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Amazon Drives Seattle Office Market Surge
From ACM Careers

Amazon Drives Seattle Office Market Surge

If the strength of Seattle’s office market could be chalked up to one company, it would be Amazon.

Computer Science Postdocs — Best Practices
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Postdocs — Best Practices

The computer science community must cultivate a clear understanding of the best practices related to pursuing, hosting, and nurturing postdocs, according to a new...

Google Gains From Creating Apps For the Opposition
From ACM Careers

Google Gains From Creating Apps For the Opposition

For many people, smartphone shopping comes down to a choice of Apple's iPhone or one powered by Google's Android software.

It Job Market Recovering Faster Than After Dot-Com Bubble Burst
From ACM TechNews

It Job Market Recovering Faster Than After Dot-Com Bubble Burst

More new technology jobs have been created since the end of the past recession than during the same recovery period following the burst of the dot-com bubble and...

Women Pry Open Door to Video Game Industry's Boys' Club
From ACM Careers

Women Pry Open Door to Video Game Industry's Boys' Club

When video game developer Brenda Brathwaite Romero started her career in the 1980s, she could count the number of female developers in the industry on one hand.

­.S. Postal Service Pushes the Digital Envelope in Battle for Its Future
From ACM Careers

­.S. Postal Service Pushes the Digital Envelope in Battle for Its Future

Paul Vogel is, in his own words, trying to bring the U.S. Postal Service "from the today world into the tomorrow world."

Facebook on Collision Course With Google on Web Searches
From ACM News

Facebook on Collision Course With Google on Web Searches

After years of collecting photos and personal data from its billion-plus members, Facebook Inc. Tuesday unveiled a search tool that sifts through people's profiles—and...

Meet the Guys Behind the Iphone's Best Calendar App
From ACM Careers

Meet the Guys Behind the Iphone's Best Calendar App

It's not a surprise when a company with copious resources like Google builds a better iPhone search or mail app. But it’s far more interesting when small development...

Hp Ceo Whitman Dubs Windows 8 a Work in Progress
From ACM Opinion

Hp Ceo Whitman Dubs Windows 8 a Work in Progress

There are plenty of Meg Whitman doubters out there. Some say the former EBay chief executive officer doesn't have the requisite big company experience to run a...

Nih to Appoint Chief Data Official
From ACM Careers

Nih to Appoint Chief Data Official

The National Institutes of Health plans to recruit a new associate director to examine the potential for vast new troves of biomedical research data related to...

Detroit: After Decades of ­rban Blight, Technology Boom Gives Motor City Hope
From ACM Careers

Detroit: After Decades of ­rban Blight, Technology Boom Gives Motor City Hope

The raucous scene inside the M@ dison building is not one usually associated with inner-city Detroit.

Managers and Entrepreneurs ­se Brains Differently When Making Innovation Decisions
From ACM Careers

Managers and Entrepreneurs ­se Brains Differently When Making Innovation Decisions

An interdisciplinary collaboration between neuroscientists and management faculty found that entrepreneurs do not tend to innovate more frequently than managers...

Big Data, Big Salaries
From ACM CareerNews

Big Data, Big Salaries

Businesses are embrace the value in analyzing Big Data, which is giving rise to a sharp increase in companies looking to hire data analysts, business intelligence...

Tumblr: David Karp's $800 Million Art Project
From ACM Careers

Tumblr: David Karp's $800 Million Art Project

David Karp is in the midst of a rite of passage that seems universal for the young tycoons of the Internet's social era: He's buying himself a proper swank pad.

Ben Horowitz on the Impact of Software Everywhere
From ACM Opinion

Ben Horowitz on the Impact of Software Everywhere

Ben Horowitz may have the skeleton key to the decimation—sorry, transformation—of our economic and political lives.

Can This Man Save Pinball?
From ACM Careers

Can This Man Save Pinball?

The last guys who tried to save pinball bet all their quarters on a bunch of 3D aliens.

The Rise of the Corporate Sustainability Officer
From ACM Careers

The Rise of the Corporate Sustainability Officer

Americans are discarding a growing pile of electronics.

Job Applicants' Cultural Fit Can Trump Qualifications
From ACM CareerNews

Job Applicants' Cultural Fit Can Trump Qualifications

"Cultural fit" is becoming a popular buzzword with hiring managers. In order to evaluate the cultural fit of a candidate, companies are increasingly making hiring...

Move Over Halo: Beautiful, Provocative Indie Games Step Into the Spotlight
From ACM Careers

Move Over Halo: Beautiful, Provocative Indie Games Step Into the Spotlight

If you play video games, then you've probably heard a lot about games like "Halo 4" and "Assassin's Creed III" and "Bordelands 2."

Tony Fadell: From Iphones to Sexing ­p Thermostats
From ACM Opinion

Tony Fadell: From Iphones to Sexing ­p Thermostats

After you left Apple, you developed a "smart" thermostat. Was that always your plan?
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