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Policymakers Hail STEM Education as a Strong Foundation, Pushing Innovation
From ACM TechNews

Policymakers Hail STEM Education as a Strong Foundation, Pushing Innovation

U.S. government officials and advocates for greater investment in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education are tweaking their message, advocating...

Getting a Clear Picture of a Computer Network's Security
From ACM Careers

Getting a Clear Picture of a Computer Network's Security

Security experts say the only hope of protecting corporate networks from hackers is something the industry calls "defense in depth."

Google Backs Second Quantum Computing Effort
From ACM News

Google Backs Second Quantum Computing Effort

Scientists can't seem to agree on what a quantum computer is. But the uncertainty hasn't deterred Google from backing a second major effort in the field.

Can We Ever Truly Master Password Security? Computer Scientist Weighs In
From ACM Careers

Can We Ever Truly Master Password Security? Computer Scientist Weighs In

Georgia State University computer science professor Xiaojun Cao says it's difficult to keep passwords 100% safe and secure, and suggests superior alternatives to...

Can a Stack of Computer Servers Survive an Earthquake?
From ACM Careers

Can a Stack of Computer Servers Survive an Earthquake?

Tests at the University at Buffalo show local seismic isolation and damping methods can significantly reduce earthquake damage to computer systems and other electronic...

Apple Explains Why Your Ios App Keeps Getting Rejected
From ACM Careers

Apple Explains Why Your Ios App Keeps Getting Rejected

If you've ever developed an app for the iPhone or iPad, you've had to deal with Apple's App Store Review Guidelines.

Finding the 'holy Grail' of Making Smarter Robots
From ACM News

Finding the 'holy Grail' of Making Smarter Robots

Robots that can learn how to do just about anything, including anticipating what their human owners are about to do, may be lurking around the corner if scientists...

Memory Reformat Planned For Opportunity Mars Rover
From ACM News

Memory Reformat Planned For Opportunity Mars Rover

An increasing frequency of computer resets on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has prompted the rover team to make plans to reformat the rover's flash...

Engineers Develop Sensor That Detects and Counts Individual Nanoparticles
From ACM Careers

Engineers Develop Sensor That Detects and Counts Individual Nanoparticles

A team of researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and their collaborators at Tsinghua University in China have developed a new sensor that can detect...

Local, National Efforts Aim to Draw Girls Into STEM Fields
From ACM TechNews

Local, National Efforts Aim to Draw Girls Into STEM Fields

Washington State has one of the United States' fastest growing STEM workforces and Grant Forsyth, chief economist with Avista Corp., says failing to engage women...

Baby X, The Intelligent Toddler Simulation, Is Getting Smarter Every Day
From ACM News

Baby X, The Intelligent Toddler Simulation, Is Getting Smarter Every Day

Holding a children's picture book up to his computer screen, a researcher for the Auckland Bioengineering Institute Laboratory for Animate Technologies in New Zealand...

Ict Professors Explore Deception in Social Media
From ACM Careers

Ict Professors Explore Deception in Social Media

For all the positives social media provides, it can also open the door to deception, potentially wreaking havoc on people's lives both personally and professionally...

Cellphone Activity May Harm Academic Performance, Study Says
From ACM Careers

Cellphone Activity May Harm Academic Performance, Study Says

Excessive cellphone usage poses potential risks to the academic performance of college students, according to a Baylor University study on cellphone activity published...

Why Big Data Has Some Big Problems When It Comes to Public Policy
From ACM Opinion

Why Big Data Has Some Big Problems When It Comes to Public Policy

For all the talk about using big data and data science to solve the world’s problems—and even all the talk about big data as one of the world’s problems—it seems...

What India Can Teach Silicon Valley About Its Gender Problem
From ACM Careers

What India Can Teach Silicon Valley About Its Gender Problem

The proportion of programmers in India who are women is at least 30 percent. In the United States it's 21 percent. Something about the culture of the Indian educational...

Competition For Graphene
From ACM Careers

Competition For Graphene

A new argument has just been added to the growing case for graphene being bumped off its pedestal as the next big thing in the high-tech world by the two-dimensional...

Researchers Seek Alternative to Silicon For Next-Generation Electronic Devices
From ACM Careers

Researchers Seek Alternative to Silicon For Next-Generation Electronic Devices

Researchers at Penn State have developed a prototype device to test nanowires made of a compound material other than silicon to see if such material would retain...

Looking to the Future of Data Science
From ACM News

Looking to the Future of Data Science

The Association for Computing Machinery, a leading professional association in computer science, is holding its annual conference this week, focusing on what we’re...

Sleeping with the Enemy
From ACM News

Sleeping with the Enemy

The Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, in Leipzig, is a large, mostly glass building shaped a bit like a banana.

Realistic Robo-Hawks Designed to Fly Around and Terrorize Real Birds
From ACM Careers

Realistic Robo-Hawks Designed to Fly Around and Terrorize Real Birds

Birds are nice enough, unless you work at places like airports, farms, and landfills, in which case they’re the sworn enemy.
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