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STEM Programs Find Sexist Culture Hard to Shake
From ACM Careers

STEM Programs Find Sexist Culture Hard to Shake

Many female students say that they still feel unwelcome in STEM culture, citing microaggressions and sometimes even downright misogyny

3-D-Printed Robots With Shock-Absorbing Skins
From ACM Careers

3-D-Printed Robots With Shock-Absorbing Skins

By "programming" customized soft materials, an MIT CSAIL team can 3-D print safer, nimbler, more durable robots.

Even with Rising Wages, Robot Revolution Skips Restaurants
From ACM Careers

Even with Rising Wages, Robot Revolution Skips Restaurants

Clamshell grills are making burger flipping obsolete at McDonald’s, Johnny Rockets and other burger chains. Digital kiosks, tabletop tablets and mobile phones are...

Research Resolves a Debate Over 'Killer Electrons' in Space
From ACM Careers

Research Resolves a Debate Over 'Killer Electrons' in Space

Newly published findings by an international team of researchers answer a fundamental question about our space environment and will help scientists develop methods...

The Myths and Reality About Interstellar Travel
From ACM Careers

The Myths and Reality About Interstellar Travel

Science fiction writers and moviemakers have shown us countless visions of humanity spread out across the Universe, so you might be forgiven for thinking that we've...

The Computer Voting Revolution Is Already Crappy, Buggy, and Obsolete
From ACM News

The Computer Voting Revolution Is Already Crappy, Buggy, and Obsolete

Six days after Memphis voters went to the polls last October to elect a mayor and other city officials, a local computer programmer named Bennie Smith sat on his...

Turning to the Brain to Reboot Computing
From ACM Careers

Turning to the Brain to Reboot Computing

With computation stuck in a rut, computer scientists are scrambling for new ideas.

Nsf Grant Preps Milwaukee Teachers For Computer Science Certification
From ACM Careers

Nsf Grant Preps Milwaukee Teachers For Computer Science Certification

Marquette University has received a $1 million U.S. National Science Foundation grant that will lead to thousands of Milwaukee Public Schools students learning...

Go Hack or Go Home
From ACM Careers

Go Hack or Go Home

Students, hackers, and business firms gathered at Texas A&M's annual hackathon to design programs in different coding competitions.

Nsf Funds Big Data Project in Digital Agriculture
From ACM Careers

Nsf Funds Big Data Project in Digital Agriculture

The NSF if funding a collaborative project focused on data science and Big Data applications in agriculture, concentrated on automating the Big Data lifecycle for...

Why Big Pharma Wants to Collect 2 Million Genomes
From ACM Opinion

Why Big Pharma Wants to Collect 2 Million Genomes

Five months after announcing its intentions to gather genome sequences from 2 million people, pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has selected geneticist David Goldstein...

Iphone Exploit Bounty Surges to an Eye-Popping $1.5 Million
From ACM Careers

Iphone Exploit Bounty Surges to an Eye-Popping $1.5 Million

A controversial broker of security exploits is offering $1.5 million (£1.2 million) for attacks that work against fully patched iPhones and iPads, a bounty that's...

Connecting Data Scientists with Regional Challenges
From ACM Careers

Connecting Data Scientists with Regional Challenges

The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded $11 million to Big Data Spokes projects and associated planning activities.

Melinda Gates Tackles Women in Tech Issues
From ACM Careers

Melinda Gates Tackles Women in Tech Issues

Melinda Gates, one of the world's most high-profile philanthropists, gets the wheels turning on a push to promote women in the tech industry.

Room-Temp Superconductors Could Be Possible
From ACM Careers

Room-Temp Superconductors Could Be Possible

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory are one step closer to understanding how to harness the power of superconductivity...

Chronicling Global Migration on a Computer Screen
From ACM Careers

Chronicling Global Migration on a Computer Screen

Researchers at NYU have created an interactive web site that traces the economic and religious ties within two disaporas through data, video, maps, and personal...

Pentagon's 5,000-Strong Cyber Force Passes Key Operational Step
From ACM Careers

Pentagon's 5,000-Strong Cyber Force Passes Key Operational Step

A 5,000-person Pentagon force created to bolster military computer networks and initiate cyber attacks against terror groups should be ready to carry out its mission...

Despite the Hype Over Gene Therapy, Few Drugs Are Close to Approval
From ACM Careers

Despite the Hype Over Gene Therapy, Few Drugs Are Close to Approval

Most experts in the medical field will tell you that gene therapy has finally come of age, but the numbers tell a different story.

Baseball Was Way Easier to Predict in 2016, Except For Fly Balls
From ACM Careers

Baseball Was Way Easier to Predict in 2016, Except For Fly Balls

Heading into the final week of the regular season, the MLB playoff picture is almost settled.

Why Data Is the New Coal
From ACM Opinion

Why Data Is the New Coal

"Is data the new oil?" asked proponents of big data back in 2012 in Forbes magazine. By 2016, and the rise of big data's turbo-powered cousin deep learning, westated Fortune...
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