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Hackers at Convention to Ferret Out Election System Bugs
From ACM Careers

Hackers at Convention to Ferret Out Election System Bugs

Def Con, one of the world's largest hacker conventions, will serve as a laboratory for breaking into voting machines this week, extending its efforts to identify...

Quantum Computing Will Create Jobs. But Which Ones?
From ACM Careers

Quantum Computing Will Create Jobs. But Which Ones?

Chris Monroe's vision for quantum computers is simple: He wants people to use them.

AI Can Help Write Wikipedia Pages for Overlooked Scientists
From ACM Careers

AI Can Help Write Wikipedia Pages for Overlooked Scientists

Quicksilver AI software discovers scientists who should have Wikipedia articles about them and writes a first draft.

Advocates Condemn Psych Techniques ­sed to Keep Kids Online
From ACM Careers

Advocates Condemn Psych Techniques ­sed to Keep Kids Online

Children's advocates want the American Psychological Association to condemn the tech industry's practice of using persuasive psychological techniques to keep kids...

Ding! Alibaba Office App Fuels Backlash Among Some Chinese Workers
From ACM Careers

Ding! Alibaba Office App Fuels Backlash Among Some Chinese Workers

In the cramped former home of Jack Ma, founder of the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, about thirty young engineers sit elbow-to-elbow, working to attract the...

Startup JITX ­ses AI to Automate Complex Circuit Board Design
From ACM Opinion

Startup JITX ­ses AI to Automate Complex Circuit Board Design

While anyone can learn how to design a circuit board, it takes a skilled engineer to design a circuit board that is both well optimized and unlikely to melt, explode...

Particle Physicists Team ­p With AI to Solve Toughest Science Problems
From ACM Careers

Particle Physicists Team ­p With AI to Solve Toughest Science Problems

Researchers from around the world increasingly use machine learning to handle Big Data produced in modern experiments and to study some of the most fundamental...

Facebook Identifies an Active Political Influence Campaign ­sing Fake Accounts
From ACM News

Facebook Identifies an Active Political Influence Campaign ­sing Fake Accounts

Facebook said on Tuesday that it had identified a political influence campaign that was potentially built to disrupt the midterm elections, with the company ...

How Robot Hands Are Evolving to Do What Ours Can
From ACM News

How Robot Hands Are Evolving to Do What Ours Can

A robotic hand? Four autonomous fingers and a thumb that can do anything your own flesh and blood can do? That is still the stuff of fantasy.

The Hackers Teaching Old DNA Sequencers New Tricks
From ACM News

The Hackers Teaching Old DNA Sequencers New Tricks

In a basement storeroom at Stanford University in California, the guts of a dozen DNA sequencers lie exposed—hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cameras and...

Sorry, Nerds: Terraforming Might Not Work on Mars
From ACM Careers

Sorry, Nerds: Terraforming Might Not Work on Mars

Listen, I get it. You want to go to Mars. I want to go to Mars. (Sort of.) And the plan—it's good.

The Ethics of Computer Science: This Researcher Has a Controversial Proposal
From ACM Opinion

The Ethics of Computer Science: This Researcher Has a Controversial Proposal

In the midst of growing public concern over artificial intelligence (AI), privacy and the use of data, Brent Hecht has a controversial proposal: the computer-science...

One Woman's Math Could Help NASA Put People on Mars
From ACM News

One Woman's Math Could Help NASA Put People on Mars

Kathleen Howell never aspired to walk on the moon. 

JPL Interns: 'How I'm Spending My Summer Vacation'
From ACM Careers

JPL Interns: 'How I'm Spending My Summer Vacation'

In honor of National Intern Day on Thursday, July 26, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, is celebrating the 700 students from around the...

DARPA Picks Its First Set of Winners in Electronics Resurgence Initiative
From ACM Careers

DARPA Picks Its First Set of Winners in Electronics Resurgence Initiative

Hundreds of engineers gathered at the Darpa Electronics Resurgence Initiative Summit in San Francisco yesterday to hear that dozens of them were getting millions...

Scientists Perfect Technique to Boost Capacity of Computer Storage a Thousandfold
From ACM Careers

Scientists Perfect Technique to Boost Capacity of Computer Storage a Thousandfold

Silicon-based atomic-scale devices are poised to increase capacity of solid-state storage drives 1,000-fold due to techniques perfected at the University of Alberta...

Million-Person Genetic Study Finds Gene Patterns Linked to How Long People Stay in School
From ACM Careers

Million-Person Genetic Study Finds Gene Patterns Linked to How Long People Stay in School

The largest-ever genetic study on human cognition has found more than 1,000 links between people's genes and how far they get in school.

Doctors Rely on More Than Just Data for Medical Decision Making
From ACM Careers

Doctors Rely on More Than Just Data for Medical Decision Making

Computer scientists find that physicians' sentiments or "gut feelings" influence their utilizaton of diagnostic imaging utilization, moreso at the beginning of...

NASA Online Toolkit: Commercial ­se of Satellite Data
From ACM Careers

NASA Online Toolkit: Commercial ­se of Satellite Data

While NASA's policy of free and open remote-sensing data has long benefited the scientific community, other government agencies and nonprofit organizations, it...

Some Scientists Work With China, but NASA Won't
From ACM Careers

Some Scientists Work With China, but NASA Won't

Inside a sealed clean room near Toulouse, France, Maurice Sylvestre points out something called SuperCam.
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