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Japan Automakers Look to Robots to Keep Elderly On the Move  
From ACM Careers

Japan Automakers Look to Robots to Keep Elderly On the Move  

Japanese automakers are looking beyond the industry trend to develop self-driving cars and turning their attention to robots to help keep the country's rapidly...

Big Pixel Initiative Invites Public to Help Map the World
From ACM Careers

Big Pixel Initiative Invites Public to Help Map the World

Researchers at the University of California San Diego are partnering with Columbia University and Arizona State University to create a continuous, global map of...

Communicating Robots Cooperate on Surveillance
From ACM Careers

Communicating Robots Cooperate on Surveillance

Cornell University researchers are developing a system to enable teams of robots to share information as they move around, and if necessary, interpret what they...

Report Tracks State Progress on Computer Science Ed Policies
From ACM Careers

Report Tracks State Progress on Computer Science Ed Policies

If understanding of computer science is essential to being an informed citizen, then it makes sense that every child needs an education in the use of computing...

Skyrmions Created With a Special Spiral
From ACM Careers

Skyrmions Created With a Special Spiral

Argonne researchers have created skyrmions — ordered regions of magnetic spins — by using a spiraling focused ion beam. 

Canada Tries to Turn Its A.i. Ideas Into Dollars
From ACM Careers

Canada Tries to Turn Its A.i. Ideas Into Dollars

Long before Google started working on cars that drive themselves and Amazon was creating home appliances that talk, a handful of researchers in Canada—backed by...

Putting a Spin on Logic Gates
From ACM Careers

Putting a Spin on Logic Gates

How do you build a logic gate for devices too small for classical physics? A research collaboration in Germany used vibrations in a magnetic material's collective...

Girls' Confidence, Not Math Ability, Hinders Path to Science Degrees
From ACM Careers

Girls' Confidence, Not Math Ability, Hinders Path to Science Degrees

Girls rate their mathematics abilities markedly lower than boys, even when there is no observable difference between the two, according to researchers at Florida...

Amazon's Robot War Is Spreading
From ACM Careers

Amazon's Robot War Is Spreading

It was Amazon that drove America's warehouse operators into the robot business.

If an AI Doesn't Take Your Job, It Will Design Your Office
From ACM Careers

If an AI Doesn't Take Your Job, It Will Design Your Office

Arranging employees in an office is like creating a 13-dimensional matrix that triangulates human wants, corporate needs, and the cold hard laws of physics: Joe...

Professor's Career in Research and Outreach Earns Nsf Grant
From ACM Careers

Professor's Career in Research and Outreach Earns Nsf Grant

Ashley Carter's work is notable both for its investigation of DNA folding and for her efforts to recruit women into STEM fields.

Csail Launches Artificial Intelligence Initiative With Industry
From ACM Careers

Csail Launches Artificial Intelligence Initiative With Industry

The SystemsThatLearn@CSAIL industry collaboration aims to use machine learning to create functional human-like systems for data science and other fields.

How Artificial Life Spawned a Billion-Dollar Industry
From ACM News

How Artificial Life Spawned a Billion-Dollar Industry

Scientists are getting closer to building life from scratch and technology pioneers are taking notice, with record sums moving into a field that could deliver novel...

­ltrafast Measurements Explain Quantum Dot Voltage Drop
From ACM Careers

­ltrafast Measurements Explain Quantum Dot Voltage Drop

Solar cells and photodetectors could soon be made from new types of materials based on semiconductor quantum dots.

Where Non-Techies Can Get With the Programming
From ACM Careers

Where Non-Techies Can Get With the Programming

When the Georgetown University Law Center offered computer programming last year, it was an experiment, a single class for about 20 students.

Trudeau Innovation Shift Already ­nderway as Ontario Tech Booms
From ACM Careers

Trudeau Innovation Shift Already ­nderway as Ontario Tech Booms

Things are looking bright for Dan Leibu and League Inc., a digital health and benefits platform he founded with three friends two years ago in Toronto.

Educating and Strengthening the Cybersecurity Workforce
From ACM Careers

Educating and Strengthening the Cybersecurity Workforce

California State University is creating unique educational opportunities for students and faculty members in an effort to produce career-ready cybersecurity professionals...

The Diy Electronics Transforming Research
From ACM Careers

The Diy Electronics Transforming Research

A research subject watches a brush slowly stroking a rubber hand on a table in front of her, while her own hand—hidden from view—experiences the same stimulation...

Computer Server Models Protein Interactions Critical to Understanding Disease
From ACM Careers

Computer Server Models Protein Interactions Critical to Understanding Disease

Researchers have created an automated computer server that calculates complex computations of modeling protein interactions with a handful of clicks from a home...

Jumping Droplets Extinguish ­npredictable Hotspots in Electronics
From ACM Careers

Jumping Droplets Extinguish ­npredictable Hotspots in Electronics

A "jumping droplet" technique developed by Duke University researchers passively cools dynamic hotspots with effective thermal transport in all directions.
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