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Conquering Traffic Congestion With Mathematics
From ACM Careers

Conquering Traffic Congestion With Mathematics

The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded more than $446,000 for a new collaborative engineering project that will allow drivers to make more informed travel...

Google, Amazon Find Not Everyone Is Ready For AI
From ACM Careers

Google, Amazon Find Not Everyone Is Ready For AI

Executives at ascendant tech titans like Amazon and Google tend to look down on their predecessor IBM.

The Shocking Truth Behind Arnold Nordsieck's Differential Analyzer
From ACM Careers

The Shocking Truth Behind Arnold Nordsieck's Differential Analyzer

In 1950, the physicist Arnold Nordsieck built himself this analog computer.

Celebrating Millie
From ACM Careers

Celebrating Millie

A symposium at MIT commemorated the life and career of pioneering professor and beloved mentor Mildred Dresselhaus.

AI Index Tracks Emerging Field
From ACM Careers

AI Index Tracks Emerging Field

A Stanford-led team has launched the first index to track the state of artificial intelligence and measure technological progress in the same way the GDP and the...

Wearable Computing Ring Allows ­sers to Write Words and Numbers with Thumb
From ACM Careers

Wearable Computing Ring Allows ­sers to Write Words and Numbers with Thumb

Georgia Tech researchers have created technology that allows people, with the whirl of a thumb, to trace letters and numbers on their fingers and see the figures...

Australian Man ­ses Snack Bags as Faraday Cage to Block Tracking By Employer
From ACM Careers

Australian Man ­ses Snack Bags as Faraday Cage to Block Tracking By Employer

A 60-year-old electrician in Perth, Western Australia had his termination upheld by a labor grievance commission when it was determined he had been abusing his...

At Berkeley, a New Generation of 'ethical Hackers' Learns to Wage Cyberwar
From ACM Careers

At Berkeley, a New Generation of 'ethical Hackers' Learns to Wage Cyberwar

"Whenever I teach a security class, it happens that there is something going on in the news cycle that ties into it," Doug Tygar, a computer-science professor at...

Music, Engineering Researchers team Up to Turn Big Data Into Sound
From ACM Careers

Music, Engineering Researchers team Up to Turn Big Data Into Sound

A unique collaboration between a music professor and an engineering professor at Virginia Tech will result in the creation of a new platform for data analysis that...

In AI Technology Race, ­.s. Chips May Be Ace-In-The-Hole Vs. China
From ACM Careers

In AI Technology Race, ­.s. Chips May Be Ace-In-The-Hole Vs. China

The U.S. holds an enviable lead in pushing artificial-intelligence technology out of labs and into real-world applications. Thank companies like Alphabet (GOOGL...

What's the Real Purpose of Annual Employee Reviews?
From ACM Careers

What's the Real Purpose of Annual Employee Reviews?

Many companies are reconsidering the annual performance review, citing administrative burden and potential legal risks. That's led a team at the University of Virginia...

How Schools Prepare the Next Generation to Enter a Digital Workforce
From ACM Careers

How Schools Prepare the Next Generation to Enter a Digital Workforce

Just four in 10 schools in the United States offer a computer science course, according to

AI Is Dreaming ­p New Kinds of Video Games
From ACM Careers

AI Is Dreaming ­p New Kinds of Video Games

Michael Cook, a 30-year-old senior research fellow at the University of Falmouth, has built an AI capable of imagining new video games from scratch.

Colorado Colleges Overflowing with Huge Wave of Computer Science Students
From ACM Careers

Colorado Colleges Overflowing with Huge Wave of Computer Science Students

The current enrollment surge in computer science is forcing colleges and universities to scramble for resources, including instructors.

Five Ways to Fix Statistics
From ACM Opinion

Five Ways to Fix Statistics

As debate rumbles on about how and how much poor statistics is to blame for poor reproducibility, Nature asked influential statisticians to recommend one change...

Your STEM Toy Shopping List
From ACM Careers

Your STEM Toy Shopping List

A K-12 STEM education expert recommends holiday gifts for the engineeringly-inclined.

Amputees Can Learn to Control a Robotic Arm With Their Minds
From ACM Careers

Amputees Can Learn to Control a Robotic Arm With Their Minds

A new study by a team of neuroscientists shows how amputees can learn to control a robotic arm through electrodes implanted in the brain.

Nasa Taps Young People to Help Develop Virtual Reality Technology
From ACM Careers

Nasa Taps Young People to Help Develop Virtual Reality Technology

NASA has big hopes for virtual reality technology. The agency is developing a suite of virtual reality environments at Goddard Spaceflight Center in Maryland, that...

Still? Most Teachers Feel ­nprepared to ­se Technology in the Classroom
From ACM Careers

Still? Most Teachers Feel ­nprepared to ­se Technology in the Classroom

New research reveals that teachers want more training and time to master use of technology in the classroom.

Educators ­se Artwork to Develop Critical Thinking Skills
From ACM Careers

Educators ­se Artwork to Develop Critical Thinking Skills

The visual thinking teaching strategy asks students to describe what they see in a piece of artwork to help develop critical-thinking skills.
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