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Botnets Could Meet Their Match in Robot Hackers
From ACM Careers

Botnets Could Meet Their Match in Robot Hackers

Last summer the Pentagon staged a contest in Las Vegas in which high-powered computers spent 12 hours trying to hack one another in pursuit of a $2 million purse...

The Internet of Things Comes to the Lab
From ACM Careers

The Internet of Things Comes to the Lab

Out of town for the US 4 July holiday, Kyle Turner got news that no lab manager wants to hear: his freezer was dying.

­.s. Reports on Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering
From ACM Careers

­.s. Reports on Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering

The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics has released the 2017 Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering report...

Brain-Computer Interface Allows Completely Locked-in People to Communicate
From ACM Careers

Brain-Computer Interface Allows Completely Locked-in People to Communicate

A computer interface that can decipher the thoughts of people who are unable to communicate could revolutionize the lives of those living with completely locked...

Tech Companies Fight Trump Immigration Order in Court
From ACM Careers

Tech Companies Fight Trump Immigration Order in Court

Technology executives have for days assailed President Trump's executive order suspending immigration from seven mostly Muslim countries, framing their arguments...

Gps Data Release to Boost Space-Weather Science
From ACM Careers

Gps Data Release to Boost Space-Weather Science

More than 16 years of space-weather data from U.S. GSP satellites has been made publicly available, giving researchers a trove of measurements to better understand...

Quantum Computing Paranoia Creates a New Industry
From ACM Careers

Quantum Computing Paranoia Creates a New Industry

Fear sells in the computer security business.

Spectrum Collaboration Challenge: Let the Games Begin!
From ACM Careers

Spectrum Collaboration Challenge: Let the Games Begin!

DARPA has selected 30 teams for Phase 1 of a $3.75 million competition designed to greatly expand the amount of radio traffic that the electromagnetic spectrum...

The Human Toll of Protecting the Internet from the Worst of Humanity
From ACM Careers

The Human Toll of Protecting the Internet from the Worst of Humanity

Henry Soto worked for Microsoft’s online-safety team, in Seattle, for eight years.

Co-Design Centers to Help Make Next-Generation Cxascale Computing a Reality
From ACM Careers

Co-Design Centers to Help Make Next-Generation Cxascale Computing a Reality

Computer designers are looking to overcome limitations in existing high-performance computing systems and develop, design, and optimize new software and hardware...

Tech Scrambles After Trump Issues Immigration Order
From ACM News

Tech Scrambles After Trump Issues Immigration Order

President Donald Trump's broad executive order to restrict visas and refugees particularly from Muslim countries left tech giants like Apple, Facebook, Google and...

Optimizing Code
From ACM Careers

Optimizing Code

A new variation on a popular open-source compiler optimizes parallel code better than any commercial or open-source compiler, its developers say.

For This Metal, Electricity Flows, But Not the Heat
From ACM Careers

For This Metal, Electricity Flows, But Not the Heat

A Berkeley-led study finds law-breaking property in vanadium dioxide that could lead to applications such as thermoelectric systems that convert waste heat from...

Google's Harder Look at Moon Shots Seems to Be Paying Off
From ACM Careers

Google's Harder Look at Moon Shots Seems to Be Paying Off

In the past few years, Google has become known for more than just its iconic search engine.

Artificial Intelligence ­ncovers New Insight Into Biophysics of Cancer
From ACM Careers

Artificial Intelligence ­ncovers New Insight Into Biophysics of Cancer

Researchers using a machine-learning platform predicted a trio of reagents that was able to generate a never-before-seen cancer-like phenotype in tadpoles.

Jet Lag Hits For Power Against Major League Ballplayers
From ACM Careers

Jet Lag Hits For Power Against Major League Ballplayers

Baseball, America's pastime, has been part of the nation’s culture for more than 140 years—we go to games, watch games on TV, and teach our kids to play.

Israeli Cybersecurity Industry Grows as Global Threats Multiply
From ACM Careers

Israeli Cybersecurity Industry Grows as Global Threats Multiply

Investments in Israe's cybersecurity industry jumped 9 percent in 2016, a year when the world suffered a successful cyberattack on a national power grid, a massive...

Over to You, Automation
From ACM Careers

Over to You, Automation

Alexander Eriksson and Neville Stanton at the University of Southampton have taken an in-depth look at how long it takes drivers to transition from manual to automated...

Connecting the Bytes
From ACM Careers

Connecting the Bytes

Ramakrishnan Kannan helps scientists realize full potential of Titan, Oak Ridge National Laboratory's 20-petaflops supercomputer.

Nasa's Real 'hidden Figures'
From ACM Careers

Nasa's Real 'hidden Figures'

In the 1960s, Mercury astronauts Alan Shepard, Gus Grissom, John Glenn and others absorbed the accolades of being the first men in space.
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