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Microsoft's New Lab Hunts For Value in User Data

A new research lab that opens in New York today brings together researchers studying such questions as how to identify the most influential users of a social network...

On the Hunt for Tech Hires
From ACM CareerNews

On the Hunt for Tech Hires

Without the cachet of a Silicon Valley address or the allure of a hot technological innovation, Fortune 500 companies are experimenting with new tactics to convince...

The Six Hottest Tech Careers of 2012
From ACM CareerNews

The Six Hottest Tech Careers of 2012

The tech sector will create more than one million new IT positions in the United States by 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Demand remains...

'pivoting' Pays Off For Tech Entrepreneurs
From ACM Careers

'pivoting' Pays Off For Tech Entrepreneurs

Technology entrepreneurs of past eras took two years to build a product, hire a staff and figure out whether there was any real market for their service.

Researchers Develop New Method to Measure IT Quality
From ACM Careers

Researchers Develop New Method to Measure IT Quality

Researchers at the University at Buffalo School of Management have proposed a better way of measuring the capabilities of IT service providers in a study recently...

Firms Try to Turn 'black-Ops It' Into Products
From ACM Careers

Firms Try to Turn 'black-Ops It' Into Products

Since the early days of Silicon Valley, rogue engineers and software developers have engaged in "black-ops IT," a tradition of sneaking new technology into their...

Why Engineering, Science Gender Gap Persists
From ACM Careers

Why Engineering, Science Gender Gap Persists

Shree Bose, who won the grand prize at this year's Google Global Science Fair, credits her love of science to her big brother, Pinaki.

The Rise of the 'brogrammer'
From ACM Careers

The Rise of the 'brogrammer'

Danilo Stern-Sapad writes code for a living, but don't call him a geek.

Big Data's Big Problem: Little Talent
From ACM Careers

Big Data's Big Problem: Little Talent

The technology industry is in love with "Big Data," but there is a problem. There is a shortage of people with deep expertise in statistics and machine learning...

What Makes Valve Software the Best Office Ever?
From ACM Careers

What Makes Valve Software the Best Office Ever?

Valve Software is good at three things: developing first-person shooter games, such as Half-Life and Counter-Strike, digitally distributing its games on its 35...

CS Enrollments on the Rise, Up 10% in 2011-12
From ACM Careers

CS Enrollments on the Rise, Up 10% in 2011-12

Interest in computer science continues to grow among undergraduates, according to a Computing Research Association survey. The number of students pursuing computer...

Don't Be Evil, but Don't Miss the Train
From ACM Opinion

Don't Be Evil, but Don't Miss the Train

Back in 2004, as Google prepared to go public, Larry Page and Sergey Brin celebrated the maxim that was supposed to define their company: "Don’t be evil."

Growing Roots for More STEM
From ACM Careers

Growing Roots for More STEM

Local technology companies, concerned by a growing pool of jobs and an inadequate number of qualified employees, have increasingly focused on initiatives to improve...

With New Comforts, Growing Complacent
From ACM Careers

With New Comforts, Growing Complacent

Google and Facebook, young and successful companies that they are, risk being left behind as technology shifts from PCs and Web browsers to mobile devices.

Microsoft's Design Drive
From ACM Careers

Microsoft's Design Drive

 In 2010, Jon Bell was an interaction designer in the Seattle office of Frog Design, the company that created the beige cases for some of the iconic early Apple...

Skills That Pay the Bills: Top 10 Maker Schools
From ACM Careers

Skills That Pay the Bills: Top 10 Maker Schools

Sure, sure, you're going to learn CSS for real this year. 

Going With the Flow: Google's Secret Switch to the Next Wave of Networking
From ACM News

Going With the Flow: Google's Secret Switch to the Next Wave of Networking

In early 1999, an associate computer science professor at UC Santa Barbara climbed the steps to the second floor headquarters of a small startup in Palo Alto, and...

How Computers Are Creating a Second Economy Without Workers
From ACM Opinion

How Computers Are Creating a Second Economy Without Workers

When the disappointing jobs numbers were reported last week (employers added 120,000 jobs in March, about half the number reported in the two previous months),...

Iraq Emerges From Isolation as Telecommunications Hub
From ACM News

Iraq Emerges From Isolation as Telecommunications Hub

Iraq, cut off from decades of technological progress because of dictatorship, sanctions and wars, recently took a big step out of isolation and into the digital...

Talent Pool Can't Meet Skyrocketing Demand For Cloud Skills
From ACM CareerNews

Talent Pool Can't Meet Skyrocketing Demand For Cloud Skills

Cloud computing is now one of the hottest hiring areas in the tech industry labor market. The number of jobs in the cloud computing industry is growing so rapidly...
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