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Election Tech Roundup: Is 2016 the Year of Psychological Profiling?
From ACM Careers

Election Tech Roundup: Is 2016 the Year of Psychological Profiling?

The 2008 presidential election heralded wide use of online social media.

The Cloud Wars Are Seriously Heating ­p
From ACM Careers

The Cloud Wars Are Seriously Heating ­p

Most consumers may not realize it, but there's a furious battle playing out right behind the products they use every day.  

Building a Foundation For CS For All
From ACM Careers

Building a Foundation For CS For All

NSF investments in education research lay the groundwork for rigorous and engaging computer science education for all K-12 students across the United States.

Drone Schools Spread in China to Field Pilots For New Sector
From ACM Careers

Drone Schools Spread in China to Field Pilots For New Sector

Joysticks at their fingertips, the mostly male students packing the classroom lift their virtual helicopters into the air, part of a new cottage industry that's...

Obama Seeks $4 Billion to Reboot Tech Education
From ACM Careers

Obama Seeks $4 Billion to Reboot Tech Education

President Obama's "Computer Science for All" initiative would bolster state funding for technology classes in public schools.

Subcultron: Swarming Robots That Keep an Eye on Waterways
From ACM Careers

Subcultron: Swarming Robots That Keep an Eye on Waterways

Innovator: Thomas Schmickl  Age: 46  Zoology professor and founder of the Artificial Life Laboratory at the University of Graz in Austria

Gerrymandering Is Even More Infuriating When You Can Actually See It
From ACM Careers

Gerrymandering Is Even More Infuriating When You Can Actually See It

President Barack Obama spent the last chunk of his 2016 State of the Union Address talking about how to "fix our politics." His first solution? Stop gerrymandering...

A New and Stunning Way to See the Whole Earth
From ACM Opinion

A New and Stunning Way to See the Whole Earth

The Japanese weather satellite Himawari-8 sits 22,000 miles from Earth in orbit. On August 5, 2015, it peered down at the half of Earth that it can see, a hemisphere...

Ceres: Keeping Well-Guarded Secrets For 215 Years
From ACM Careers

Ceres: Keeping Well-Guarded Secrets For 215 Years

New Year's Day, 1801, the dawn of the 19th century, was a historic moment for astronomy, and for a space mission called Dawn more than 200 years later.

Tech Salaries Had Biggest Year-Over-Year Increase in 2015
From ACM Careers

Tech Salaries Had Biggest Year-Over-Year Increase in 2015

Average technology salaries in the U.S. saw the biggest year-over-year leap ever in 2015, up 7.7 percent to $96,370 annually, according to the annual salary survey...

Realistic Data Needed to Evolve the 21st Century Power Grid
From ACM Careers

Realistic Data Needed to Evolve the 21st Century Power Grid

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is helping to create open-access power grid datasets for researchers and industry. 

The Strange Rituals of Silicon Valley Intern Recruiting
From ACM Careers

The Strange Rituals of Silicon Valley Intern Recruiting

The Wozniak Lounge, located on the northern side of campus at the University of California, Berkeley, looks like it was decorated by engineers, to the extent that...

Europe's Top Digital-Privacy Watchdog Zeros In on ­.s. Tech Giants
From ACM News

Europe's Top Digital-Privacy Watchdog Zeros In on ­.s. Tech Giants

The latest standoff between Europe and American tech companies runs through a quiet street just north of the Louvre Museum, past chic cafes and part of the French...

Cyber Security Testbed to Help Protect U.S. Power Grid
From ACM Careers

Cyber Security Testbed to Help Protect U.S. Power Grid

Iowa State engineers Doug Jacobson and Manimaran Govindarasu have built the "PowerCyber" testbed to help researchers, industry engineers, and students learn to...

Why Doesn't Silicon Valley Hire Black Coders?
From ACM Careers

Why Doesn't Silicon Valley Hire Black Coders?

In the fall of 2013 a young software engineer named Charles Pratt arrived on Howard University's campus in Washington.

Larry Page, Google Founder, Is Still Innovator in Chief
From ACM Careers

Larry Page, Google Founder, Is Still Innovator in Chief

Three years ago, Charles Chase, an engineer who manages Lockheed Martin's nuclear fusion program, was sitting on a white leather couch at Google's Solve for X conference...

Explore Galaxies Far, Far Away at Internet Speeds
From ACM Careers

Explore Galaxies Far, Far Away at Internet Speeds

Scientists have expanded the number of images that allow users to take a virtual tour of the universe from the comfort of their own computers. The publicly accessible...

Tech's 'frightful 5' Will Dominate Digital Life For Foreseeable Future
From ACM Opinion

Tech's 'frightful 5' Will Dominate Digital Life For Foreseeable Future

There's a little parlor game that people in Silicon Valley like to play. Let's call it, Who's Losing?

Meet the 20 Tech Insiders Defining the 2016 Campaign
From ACM Careers

Meet the 20 Tech Insiders Defining the 2016 Campaign

Look—We have no idea how this election will turn out.

Sarah Parcak, Space Archaeologist
From ACM Careers

Sarah Parcak, Space Archaeologist

Sarah Parcak can see looting at ancient sites—from space.
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