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Tech Companies Can Blame Snowden For Data Privacy Decision
From ACM Opinion

Tech Companies Can Blame Snowden For Data Privacy Decision

A ruling the Europe Union’s highest court yesterday may create enormous headaches for US tech companies like Google and Facebook.

Can the Pentagon Do Business with Silicon Valley?
From ACM Careers

Can the Pentagon Do Business with Silicon Valley?

"Want to see the bin Laden compound?"

Doe Creates Center For Computational Materials at Argonne
From ACM Careers

Doe Creates Center For Computational Materials at Argonne

The U.S. Department of Energy will provide $12 million over four years to establish a computational materials center at Argonne National Laboratory that will develop...

Mars Is Pretty Clean. Her Job at Nasa Is to Keep It That Way.
From ACM Careers

Mars Is Pretty Clean. Her Job at Nasa Is to Keep It That Way.

At the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Catharine A. Conley has a lofty job title: planetary protection officer.

Scouring the Web to Make New Words 'lookupable'
From ACM Careers

Scouring the Web to Make New Words 'lookupable'

A couple of weeks ago, two of my New York Times colleagues chronicled digital culture trends that are so newish and niche-y that conventional English dictionaries...

The Battle Over Genome Editing Gets Science All Wrong
From ACM News

The Battle Over Genome Editing Gets Science All Wrong

Nobel Prize speculation, gossip, and betting pools kick off every fall around the time Thomson Reuters releases its predictions for science's most prestigious prize...

Morehouse Produced 13 Percent of African-American Ph.d. Male Computer Science Students
From ACM Careers

Morehouse Produced 13 Percent of African-American Ph.d. Male Computer Science Students

Morehouse College produced 12 of the 92 male African-American computer science Ph.D. students in the United States.

What's Really Hot on Dating Sites? Proper Grammar
From ACM Careers

What's Really Hot on Dating Sites? Proper Grammar

When Jeff Cohen was getting ready to meet his OkCupid date for drinks in Manhattan, he started to have second thoughts as he reread the glaring grammatical error...

When Security Experts Gather to Talk Consensus, Chaos Ensues
From ACM Careers

When Security Experts Gather to Talk Consensus, Chaos Ensues

Security researchers and vendors have long been locked in a debate over how to disclose security vulnerabilities, and there's little on which the two sides agree...

A Peek Inside Google's Efforts to Create a General-Purpose Robot
From ACM News

A Peek Inside Google's Efforts to Create a General-Purpose Robot

Videos of Google-owned robots, some that look like mechanical bulls and others resembling humanoids from sci-fi movies, have been viewed more than 90 million times...

The Facebook Effect: How Social Media Sways Potential Voters
From ACM Careers

The Facebook Effect: How Social Media Sways Potential Voters

Facebook users who saw positive comments or "likes" had a more favorable perception of the candidate and were more likely to support him, while those who saw...

India Replaces China as Next Big Frontier For ­.s. Tech Companies
From ACM Careers

India Replaces China as Next Big Frontier For ­.s. Tech Companies

American technology companies desperately want to win over people like Rakesh Padachuri and his family.

The Jocks of Computer Code Do It For the Job Offers
From ACM Careers

The Jocks of Computer Code Do It For the Job Offers

At 21, Gennady Vladimirovich Korotkevich is already a legend. Tourist, as he's known online, is now the world's top sport programmer.

Dna-Cutting Enzymes Could Slice Through Gene Editing Patent Spat
From ACM Careers

Dna-Cutting Enzymes Could Slice Through Gene Editing Patent Spat

Who owns the biggest biotech advance of the century?

The Return of Seti
From ACM Careers

The Return of Seti

For more than five decades, scientists of various stripes have been scanning the stars for technological civilizations, populated by thinking beings like us.

The World's Youngest Synthetic Biologists Show that the Future of Innovation Is in the Genes
From ACM Careers

The World's Youngest Synthetic Biologists Show that the Future of Innovation Is in the Genes

At the 12th annual iGEM Giant Jamboree this weekend in Boston—an event that its founder Randy Rettberg refers to as "the World Cup of science"—over 250 student-led...

Smaller, Faster, Cheaper, Over: The Future of Computer Chips
From ACM News

Smaller, Faster, Cheaper, Over: The Future of Computer Chips

At the inaugural International Solid-State Circuits Conference held on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in 1960, a young computer engineer...

­se of Personalized Cancer Drugs Runs Ahead of the Science
From ACM News

­se of Personalized Cancer Drugs Runs Ahead of the Science

As the costs of genetic sequencing fall, oncologists are starting to prescribe expensive new drugs that target the genetic profiles of their patients' tumours,...

How Much of Your Audience Is Fake?
From ACM News

How Much of Your Audience Is Fake?

Why the Next Steve Jobs Will Be a Woman
From ACM CareerNews

Why the Next Steve Jobs Will Be a Woman

More women than ever before are cracking the ranks of the United States' top entrepreneurs, indicating that the next iconic tech entrepreneur could be a woman.
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