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Ornl Electric Vehicle Tech Packs More Punch in Smaller Package
From ACM Careers

Ornl Electric Vehicle Tech Packs More Punch in Smaller Package

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have created a power inverter that could make electric vehicles lighter, more powerful...

Nyu Joins Campaign to Train Next-Generation STEM Teachers
From ACM Careers

Nyu Joins Campaign to Train Next-Generation STEM Teachers

NYU has joined the "Blow Minds, Teach STEM" a campaign to inspire undergraduates and recent graduates with strong STEM skills to become teachers.

Nobel Prize: How English Beat German as Language of Science
From ACM News

Nobel Prize: How English Beat German as Language of Science

Permafrost, oxygen, hydrogen; it all looks like science to me. 

How Jean Tirole's Work Helps Explain the Internet Economy
From ACM News

How Jean Tirole's Work Helps Explain the Internet Economy

For anyone who has wondered how it’s possible to get so much stuff from web companies free or at too-good-to-be-true prices—whether Google searching, Facebook socializing...

Should Industrial Robots Be Able to Hurt Their Human Coworkers?
From ACM News

Should Industrial Robots Be Able to Hurt Their Human Coworkers?

How much should a robot be allowed to hurt its coworkers?

­c Santa Cruz Creates New Department of Computational Media
From ACM Careers

­c Santa Cruz Creates New Department of Computational Media

The University of California, Santa Cruz has created a Department of Computational Media, an academic home for a new interdisciplinary field that is concerned...

Dissolvable Silicon Circuits and Sensors
From ACM Careers

Dissolvable Silicon Circuits and Sensors

Electronic devices that dissolve completely in water, leaving behind only harmless end products, are part of a rapidly emerging class of technology pioneered...

Web-Era Trade Schools, Feeding a Need For Code
From ACM Careers

Web-Era Trade Schools, Feeding a Need For Code

A new educational institution, the coding boot camp, is quietly emerging as the vocational school for the digital age, devoted to creating software developers.

Where Is the Next Alibaba? A Look at Six Contenders.
From ACM Careers

Where Is the Next Alibaba? A Look at Six Contenders.

Chinese companies are starting to spread their wings and head abroad.

Hackers Gather For Cyberwar in an Intense 48-Hour Sim
From ACM Careers

Hackers Gather For Cyberwar in an Intense 48-Hour Sim

Locked Shields is among the world's preeminent cyber attack simulations.

High-Tech Pay Gap: Minorities Earn Less in Skilled Jobs
From ACM TechNews

High-Tech Pay Gap: Minorities Earn Less in Skilled Jobs

Hispanics, Asians, and blacks are not receiving equal pay for equal work in the high-tech industry, according to a recent American Institute for Economic Research...

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Life in Sharp Focus
From ACM News

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Life in Sharp Focus

This year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry recognizes a milestone in a long tradition, dating back to Galileo, of innovations in scientific instruments that have transformed...

Find Out What Your Zip Code Predicts You'll Buy
From ACM Opinion

Find Out What Your Zip Code Predicts You'll Buy

Where you live says a lot about you—and nobody knows that better than marketeers. Now, though, you can take a glimpse at what they know, using this searchable map...

Paper on Haptic Steering Support Winner of 2014 Human Factors Prize
From ACM Careers

Paper on Haptic Steering Support Winner of 2014 Human Factors Prize

The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society has awarded the 2014 Human Factors Prize to the authors of "Should Drivers Be Operating Within an Automation-Free Bandwidth...

Missouri S&t Works to Increase Diversity in Computer Science
From ACM Careers

Missouri S&t Works to Increase Diversity in Computer Science

Missouri University of Science and Technology is one of 15 schools selected by the Anita Borg Institute and Harvey Mudd College to participate in a new program...

Why Aren't Product Designers Considering Activity Trackers for Older Adults?
From ACM Careers

Why Aren't Product Designers Considering Activity Trackers for Older Adults?

Despite tracking monitors' growing popularity, product designers rarely consider those over 65 to be a viable user group, and new research indicates that the...

When Cybersecurity Threats Come from the Inside
From ACM Careers

When Cybersecurity Threats Come from the Inside

AT&T acknowledged earlier this week that in August an employee had gained unauthorized access to some customers' personal data—including Social Security and driver's...

The Weather Channel's Secret: Less Weather, More Clickbait
From ACM Careers

The Weather Channel's Secret: Less Weather, More Clickbait

The writers and editors at the Weather Channel's don’t often talk about the weather.

The Myth of the Lone Genius
From ACM Opinion

The Myth of the Lone Genius

The computer and the Internet are among the most important inventions of our era, but few people know who created them.

Researchers to Examine Using Autonomous Vehicles to Improve Traffic Flow
From ACM Careers

Researchers to Examine Using Autonomous Vehicles to Improve Traffic Flow

Researchers are already thinking about how autonomous vehicles — which could debut on U.S. roadways within a decade — might improve traffic flow and reduce fuel...
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