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Training A Single AI Model Can Emit As Much Carbon As Five Cars in Their Lifetimes
From ACM Careers

Training A Single AI Model Can Emit As Much Carbon As Five Cars in Their Lifetimes

Deep learning has a terrible carbon footprint, according to researchers at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

The Foreseeable Future
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The Foreseeable Future

Police throughout the United States are using machine-learning techniques to accurately predict lawbreaking and drive down crime rates.

Sensor-Packed Glove Learns Signatures of the Human Grasp
From ACM Careers

Sensor-Packed Glove Learns Signatures of the Human Grasp

MIT researchers have compiled a massive dataset that enables a sensor-packed glove and deep convolutional neural networks to recognize objects through touch alone...

Dataset Helps Cities Improve Power Grid Modeling, Solar Forecasting
From ACM Careers

Dataset Helps Cities Improve Power Grid Modeling, Solar Forecasting

Data from residential photovoltaic systems helps solar power researchers better understand how to integrate the renewable energy source into the power grid.

Crowdsourced Traffic Data Could Save Lives, Researchers Show
From ACM Careers

Crowdsourced Traffic Data Could Save Lives, Researchers Show

Crowdsourced traffic data that reduces ambulance and emergency department treatment response times for crash patients could markedly save lives.

Scientists Help Artificial Intelligence Outsmart Hackers
From ACM Careers

Scientists Help Artificial Intelligence Outsmart Hackers

Researchers at MIT are studying adversarial attacks to better understand why AI systems are susceptible to, and can outsmart, such attacks.

Computer Analysis Shows Pop Music Lyrics Are Angrier, Sadder
From ACM Careers

Computer Analysis Shows Pop Music Lyrics Are Angrier, Sadder

Data scientists using quantitative analytics found that expressions of anger and sadness in popular music has increased in recent decades, while the expression...

Where Computer Science Ph.D.s Get Hired Matters More Than Where They Trained
From ACM Careers

Where Computer Science Ph.D.s Get Hired Matters More Than Where They Trained

A new study of computer scientists says that when it comes to research output, where Ph.D.s get hired matters more than where they trained.

Computer Model Suggests Earthquakes Are Triggered Beyond Fluid Injection Zones
From ACM Careers

Computer Model Suggests Earthquakes Are Triggered Beyond Fluid Injection Zones

A computer model and field experiment data suggest a new link between subsurface injections used in fracking and earthquake activity.

Novel Software Smartly Balances Data Processing Load in Supercomputers
From ACM Careers

Novel Software Smartly Balances Data Processing Load in Supercomputers

A team of researchers at Virginia Tech is helping supercomputers work more efficiently by using machine learning to properly distribute data processing tasks across...

Data Scientists Map Supply Chains of Every ­.S. City
From ACM Careers

Data Scientists Map Supply Chains of Every ­.S. City

Maps from the FEWSION Project showing the food, energy, and water supply chains for every community in the United States are now available for public use.

Global Database of Women Scientists Aims to Diversify the Face of Science
From ACM Careers

Global Database of Women Scientists Aims to Diversify the Face of Science

The Request a Woman Scientist platform was launched to provide an easy to use tool to increase representation of women scientists in the scientific community and...

Students Develop Safer Tagging for Better Data
From ACM Careers

Students Develop Safer Tagging for Better Data

A group of students at Duke are developing an open-source, open-hardware tag for marine animal research.

Statistics Student Improves WV­'s Baseball Analytics
From ACM Careers

Statistics Student Improves WV­'s Baseball Analytics

Joseph Cuomo, an industrial mathematics and statistics student, is helping West Virginia University baseball coaches analyze data on release location, pitch velocity...

How WhatsApp, FaceTime and Other Encryption Apps Shaped the Outcome of the Mueller Report
From ACM News

How WhatsApp, FaceTime and Other Encryption Apps Shaped the Outcome of the Mueller Report

Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III detailed multiple contacts among Russian operatives and associates of President Trump in the report made public Thursday....

Data Mining Digs ­p Clues to Major California Earthquake Triggers
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Data Mining Digs ­p Clues to Major California Earthquake Triggers

A new publicly available catalog with 10 times more California earthquakes than previously identified  will help seismologists better understand the stresses that...

Creating a Cloak for Grid Data in the Cloud
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Creating a Cloak for Grid Data in the Cloud

Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory are developing tools to facilitate cloud computing for power grid operations by masking sensitive data without compromising...

A New Recruitment Tool for Construction: The Joystick
From ACM News

A New Recruitment Tool for Construction: The Joystick

Plastic excavators, bulldozers and cranes fueled by imagination have long captivated toddlers. Now, the construction industry is trying to attract teenagers with...

Citizen-Science Data Supports Bird Conservation Plan
From ACM Careers

Citizen-Science Data Supports Bird Conservation Plan

An team of scientists used Cornell Lab of Ornithology's global citizen science database to identify and conserve habitat across the Western Hemisphere for birds...

Scientists Predict 'Internet of Thoughts' Within Decades
From ACM Careers

Scientists Predict 'Internet of Thoughts' Within Decades

A Human Brain/Cloud Interface will give people instant access to vast knowledge and computing power via thought alone, experts predict.
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