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10 Companies Chasing Innovations That Really Matter
From ACM Careers

10 Companies Chasing Innovations That Really Matter

PayPal co-founder Max Levchin faced some flak recently when he announced he was starting a new company in the already crowded field of digital payments.

HHMI Hopes $1M Grants Will Transform Science Education
From ACM Careers

HHMI Hopes $1M Grants Will Transform Science Education

 Up to 15 new HHMI professors will receive $1 million over five years to create activities that integrate their research with student learning to enhance undergraduates'...

Internet Pioneers Win Engineering Prize
From ACM Careers

Internet Pioneers Win Engineering Prize

Sir Tim Berners Lee, Robert Kahn, Vinton Cerf, Louis Pouzin, and Marc Andreessen will share the £1m award.

Israel Ramps ­p Its Cyberdefense Training
From ACM Careers

Israel Ramps ­p Its Cyberdefense Training

Twice a week about 200 Israeli high school students in seven separate locations meet after school for six hours of extra classes.

'war on Talent' Continues For Engineers in Europe
From ACM Careers

'war on Talent' Continues For Engineers in Europe

A low graduation rate and aging workforce are causing a "severe" shortage of technical professionals throughout Europe.

Google Hires Brains that Helped Supercharge Machine Learning
From ACM Careers

Google Hires Brains that Helped Supercharge Machine Learning

Google has hired the man who showed how to make computers learn much like the human brain.

High-Tech Designs Vie to Replace Nyc's Payphones
From ACM News

High-Tech Designs Vie to Replace Nyc's Payphones

Drones on Display: Security Firms Go Hi-Tech in Rush to Seal the Border
From ACM Careers

Drones on Display: Security Firms Go Hi-Tech in Rush to Seal the Border

From a distance, it looked like Wyatt Nease was using a handset to operate a remote control car.

­.s. Spies Want to Play Alternate-Reality Games (for Work, They Swear)
From ACM Careers

­.s. Spies Want to Play Alternate-Reality Games (for Work, They Swear)

Alternate-reality games are no longer just for geeks and corporations that want to sell you stuff.

Computer Science Enrollments Soared Last Year, Rising 30%
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Enrollments Soared Last Year, Rising 30%

The number of new undergraduate computing majors in U.S. computer science departments increased more than 29 percent in 2012, marking the fifth straight year of...

Which Tech Degrees Pay the Most From Day One?
From ACM TechNews

Which Tech Degrees Pay the Most From Day One?

Asked about industry demand for their graduates, colleges and professors from various technology disciplines said that more job opportunities and higher starting...

A Laboratory Grows Young Scientists
From ACM Careers

A Laboratory Grows Young Scientists

During lunch hour, the hallways of Ossining High School have a kind of barely contained chaos.

Can Your Boss Read Your Email?
From ACM Opinion

Can Your Boss Read Your Email?

Harvard faculty members responded with shock after the Boston Globe revealed that theuniversity’s administration had searched 16 faculty deans’ email accounts to...

Working From Home: The End Of Productivity Or The Future Of Work?
From ACM CareerNews

Working From Home: The End Of Productivity Or The Future Of Work?

Yahoo's decision to ban telecommuting for its workers as of June generated controversy in the technology sector, where companies continue to debate whether working...

Researchers Developing 3-D Printer to Create Human Organs
From ACM Careers

Researchers Developing 3-D Printer to Create Human Organs

University of Iowa engineers are working on 3-D printing technology with a long-term goal of printing a human pancreas.

Why Private Companies Won't Make ­p For Cuts in Government Science Funding
From ACM Opinion

Why Private Companies Won't Make ­p For Cuts in Government Science Funding

The budget cuts that took effect last week could wipe out as much as $54 billion in federal funding of science, research, and innovation over the next five years...

The History of Hadoop: From 4 Nodes to the Future of Data
From ACM News

The History of Hadoop: From 4 Nodes to the Future of Data

Depending on how one defines its birth, Hadoop is now 10 years old. In that decade, Hadoop has gone from being the hopeful answer to Yahoo’s search-engine woes...

Lars Rasmussen: The Brains Behind Facebook's Future
From ACM Opinion

Lars Rasmussen: The Brains Behind Facebook's Future

For a man that made his career out of helping millions of people find their way around, Lars Rasmussen is frank about his own navigational shortcomings.

Computer Scientists Use Music to Lure Students to STEM Majors
From ACM Careers

Computer Scientists Use Music to Lure Students to STEM Majors

Making music is the main objective of students in Professor Jennifer Burg's computer science classes. But Burg's goal is to get them to understand the underlying...

Groundbreaking Cyber Fast Track Research Program Ending
From ACM Careers

Groundbreaking Cyber Fast Track Research Program Ending

When Peiter Zatko, the security researcher and pioneering hacker known as Mudge, joined the federal government several years ago to help run a DARPA research program...
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