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How Two Men ­nlocked Modern Encryption
From ACM Careers

How Two Men ­nlocked Modern Encryption

In September of 1974, when he was 30 years old, Whitfield Diffie was obsessed with cryptography.

Diversifying the Academic Workforce
From ACM Careers

Diversifying the Academic Workforce

The University of Delaware has been awarded $3.3 million from the U.S. National Science Foundation to develop a program that will serve as a national model for...

The Smithsonian Works to Digitize Millions of Documents
From ACM News

The Smithsonian Works to Digitize Millions of Documents

During the past six months, retired pharmaceutical researcher Irv Cantor helped transcribe a 641-page field book written by an archaeologist traveling through 1920s...

Crime Ring Revelation Reveals Cybersecurity Conflict of Interest
From ACM Careers

Crime Ring Revelation Reveals Cybersecurity Conflict of Interest

A small cybersecurity firm claimed this summer to have uncovered a scam by Russian Internet thieves to amass a mountain of stolen information from 420,000 Web and...

IBM Computer Scientist Named Macarthur Fellow
From ACM Careers

IBM Computer Scientist Named Macarthur Fellow

IBM computer scientist Craig Gentry was named to the 2014 class of MacArthur Fellows for his work on cryptography. The MacArthur 'genius grants' recognize exceptionally...

Tim Cook Interview: The Iphone 6, the Apple Watch, and Remaking a Company's Culture
From ACM Opinion

Tim Cook Interview: The Iphone 6, the Apple Watch, and Remaking a Company's Culture

Steve Jobs’s office remains Steve Jobs's office.

How Main Street Will Pay For Home Depot's Data Breach
From ACM News

How Main Street Will Pay For Home Depot's Data Breach

Federal law protects consumers from the cost of fraudulent charges incurred when thieves steal credit-card and debit-card numbers.

IBM to Sell Watson as a Big-Data Tool
From ACM Careers

IBM to Sell Watson as a Big-Data Tool

Say you're an executive running an online marketing campaign for a new car, and you want to figure out which consumers in which parts of the country are likely...

Korea ­ps Its Robots Game
From ACM Careers

Korea ­ps Its Robots Game

In 1976 an animated film called Robot Taekwon V captured Korean kids' imaginations with its tale of a superhero robot fending off giant machines bent on world domination...

Looking to Lead: Usd Adds Eight Female STEM Professors
From ACM Careers

Looking to Lead: Usd Adds Eight Female STEM Professors

The University of San Diego has hired eight new female STEM professors as part of an effort to become a model for undergraduate institutions striving to increase...

German-Style Training For American Factory Workers
From ACM Careers

German-Style Training For American Factory Workers

German robotics company Festo AG wants to make American factory workers more tech-savvy.

Map of Body's Protein-Folding Machinery Wins a Major Medical Prize
From ACM News

Map of Body's Protein-Folding Machinery Wins a Major Medical Prize

It's speculation season once again for Nobel Prize watchers.

Google Is Target of European Backlash on ­.s. Tech Dominance
From ACM News

Google Is Target of European Backlash on ­.s. Tech Dominance

A top German official called for Google to be broken up.

Sandia Cyber-Testing Contributes to Dhs Transition to Practice
From ACM Careers

Sandia Cyber-Testing Contributes to Dhs Transition to Practice

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Transition to Practice program is giving cybersecurity technologies developed at the U.S. national laboratories a better...

Why I Just Asked My Students To Put Their Laptops Away
From ACM Opinion

Why I Just Asked My Students To Put Their Laptops Away

I teach theory and practice of social media at NYU, and am an advocate and activist for the free culture movement, so I’m a pretty unlikely candidate for internet...

Shenzhen Trip Report Visiting the World's Manufacturing Ecosystem
From ACM Careers

Shenzhen Trip Report Visiting the World's Manufacturing Ecosystem

Last year, a group of Media Lab students visited Shenzhen with, bunnie, an old friend and my hardware guru.

Plate Tectonics Found on Europa
From ACM Careers

Plate Tectonics Found on Europa

If you have got an idea for how to study Europa, then NASA wants to hear from you.

Nato Agrees Cyber Attack Could Trigger Military Response
From ACM News

Nato Agrees Cyber Attack Could Trigger Military Response

NATO leaders agreed on Friday that a large-scale cyber attack on a member country could be considered an attack on the entire U.S.-led alliance, potentially triggering...

Federal Funding for Basic Research Decreased Slightly in FY 2012
From ACM Careers

Federal Funding for Basic Research Decreased Slightly in FY 2012

Federal funding for basic research performed at universities and colleges decreased 0.3 percent between fiscal years 2011 and 2012, according to the U.S. National...

Consortium to Focus on Developing a New Architecture For the Internet
From ACM Careers

Consortium to Focus on Developing a New Architecture For the Internet

Launching a critical new phase in developing the Internet of the future, a consortium of universities and technology companies will promote the development and...
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