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Reading, Writing and Robotics: Bringing Cultural Education to Texas School Districts
From ACM Careers

Reading, Writing and Robotics: Bringing Cultural Education to Texas School Districts

VGo, a sleek white remotely-controlled robot , will soon be used by Baylor University Libraries to enrich cultural education for children in grades K-12 across...

From ACM Careers

Microsoft Establishes Academic Research Center in Israel

Microsoft has established its first academic research center in Israel on the campus of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.

Sheryl Sandberg's Keynote at Grace Hopper

Sheryl Sandberg's Keynote at Grace Hopper

Sheryl Sandberg gave the opening keynote at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing and spoke about why careers in technology are important and why it...

Wpi to Create New STEM Education Center
From ACM Careers

Wpi to Create New STEM Education Center

Worcester Polytechnic Institute will open the STEM Education Center to improve the preparedness of primary and secondary school teachers so that they can better...

From ACM Careers

Hire a Vet? It Says Yes

When President Obama challenged the private sector this past August to hire 100,000 unemployed veterans by the end of 2013, he shared the stage with companies...

Closing the Girl Gap in Science
From ACM TechNews

Closing the Girl Gap in Science

Southern Illinois University is one of the few U.S. schools where males outnumber female students, as women make up just 44 percent of undergraduates. 

Generation Jobless: Students Pick Easier Majors Despite Less Pay
From ACM TechNews

Generation Jobless: Students Pick Easier Majors Despite Less Pay

Although the number of college graduates increased about 29 percent from 2001 to 2009, the number graduating with engineering degrees increased just 19 percent...

Students ­se Futuristic Technology to Dive Into the Past
From ACM Careers

Students ­se Futuristic Technology to Dive Into the Past

A new partnership between the Virginia Institute of Marine Science and the Watermen's Museum in historic Yorktown Virginia lets schoolchildren use robotic subs...

STEM Jobs Outlook Strong, but Collaboration Needed to Fill Jobs
From ACM Careers

STEM Jobs Outlook Strong, but Collaboration Needed to Fill Jobs

U.S. businesses are in a Catch-22. They've got plenty of jobs in science, technology, engineering, and math — STEM — ready to fill. Unfortunately, the supply...

Why Science Majors Change Their Minds (it's Just So Darn Hard)
From ACM Careers

Why Science Majors Change Their Minds (it's Just So Darn Hard)

The number of college freshmen interested in majoring in a STEM field on the rise. But roughly 40 percent end up switching to other subjects or failing to get...

From ACM Careers

Facebook Ceo Mark Zuckerberg Recruits Harvard Students

Sometimes you can go home again. Mark Zuckerberg, who famously dropped out of Harvard College to start a little Web site called Facebook, will be back there on...

Study Suggests Women Score Low on Tech Aptitude Tests For Lack of Interest
From ACM Careers

Study Suggests Women Score Low on Tech Aptitude Tests For Lack of Interest

A new study by a University of Iowa researcher suggests males score higher on technical aptitude tests than females because boys and men are simply more interested...

Entrepreneurship Lessons for the Academic-Minded
From ACM Careers

Entrepreneurship Lessons for the Academic-Minded

The slow pace of job creation has revived interest in getting promising new technologies out of university labs and into the marketplace. At Stanford University...

Advertising Companies Fret Over a Digital Talent Gap
From ACM Careers

Advertising Companies Fret Over a Digital Talent Gap

When the Ad:tech advertising technology conference hits New York next week, marketers, advertising agencies and recruiters may spend less time listening to the...

Lack of Confidence as Professionals Spurs Women to Leave Engineering, Study Finds
From ACM TechNews

Lack of Confidence as Professionals Spurs Women to Leave Engineering, Study Finds

Women who start college aiming to become engineers are more likely than men to change their major and choose another career because they lack confidence, according...

Your Technology Skills Have a Two Year Half-Life
From ACM Careers

Your Technology Skills Have a Two Year Half-Life

From a marketability perspective,  a technology professional's skill set has a two year half-life. That said, there are things that you can do to keep yourself...

More Demand, Fewer Grads Mean Tech Careers Continue to Boom
From ACM CareerNews

More Demand, Fewer Grads Mean Tech Careers Continue to Boom

Demand for technology professionals continues to rise, as the technology industry remains one of the fastest growing career fields. Broader use of technology across...

Women Aren't Becoming Engineers Because of Confidence Issues
From ACM Careers

Women Aren't Becoming Engineers Because of Confidence Issues

Women are less likely than men to stay in engineering majors and to become engineers because they want to have families and are more insecure about their math abilities...

A Silicon Valley School That Doesn't Compute
From ACM Careers

A Silicon Valley School That Doesn't Compute

Schools nationwide have rushed to supply their classrooms with computers. But the contrarian point of view can be found at the epicenter of the tech economy,...

Microsoft Employee Connects High-Tech Professionals With Local Students
From ACM Careers

Microsoft Employee Connects High-Tech Professionals With Local Students

An innovative computer science program launched last year by Microsoft software engineer Kevin Wang now includes three dozen industry professionals who are volunteering...
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