed citizen, then it makes sense that every child needs an education in the use of computing...

Canada Tries to Turn Its A.i. Ideas Into Dollars
From ACM Careers

Canada Tries to Turn Its A.i. Ideas Into Dollars

Long before Google started working on cars that drive themselves and Amazon was creating home appliances that talk, a handful of researchers in Canada—backed by...

Girls' Confidence, Not Math Ability, Hinders Path to Science Degrees
From ACM Careers

Girls' Confidence, Not Math Ability, Hinders Path to Science Degrees

Girls rate their mathematics abilities markedly lower than boys, even when there is no observable difference between the two, according to researchers at Florida...

Amazon's Robot War Is Spreading
From ACM Careers

Amazon's Robot War Is Spreading

It was Amazon that drove America's warehouse operators into the robot business.

If an AI Doesn't Take Your Job, It Will Design Your Office
From ACM Careers

If an AI Doesn't Take Your Job, It Will Design Your Office

Arranging employees in an office is like creating a 13-dimensional matrix that triangulates human wants, corporate needs, and the cold hard laws of physics: Joe...

How Artificial Life Spawned a Billion-Dollar Industry
From ACM News

How Artificial Life Spawned a Billion-Dollar Industry

Scientists are getting closer to building life from scratch and technology pioneers are taking notice, with record sums moving into a field that could deliver novel...

Trudeau Innovation Shift Already ­nderway as Ontario Tech Booms
From ACM Careers

Trudeau Innovation Shift Already ­nderway as Ontario Tech Booms

Things are looking bright for Dan Leibu and League Inc., a digital health and benefits platform he founded with three friends two years ago in Toronto.

Learning to Think Like a Computer
From ACM News

Learning to Think Like a Computer

In "The Beauty and Joy of Computing," the course he helped conceive for nonmajors at the University of California, Berkeley, Daniel Garcia explains an all-important...
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