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The ­nlikely Tale of How Arm Came to Rule the World
From ACM News

The ­nlikely Tale of How Arm Came to Rule the World

This is a story about ARM Holdings, the mobile technology company.

Nasa Responds to California's Evolving Drought
From ACM News

Nasa Responds to California's Evolving Drought

NASA is partnering with the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) to develop and apply new technology and products to better manage and monitor the state's...

Mt. Gox Disappears From Web in New Setback
From ACM News

Mt. Gox Disappears From Web in New Setback

Bitcoin suffered a major setback Tuesday as the website of Mt.Gox, the once dominant trading platform for the virtual currency, was all but shut down.

How to Get a Job at Google
From ACM Opinion

How to Get a Job at Google

Last June, in an interview with Adam Bryant of The Times, Laszlo Bock, the senior vice president of people operations for Google—i.e., the guy in charge of hiring...

The Special Effects Firms Transforming the Film Industry
From ACM Careers

The Special Effects Firms Transforming the Film Industry

If you are looking for a sure thing at this year's Oscars look no further than Gravity to win the best visual effects category.

Mobile Privacy Sells in Post-Snowden World
From ACM Careers

Mobile Privacy Sells in Post-Snowden World

Following the Snowden snooping revelations, there is growing interest in a range of mobile phone products with one central selling point: privacy.

Comcast's Deal with Netflix Makes Network Neutrality Obsolete
From ACM Opinion

Comcast's Deal with Netflix Makes Network Neutrality Obsolete

For the past two decades, the Internet has operated as an unregulated, competitive free market.

The Joy of Teaching Computer Science in the Age of Facebook
From ACM Opinion

The Joy of Teaching Computer Science in the Age of Facebook

Over the last two decades, it can be argued, no area of study has seen larger growth in span and general application than computer science.

The Interstellar Contract
From ACM Opinion

The Interstellar Contract

Last September, the Times reported that Voyager 1, the hardy spacecraft launched in 1977, had exited the solar system and entered the interstellar void.

Willow Garage's Last Days
From ACM News

Willow Garage's Last Days

In 2006, Scott Hassan, a prolific software engineer, started a research lab dedicated to robotics called Willow Garage.

The Political Science of Cybersecurity III—How International Relations Theory Shapes U.S. Cybersecurity Doctrine
From ACM Opinion

The Political Science of Cybersecurity III—How International Relations Theory Shapes U.S. Cybersecurity Doctrine

U.S. cybersecurity officials have been much more skeptical about international cooperation than their Cold War counterparts were.

The Rags-To-Riches Tale of How Jan Koum Built Whatsapp Into Facebook's New $19 Billion Baby
From ACM Careers

The Rags-To-Riches Tale of How Jan Koum Built Whatsapp Into Facebook's New $19 Billion Baby

Jan Koum picked a meaningful spot to sign the $19 billion deal to sell his company WhatsApp to Facebook earlier today. Koum, cofounder Brian Acton and venture capitalist...

Mega-Bucks From Russia Seed Development of Big Data Tools
From ACM Careers

Mega-Bucks From Russia Seed Development of Big Data Tools

A Brookhaven physicist was awarded a 'mega-grant' by Russia to develop software and data management tools for large scientific datasets.

Satya Nadella, Chief of Microsoft, on His New Role
From ACM Opinion

Satya Nadella, Chief of Microsoft, on His New Role

Q. What leadership lessons have you learned from your predecessor, Steve Ballmer?

­.s. Dominance in Science Faces Asian Challenge
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Dominance in Science Faces Asian Challenge

Although the United States remains a powerhouse in knowledge- and technology-intensive industries, the country's predominance in science and technology is fading...

As Military Robots Increase, So Does the Complexity of Their Relationship With Soldiers
From ACM News

As Military Robots Increase, So Does the Complexity of Their Relationship With Soldiers

For a glimpse at the future of human-robot interactions, it might be better to look at what's happening in the United States military than analyzing Her, in which...

Visiting Mauna Kea, the World's Best Spot For Stargazing
From ACM News

Visiting Mauna Kea, the World's Best Spot For Stargazing

I was recently having lunch at a lovely and only slightly overpriced cafe overlooking the Pacific in the historic resort region of Kailua-Kona on the dry side of...

From ACM Opinion


It was a mild October day in Hollywood, but a trace of artificial snow remained on the ground as Neil deGrasse Tyson, the director of the Hayden Planetarium, at...

Networking Nature
From ACM News

Networking Nature

Conservation is for the first time beginning to operate at the pace and on the scale necessary to keep up with, and even get ahead of, the planet’s most intractable...

Can 'robotic' Pills Replace Injections?
From ACM News

Can 'robotic' Pills Replace Injections?

The adage "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning" is destined for a futuristic makeover.
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