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In the Developing World, Moocs Start to Get Real
From ACM Careers

In the Developing World, Moocs Start to Get Real

As online education platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity burst onto the scene over the past year, backers have talked up their potential to democratize higher...

Intel's Media Unit on Hiring Spree to Prep for TV Debut
From ACM Careers

Intel's Media Unit on Hiring Spree to Prep for TV Debut

Intel Corp's media group has been on a hiring spree as it prepares to launch an Internet television service later this year, underscoring the chip maker's seriousness...

Facebook's Sandberg Stirs Debate Among Women in It
From ACM TechNews

Facebook's Sandberg Stirs Debate Among Women in It

As a method for combating years of declining numbers for women in computer fields, Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg argues that women need to be...

10 Companies Chasing Innovations That Really Matter
From ACM Careers

10 Companies Chasing Innovations That Really Matter

PayPal co-founder Max Levchin faced some flak recently when he announced he was starting a new company in the already crowded field of digital payments.

Israel Ramps ­p Its Cyberdefense Training
From ACM Careers

Israel Ramps ­p Its Cyberdefense Training

Twice a week about 200 Israeli high school students in seven separate locations meet after school for six hours of extra classes.

'war on Talent' Continues For Engineers in Europe
From ACM Careers

'war on Talent' Continues For Engineers in Europe

A low graduation rate and aging workforce are causing a "severe" shortage of technical professionals throughout Europe.

Google Hires Brains that Helped Supercharge Machine Learning
From ACM Careers

Google Hires Brains that Helped Supercharge Machine Learning

Google has hired the man who showed how to make computers learn much like the human brain.

Google's Android Chief Andy Rubin to Step Aside
From ACM Careers

Google's Android Chief Andy Rubin to Step Aside

In a significant changing of the guard, Google said Wednesday that Android chief Andy Rubin, who built the company's phenomenally successful mobile software business...

High-Tech Designs Vie to Replace Nyc's Payphones
From ACM News

High-Tech Designs Vie to Replace Nyc's Payphones

Controlling Your Computer With a Wave of Your Hand
From ACM Careers

Controlling Your Computer With a Wave of Your Hand

If you've had wrist and shoulder pain from clicking a mouse, relief may be in sight.

Can Your Boss Read Your Email?
From ACM Opinion

Can Your Boss Read Your Email?

Harvard faculty members responded with shock after the Boston Globe revealed that theuniversity’s administration had searched 16 faculty deans’ email accounts to...

On Facebook, App Makers Face a Treacherous Path
From ACM Careers

On Facebook, App Makers Face a Treacherous Path

Last spring, the future for Viddy, a video-sharing Facebook app, seemed as sunny as Southern California's skies.

Working From Home: The End Of Productivity Or The Future Of Work?
From ACM CareerNews

Working From Home: The End Of Productivity Or The Future Of Work?

Yahoo's decision to ban telecommuting for its workers as of June generated controversy in the technology sector, where companies continue to debate whether working...

Why Private Companies Won't Make ­p For Cuts in Government Science Funding
From ACM Opinion

Why Private Companies Won't Make ­p For Cuts in Government Science Funding

The budget cuts that took effect last week could wipe out as much as $54 billion in federal funding of science, research, and innovation over the next five years...

Lars Rasmussen: The Brains Behind Facebook's Future
From ACM Opinion

Lars Rasmussen: The Brains Behind Facebook's Future

For a man that made his career out of helping millions of people find their way around, Lars Rasmussen is frank about his own navigational shortcomings.

Sports Analytics: A Real Game-Changer
From ACM Careers

Sports Analytics: A Real Game-Changer

As 2,700 people settled into their seats on Friday morning at the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, author Michael Lewis surveyed the scene from the dais and...

Groundbreaking Cyber Fast Track Research Program Ending
From ACM Careers

Groundbreaking Cyber Fast Track Research Program Ending

When Peiter Zatko, the security researcher and pioneering hacker known as Mudge, joined the federal government several years ago to help run a DARPA research program...

Feds Crack Down on Mobile-Phone Spammers
From ACM News

Feds Crack Down on Mobile-Phone Spammers

The U.S Federal Trade Commission said today that it is cracking down on marketers that are allegedly bombarding consumers with hundreds of millions of unwanted on...

From ACM Careers

Computer Coding: It's Not Just For Boys

At 16, Isabelle Aleksander spends hours writing computer code and plans a career in engineering. Her latest passion is the Raspberry Pi, a low-cost, credit-card...

Tracking Sensors Invade the Workplace
From ACM News

Tracking Sensors Invade the Workplace

A few years ago when Bank of America Corp. wanted to study whether face time mattered among its call-center teams, the big bank asked about 90 workers to wear badges...
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