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Spying on Whales to Save Them
From ACM Careers

Spying on Whales to Save Them

One foggy morning last April, a dead humpback whale washed up on New York's Rockaway Beach.

Trump's China Concern Adds Pressure in Race to Be First With 5G
From ACM News

Trump's China Concern Adds Pressure in Race to Be First With 5G

The Trump administration's concern about China's growing technology clout is putting even more pressure on U.S. wireless carriers in their marketing battle over...

Microsoft Reorganizes to Fuel Cloud and A.I. Businesses
From ACM Careers

Microsoft Reorganizes to Fuel Cloud and A.I. Businesses

The Windows era at Microsoft, long in eclipse, is officially history.

The Man With the Most Valuable Work Experience in the World
From ACM Opinion

The Man With the Most Valuable Work Experience in the World

Chris Urmson led Google's self-driving car team from its early days all the way until the company shed its Google skin and emerged under the Alphabet umbrella as...

Businesses, Consumers Uncertain Ahead of China VPN Ban
From ACM Careers

Businesses, Consumers Uncertain Ahead of China VPN Ban

VPNs, which can bypass China's Great Firewall, the world's most extensive effort to try to control cyberspace, allow companies and individuals to secure access...

Nvidia Co-founders Remember Their Startup Roller Coaster Ride
From ACM Careers

Nvidia Co-founders Remember Their Startup Roller Coaster Ride

A startup competition at Nvidia's GPU Technology Conference (GTC) held in San Jose this week sent Jensen Huang and his Nvidia co-founder Chris Malachowsky on a...

Divided by DNA: The ­neasy Relationship Between Archaeology and Ancient Genomics
From ACM Careers

Divided by DNA: The ­neasy Relationship Between Archaeology and Ancient Genomics

Thirty kilometres north of Stonehenge, through the rolling countryside of southwest England, stands a less-famous window into Neolithic Britain.

What Lies Beneath: The Things Facebook Knows Go Beyond ­ser Data
From ACM News

What Lies Beneath: The Things Facebook Knows Go Beyond ­ser Data

In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica revelations regarding the exposure of profile data for millions of users, Facebook is now facing an investigation into its...

An Alternate Reality Game That Takes Freshmen Orientation to a New Level
From ACM Careers

An Alternate Reality Game That Takes Freshmen Orientation to a New Level

A group of teenagers has been interrogating me for almost an hour.

How to Sail Smoothly from Academia to Industry
From ACM Careers

How to Sail Smoothly from Academia to Industry

When immuno-oncologist Martijn Bijker decided to move from academia to industry, he asked a friend to review his CV. His friend—who had worked in the pharmaceutical...

Lawmakers Hope to ­se Facebook's 'Oil Spill' Privacy Mishap to ­sher In Sweeping New Laws
From ACM Careers

Lawmakers Hope to ­se Facebook's 'Oil Spill' Privacy Mishap to ­sher In Sweeping New Laws

It was October 2010, and two members of Congress were furious with Facebook.

For the ­.S. and China, a Technology Cold War That's Freezing Over
From ACM News

For the ­.S. and China, a Technology Cold War That's Freezing Over

A cold war is being waged across the world's most advanced industries. And it just got a lot chillier.

­sing Technology to Combat Bias in Hiring
From ACM Careers

­sing Technology to Combat Bias in Hiring

Stephanie Lampkin says unconscious bias creates unfair hiring practices—and she developed an app for that.

How the AI Cloud Could Produce the Richest Companies Ever
From ACM Careers

How the AI Cloud Could Produce the Richest Companies Ever

For years, Swami Sivasubramanian's wife has wanted to get a look at the bears that come out of the woods on summer nights to plunder the trash cans at their suburban...

Enough About Cryptocurrency. Let's Talk About Virtual Cats
From ACM Opinion

Enough About Cryptocurrency. Let's Talk About Virtual Cats

We spend way too much time talking about digital currencies and not nearly enough time on digital cats.

Cambridge Analytica Scandal: Legitimate Researchers ­sing Facebook Data Could Be Collateral Damage
From ACM Opinion

Cambridge Analytica Scandal: Legitimate Researchers ­sing Facebook Data Could Be Collateral Damage

The scandal that has erupted around Cambridge Analytica's alleged harvesting of 50m Facebook profiles assembled from data provided by a UK-based academic and his...

Targeting Tech Giants, Europe ­nveils Digital Tax Proposal
From ACM Careers

Targeting Tech Giants, Europe ­nveils Digital Tax Proposal

European authorities on Wednesday proposed revamping the way many technology companies in the region are taxed, outlining wide-ranging changes that they hope will...

Non-Lethal Weapon: DOD Seeks to ­se Lasers to Create Shouting Will-O-the-Wisp
From ACM Careers

Non-Lethal Weapon: DOD Seeks to ­se Lasers to Create Shouting Will-O-the-Wisp

The Department of Defense's Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Development Program (JNLWD) is closing in on a directed energy weapon that can literally tell people to go...

Next Worry for Facebook: Disenchanted ­sers
From ACM News

Next Worry for Facebook: Disenchanted ­sers

Facebook Inc.'s handling of user data has upset lawmakers and regulators in multiple countries. But the biggest risk to its business could come from angry users...

Europe's New Privacy Law Will Change the Web, and More
From ACM News

Europe's New Privacy Law Will Change the Web, and More

Consumers have long wondered just what Google and Facebook know about them, and who else can access their personal data. But internet giants have little incentive...
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